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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

gray hair at 35yrs

Dear doctors! i'm 35 year old man having gay hair on my head. The graying (At present some portion of front side and crown areas)is increasing gradually.I dont hav any other health complaints.I have very healthy habits.1) I use arnica 30c water 1 capful every night before going bed. 2)i use silicia 200c around 10 drops once in a week for my hair fall 3) using Finax 1mg every day to arrest my hair fall at the top of head. Please suggest me medicine for my graying hair.Thanks in advance.
  pradeepx28 on 2011-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You must not get too upset about it. Gray hair is not an illness and does not necessarily say anything about your health. I know the cosmetic side of it may concern you but that can be dealt with cosmetically if it is such a worry. It is not at all uncommon, perhaps there are some amongst the men you see everywhere that are gray but color their hair, so you wouldn't know. All the men in my family go gray in their 20's, so you are beating them! They all live/lived long healthy lives.
buzzy last decade

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