The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Recurrent tonsillitis
Hello Thank you in advance to all who give of their time and knowledge so unselfishly on this forum.
I am currently having painful tonsils and adenoids. My husband first came down with this bug that caused sore throat and hacking cough with tickling throat that was only mildly productive. I caught it four weeks ago. I was very fatigued, wanted to go to bed early, slight fever (99-100).
I am hoping the following list format will be easier to read than a narrative.
Began with sore right tonsil and adenoids, moving to left, then both
Tonsil swelling/pain worsens later in the day
Tonsil swelling/pain gets very bad during sleep; pain disturbs sleep
By morning, tonsils and base of tongue are painful and feel swollen
Tonsil pain gets better during day (from moving around/swallowing?)
This week, there have been blisters in throat. Back of uvula feels raw. Pressing on the front of my neck, it is sore inside. Had bone stuck in throat sensation along with the blisters.
Pain/swelling migrates from left to right to adenoids to right to its round robin
Today its left tonsil and adenoids that are most sore. There is still some raw feeling.
It hurts to swallow food, liquid, and empty
Cold things feel good on the sore tonsils
Damp night air makes it worse
Get swollen bumps that are very sore
Tongue coated with grayish/white material
Mildly productive in the morning
Shower relieves dry feeling in chest
Hacking dry cough throughout the day
Sometimes tickle in throat that isnt relieved by coughing or cough drop
Taking a deep breath sometimes causes a cough
Began pulling yellow/bloody material from adenoids at beginning of illness
Started coughing small amounts of greenish material
Antibiotic course stopped yellow and green materials
Now, coughing small amounts of green or green/brown material in the morning
In the beginning, my whole neck felt swollen and sore
Last week, the muscles in the back of my neck were stiff. I treated with blend of thyme, lavender, cypress, and sandalwood essential oils
Medical practitioner prescribed antibiotic after fifth day of onset which stopped expectoration and tonsillitis for about one week. Now have sore tonsils again.
I have taken some ibuprofen or naproxen to relieve the pain so I can sleep or work
Have taken Belladonna 6x before bed for three days now for the inflammation. Not really getting improvement in my tonsils, but the tickly cough has come back with small amounts of green/brown material in the mornings. (I do not smoke.)
I dont think I have fever, my face now feels hot like Belladonna fever.
Began getting recurrent tonsillitis about 11 years ago when first marriage began failing
Was symptom free after divorce in 1997 :->
Had tonsillitis episode Spring 2002 for about a month; took ibuprofen daily to relieve the pain. Antibiotics did not resolve.
Had been following detox type diet with unsweetened cranberry juice, no gluten, minimal dairy, psyllium supplement, and lots of fresh foods since January. Since ill, have been eating more liberally (pasta, bread, not enough veggies)
Like sweets, especially chocolate
Alcohol consumption socially
I have had seasonal allergies with runny nose since I was a child. Now my eyes sometimes itch with allergies.
Sometimes seasonal allergies seem to give me a fever.
I am prone to acid reflux and heartburn and very occasional gastritis.
Had gastritis episode and some rectal bleeding (not usual!) 2 weeks before tonsillitis began (6 wks ago). Dr. was going to scope UGI, but I got tonsillitis. (I did have significant rectal bleeding with food poisoning August 2003.)
My intestines sometimes cramp in response to stress.
Difficulty going to bed, and cannot sleep immediately if I go too early. But then I dont want to get up in the morning.
Never wanted to go to bed as a child was afraid Id miss something!
Irregular periods until about 3 years ago, then heavy (perimenopause?)
Heart disease and diabetes on maternal side; paternal grandfather deceased from coronary; paternal grandmother living and well at 88 yo
No major diseases or health conditions
Cold, moving air makes me uncomfortable, especially in the afternoon (unless Im hot)
Like to stay covered up at night; need dark and quiet to rest well.
Usually warm upon arising and in the morning
Get cold in the afternoon
Get drowsy in the afternoon
Taken Zoloft 50mg for about two months for burnout from 2 years ago. This has helped my anxiety and concentration, but I think I am just numbed... I would like to stop this medicine, but am afraid of losing what little concentration I have regained.
Synthroid .75mcg for 2.5 years for elevated TSH levels.
37 years old
Never been pregnant
Light brown hair (blonde as a child)
Green eyes
Fair, burn at first then tan
56 tall, need to lose 35 lbs to be at ideal weight
Can be thin-skinned and sensitive, but wont show it
Difficulty expressing emotions, especially when younger (little emotional warmth in family when growing up)
Parents divorced in 1997 and I enjoy a good relationship with warmth and connection with both of them now
Self-esteem less than robust
Can be compassionate to the point of pain, but also capable of great coldness
Love learning about things, but can burn out
Good thinker, not such a good doer
Tend toward perfectionism
Demanding of self, holds high standards
Can be hypochondriacal, but not so bad with age
I tend to be fairly anxious on the inside
Prone to depression (long-term, and family struggles with depression too)
Experienced occasional paranoia after carbon monoxide exposure 1.5 years ago
Need alone time to recenter and recharge
Few friends, but good ones
Can be tenacious
I do apologize for the sore eyes that must result from reading all of this! But I wish to give as broad a picture as able in this space.
