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DiabetesEnlarged Prostate



Posts about Diabetes, Enlarged Prostate

Diabetes3Weight Loss Insulin Resistant T2 diabetes5Enlarged prostate8Prediabetes3Hyperthyroidism + uncontrolled diabetes7OverWeight, Hair thining post hairfall,Trapped hair under chin,Diabetes1Enlarged Prostate2Dr Kadwa enlarged prostate3Diabetes2Sexual weakness- diabetes1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Enlarged prostate & Diabetes

Age: 65years
Weight: 135 lbs.
Height: 5 ft 6 in.
Temp: Normal (98.6 F) .
BP: ranges between 115/75 to 140/90 with medication.
Colour of tongue: Whitish

Results of major Laboratory Tests: (Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Detail Reports attached.

Describe your main suffering? (Patient Description)
Prostrate enlargement diagnosed four years back.
Abnormal Urination- Urination 4-5 times at night.
Diabetes, My sugar level dramatically fluctuates despite proper intake of the prescribed medicines. One day it ranged between 120/180.
Mostly sugar level goes low at about mid-night. Hence I used to take an apple as per medical advice.
Detail reports attached.

Hernia operated 2 years back and the same seems to be developing again. uric acid , high cholesterol, high blood pressure (now under control with medication) have been the main problems.
However, with the Grace of Allah, there is no other physical/mental sufferings.
Mentally, I am a bit short temper. Wish to get the work done according to my wish or the work be run as I wish. Does not like opposition if I think I am right. Of course God fearing, have the yearn to help the needy.
As regard my disease I have never been suspicious or whimsy but do care that disease should not develop and the treatment be good and appropriate to control or at least to keep the disease under control.
Business anxiety and pressure do remain but I do not take the strain. When I feel myself under much strain I like to relax in solitude.
I mostly feel worst during early morning.
Like winter and during summer I like to sit in A.C.
As per mental set up I usually enter into arguing. And sensitive to external stimuli like smell noise, light, etc.
Have a typical habit of involuntary jerking legs while sitting in a chair. Behaviour to children and other family members are always loving having the latent wish to be obeyed in all the matters.
Usually like to sleep on my right side and on the left I feel burning in my esophagus.
Bowel is usually soft with no constipation and I am off within few minutes. Even at this stage I am well in appeasing sexual desire.
Casually I take multivitamins; their extravagant use cause me pain in my limbs, hands and joints.

Homoeopathic Medicine in use.
Prostagutt Fort 80/60 mg has now been in use since April 16, 2010.

Other Allopathic Medicines in use.
ADVANT 8mg 1+0+1
Concor 5mg ½Tab daily
Zyloric 300mg 1Tab daily
Loprin 75mg 1Tab daily
Eglocard 20/10 1Tab daily
ultra mega gold GNC 1Tab. After Two or Three days
Glocosamine GNC 1Tab Daily
  majid92b on 2010-12-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Test Reports

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majid92b last decade
Test Report

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majid92b last decade
Other Medical Reports presented on the follwoing link:

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majid92b last decade
Other Medical Reports presented on the follwoing link:
majid92b last decade
I am in response to your email and regret that I cannot take your case as your condition seems to be too complicated for me to advise you. I can only give you advice on remedies that were used by many patients in the past, which has helped them.

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily.
Conium 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Nat Mur 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily.

You MUST EXERCISE on a daily basis by walking for at least an hour.
Drink plenty of water over 3 ltrs daily. Reduce your intake 2 hours before sleep.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

Have you done a blood test for PSA?
Joe De Livera last decade
I failed to mention that I have prescribed the remedies for the following ailments:

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily --- For Diabetes and to help with incontinence.
Conium 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily --- To reduce the mass of the Prostate Gland
Nat Mur 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily --- To stabilize Hypertension or BP
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for the reply. Yours is the first reply received. Blood PSA report was annexed as first one on this thread.However, the same is being e.mailed to you again.
majid92b last decade
pl use sabal serr Q 5 drops after every meals for prost glands and conium 30 and bryta carb 30 befor b fast and at night respectively dr ahmed and as far as diebetic is concerned use curry leaf 10 frash leaves evening and brisk walking one hour early in morning and use acid phos 30 at eveing daily after 15 days pl repot dr ahmed
drahmedaslam last decade
Furtherance to your email, please post the symptoms in detail answering any questionnaire available on the forum so that somebody can help you.
maheeru last decade
take a thuja 200 weekly one dose for 3 month....

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Sir Nawaz!
Hope you are in the best of health and spirit.May Allah keep you so.

First Prescription:

Day 1: Nux Vomica 30 three times a day for one day

Day 2: Lycopodium 1M one dose repeat after 7 days.

Day 3: Sabal Q and Pareira Q three times a day 5 to 10 drops in one ounce or more water.Continue this medicine for one week.

Day 4: Selenium 30 three times a day for three days. This can go along with the tonics above.

First Update From Me:
Today seven days have passed and am taking the medicines as were suggested. I feel some improvement in urination and also control in temperament. I shall keep you abreast of any change whatsoever. Seek your further advice?

2nd Prescription:
After taking so much of Prostagutt, which is given for normal senile enlarged benign condition of the prostate, if the condition do not improve, I think you should stop that. If the condition is worsening that could be restarted, which I am certain will not. You may also stop the Glocasomine because even if you stop it, you will be protected for a period of time as per that medicine specifics.

1: Arsenic Album 30 three doses for one day. Repeat every week
2: Argentum Nitricum 6C three times a day for one week
3: Baryta Carb 30 three times a day for one week
4: Alphalpha Q 10 drops three times a day in one ounce water.

2nd Update from Me:
I have been taking prescribed medicines. I have to repeat Arsenic from tomorrow. On the whole I have been feeling much relief in my ailment. I have stopped taking Glucassomine but have started feeling strain/heaviness in my knees. Should I keep on or otherwise. Please advice? Should I continue as before? Urination condition is much better. Sugar and blood pressure are under control. But, I am still taking their respective allopathic medicines side by side. My latest lab reports are followed:

PSA 4.050 ng/ml. (REFERENCE RANGE < 4.0)

URIC ACID 4.32 mg/dl. (Normal Range 3.4 - 7.0)

Glycohemoglobin (HbA1C) 7.6. (Normal Range 4.8 - 6.0)

UREA NITROGEN 18.3 mg/dl (Normal Range 6-20).
majid92b last decade
aoa! trust you all are fit and fine.
uncle actually i was too muchhh busy that is why bit late :-)

uncle majid lab reports:

uric acid 5.14

hydroxvitamin 9.7 ng/ml

glycohemoglobin 7.5

sodium 133
potassium 4.7
chloride 97
bicarbonate 23.6
urea nitrogen 21.6
creatinine 90.97
glucose (fasting) 175
total bilirubin .43
alt 35
ast 28
alkaline 68
ggt 19
total protien 7.17
albumin 4.13
globulin 2.74
a/g ratio 1.62

important details:

urea nitrogen 21.6 normal range 6-20
glucose (fasting) 175 normal range 45-99
psa 8.140 normal range <4.0

toung colour whitish from sides and yellowish from centre

bp ranges 125/75 – 120/80 with allopathic medecines.

sole of feet slight pain.

urination urge 3-5 times at night

diabetes chart:
breakfast (after 2 hours) 11.6
before lunch 2pm 6.5
after lunch 4pm 10.3
walk(before) 6.10pm 4.7
after dinner (2 hours after) 11.10pm 10.7

seek your further advice.thanks
majid92b last decade

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