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Arnica Montana:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

arnica 6c

kindly give detail prepration of arnica 6 c. correct name etc.

  gaikwad63 on 2010-08-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 6c should be available in any homeopathic pharmacy. Arnica 6c by Boiron is available in many grocery stores.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
thankyou sir,
i will tell you the detail my friend is taking.he is taking a mix of as glucoret/reweg -r 40, which camtains: acidum phosphoricum, arsenicum album,lycopodium,natrum sulphuricum,pheseolusnanus,secale comutumuranium nitricum in ethanol.His fasting bs is upto 125-130 & post prandial is upto 160. yoga excersice etc in conrol, diet control well. you had prescribed arnica 6c.whether the dose he is taking is goog or shall he start arnica 6c as advised by you. kindly advice me
gaikwad63 last decade

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