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  Homeopathy International 1 on 2010-12-19
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Discussion of homeopathic anti-psoric treatment?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Many of these remedies are considered multimiasmatic though is that correct?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, brisbanehomoeopath! Many of Hahnemann's list of anti-psoric medicines are considered multi-miasmatic by many authors and homeopaths.

In the framework that I use (Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis, and TB) many of the remedies on this list such as Sepia, Calc, Lycopodium, Sulphur, have been found to be effective both in treating those as live diseases, and as inherited and suppressed states.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I agree, Sulphur hits all 4 miasms, and so does Lycopodium.

A minor correction though:

Calcarea is not similar enough to syphilis, and hence is not anti-syphilitic. It is however a first class anti-psoric, anti-sycotic and anti-tubercular.

Also, Sepia has no anti-syphilitic properties at all. It does have some tubercular properties. It is also 'theoretically' a strong anti-sycotic, but the most common 'clinical' presentation of this remedy is psoric. It is very rare to find a sycotic Sepia case.
sameervermani last decade

psoric ++
sycotic +++ l
syphilitic +
tubercular ++

chilly or hot c+++


banerjia mentions

medorrhinum, natrum sulphuricum, nitric acid, pulsatilla, radium, sepia, staphysagria, thuja occidentalis, thyroidinum, urtica urens, x-ray as leading sycotic medicines.

gavinimurthy last decade
this is kent's list.

generalities, sycosis : agar., alum., alumn., anac., ant-c., ant-t., apis., aran., arg-m., arg-n., aster., aur-m., aur., bar-c., bry., calc., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., cham., cinnb., con., dulc., euphr., ferr., fl-ac., graph., hep., iod., kali-c., kali-s., lach., lyc., mang., med., merc., mez., nat-s., nit-ac., petr., phyt., puls., sabin., sars., sec., sel., sep., sil., staph., sulph., thu.

gavinimurthy last decade
Each of the chronic miasms have their own characteristic signs that are an integral part of the totality of the symptoms. For example, Psora tends to produce irritation, inflammation, and hypersensitivity and Sycosis tends to produce infiltrations, indurations, and over growth. Pseudo-psora tends toward tubercles, fibrosis and suppuration and Syphilis tends toward granulation, degeneration and ulceration.



SEPIA is known to cure fibroids, cervical displasia and many other gynaec problems that come under the
'infiltrations, indurations, and over growth' part.

How do we conclude that sycotic Sepia is rare?

gavinimurthy last decade
As I said, although it is a strong anti-sycotic, the clinical presentation of Sepia is most often psoric than anything else.

To clarify further, a remedy must cover many features of a miasm to be capable of treating it, not just one, or a few, or even a peculiar modality, and the highest of all these features is the personality/emotionality/mentality. Calcarea just does not cover syphilis on the mental plane, nor does it really cover any other physical attributes of the Miasm, such as chancres for example.
sameervermani last decade

Can you please also post Kent's lists for psora, syph, and tb?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
kent's list.

syphilis : arg-m., ars-i., ars-s-f., ars., asaf., aur-m-n., aur-m., aur., bad., benz-ac., calc-i., calc-s., carb-an., carb-v., cinnb., clem., con., cor-r., crot-h., fl-ac., guai., hep., iod., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-s., lach., led., merc-c., merc-i-f., merc-i-r., merc., mez., nit-ac., petr., ph-ac., phos., phyt., sars., sil., staph., still., sul-i., sulph., syph., thuj.

he did not give lists for psora and tb.

i am giving another list though for tb below.

inherited tubercular miasm(remedies in capitals being strongest):

abrot., agar., ars., ars-i., bac., calc., calc-p., carb-v., carc., caust., dros., ferr-m., ferr-p., , hep., , iod., , kali-c., , Kali-s., , lyc., phos., psor., puls., sil., stann., sulph., sul-a., ther., tub., zinc.
sameervermani last decade
The capitals didn't go through :)
sameervermani last decade
Where in Kent are these lists? Is this on the internet somewhere?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
sameervermani last decade
Thank you very much!

I've been using David Little's grades with additions from Grimmer, Bonninghausen and others. It's nice to use these also!

Can you send the link for Kent's TB medicine grades?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Kent did not give a list for TB.
sameervermani last decade
Although he does give a list for Phthisis pulmonalis in Chest section.

PHTHISIS pulmonalis : Acet-ac., Agar., ant-t., ars-i., ars., bar-m., brom., bufo., Calc-p., calc-s., Calc., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., card-m., chlor., con., dros., dulc., elaps., ferr-i., ferr-p., fl-ac., graph., guai., Hep., hippoz., Iod., kali-ar., Kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., Kali-s., kreos., lac-d., lach., led., Lyc., med., merc., mill., myrt., nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac., ol-j., ox-ac., petr., ph-ac., Phos., plb., Psor., Puls., samb., sang., Senec., seneg., sep., Sil., Spong., Stann., still., sul-ac., Sulph., Ther., Tub., Zinc.
sameervermani last decade
Does he give a list of grades for Psora? If possible please add the link, so we can see the grades.

Homeopathy International 1 last decade
He does not.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks. Kent has a list of remedies for cancer in Zandervort that is very valuable!
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Bonninghausen also has a list of remedies that he found useful for treating early stages of cancer.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Every homeopathic practitioner should review this regularly.


The Chronic Diseases, their Peculiar Nature and their Homœopathic Cure.
by Dr Samuel Hahnemann

Homeopathy International 1 last decade
The problem with lists like this are that they grade remedies as anti-miasmatic that clearly aren't.

This might be a rough guide, but I prefer to assume a remedy is non-miasmatic unless there is real evidence that it is.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Well homoeopathy is a science after all, and a branch of medicine. There are a number of complex aspects of our philosophy that do indeed take time and study to grasp.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Is there a good link that explains the miasms for patients? Especially one that explains suppression from a homeopathic perspective?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Homeopathy International 1 last decade

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