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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Low Semen Volume

Hello Respected Doctors.
I am suffering from Low Semen Volume. I used many ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines but can't relief.
Speman, Tentex Royal, Some Mixture.

DamianaQ, Damiana Pentarkan(PTK40), Acid PhosQ and in 200 potency etc.

I used Damiana Q and Damiana Pentarkan for 7, 8 months but my semen volume could not increase. I did not intercourse 3 to 4 months .Its remains only 1.4 ml. What is the problem with my volume.
I want to tell you that I used to masturbate early.

Any doctor please help me. Please tell the medicine that increase my semen volume minimum 2 ml.
  abhishek_gupta724 on 2010-06-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can anyone help me. Please
abhishek_gupta724 last decade
Anyone reply plz
arvindharitus last decade
Most of medicine you have used are increasing sperm count only. Whereas you need to increase in semen volume.

Sperm and semen are mistakenly used interchangeably, but they are not the same substance. Sperm cells are actually a part of the semen, which is the whitish, viscous fluid released from the penis. In simple words semen is the 'thick liquid' released from penis when a male reaches the orgasm. And sperm is the male reproductive cell which is required to conceive a baby. It swims within the semen.

Try the combination of 'Spermac' and 'Vital M-40' capsules. These natural semen volume enhancer pills provide required minerals and vitamins to the body. Take one capsule each of Spermac and Vital M-40 twice a day along with water or milk regularly for 3 to 4 months. This duration is an average time to get fruitful results. You may notice changes before 3 or 4 months or you may need to take this course for complete 3 to 4 months duration. Results will depend upon the grasping power of your body.

These are ayurvedic medicine so there's no side effects at all. These are good to increase in Semen volume and Sperm count.

Moreover do workout daily, drink lot of water daily, take fruit juices, use dairy products, and most important 'drink milk and add 1-2 teaspoon of desi ghee in food minimum once daily'. Hope it will work for you. Good luck..
[message edited by gateway2negi on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 08:09:30 UTC]
[message edited by gateway2negi on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 08:11:20 UTC]
gateway2negi 7 years ago

Are the medicines Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules safe for consumption and are they proven to work according to ayurveda ?

I am asking you these since I have tried many products like those you have specified through online which failed to give the desired results.
Murthe2014 7 years ago
why wouldn't you dilute it more? isn't that homeopathy
sci_guy 7 years ago

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