I have considered long whether to trouble you for advice on my tonsillitis, but I do not feel capable of seeing the big picture and choosing the correct remedy. I feel like this has been a message from my body for a long time and am ready to heal it, but I dont know what the message is. Again, I thank you for your time and consideration.
Many blessings!
tharri on 2005-05-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Oh dear -- another case of abuse of antibiotics and what sounds like tranks .
DO NOT TAKE ANY MORE ANTIBIOTICS.[ or any other pharmaceutical medication]
If you cant manage without tranks then we will have to go along with it.
Good description.
Looks like Natrum Mur to me
but there are points for Arsenicum album.
Look at these two remedies and see if they ring bells , and which is most indicated.
DO NOT TAKE ANY MORE ANTIBIOTICS.[ or any other pharmaceutical medication]
If you cant manage without tranks then we will have to go along with it.
Good description.
Looks like Natrum Mur to me
but there are points for Arsenicum album.
Look at these two remedies and see if they ring bells , and which is most indicated.
passkey last decade
Hello Passkey
Thank you for your words.
I am brand new to homeopathy and am amazed at the seemingly little things that are important. It is definitely a different way of thinking than how the allopaths have trained us.
I think Natrum Mur is a better fit right now. Having chapped lips, hangnails, itchy skin, and flaky scalp under its umbrella is a bonus. :) The Arsenicum album has its points, but doesnt seem as correct as the Natrum Mur at this point.
The MD gave me Zoloft, an antidepressant, when I spoke of having experienced spaciness, difficulty concentrating, morose outlook, and fatigue. I really burned out a couple of years ago while finishing my university degree while not cutting out anything in my normal life (full time job, family, etc.) It has helped me begin performing better on the job again (I am a software developer, and a spacey brain is not a good thing!) and I dont want to just come home and just fall face first into my dinner in the evenings. (But longer days with more sunshine help my mood too.)
I definitely do not want to take the antidepressant forever, and the shorter time span, the better, really. If a remedy could help me straighten out my underlying melancholy and low energy level, I would be very, very happy to go that route.
I think the depression largely results from my inability/unwillingness to appropriately express my emotions. And depression and fatigue go hand in hand. I like that Natrum Mur is indicated for repressed emotions. It could be scary, but I believe that this way of being will not support good health long-term, so I must work on this. It is time.
Thank you again for your assistance. I will be traveling tomorrow to a town where I can probably procure the remedy. Would you please advise how to proceed with potency and dosage?
Thank you for your words.
I am brand new to homeopathy and am amazed at the seemingly little things that are important. It is definitely a different way of thinking than how the allopaths have trained us.
I think Natrum Mur is a better fit right now. Having chapped lips, hangnails, itchy skin, and flaky scalp under its umbrella is a bonus. :) The Arsenicum album has its points, but doesnt seem as correct as the Natrum Mur at this point.
The MD gave me Zoloft, an antidepressant, when I spoke of having experienced spaciness, difficulty concentrating, morose outlook, and fatigue. I really burned out a couple of years ago while finishing my university degree while not cutting out anything in my normal life (full time job, family, etc.) It has helped me begin performing better on the job again (I am a software developer, and a spacey brain is not a good thing!) and I dont want to just come home and just fall face first into my dinner in the evenings. (But longer days with more sunshine help my mood too.)
I definitely do not want to take the antidepressant forever, and the shorter time span, the better, really. If a remedy could help me straighten out my underlying melancholy and low energy level, I would be very, very happy to go that route.
I think the depression largely results from my inability/unwillingness to appropriately express my emotions. And depression and fatigue go hand in hand. I like that Natrum Mur is indicated for repressed emotions. It could be scary, but I believe that this way of being will not support good health long-term, so I must work on this. It is time.
Thank you again for your assistance. I will be traveling tomorrow to a town where I can probably procure the remedy. Would you please advise how to proceed with potency and dosage?
tharri last decade
Hello -
I forgot to ask if it is permissible to take anti-inflammatory agents like ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve) for the tonsil swelling and pain. This evening, my soft palate on the left side has begun swelling and it and the left tonsil is very painful.
Thank you, and kind regards.
I forgot to ask if it is permissible to take anti-inflammatory agents like ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve) for the tonsil swelling and pain. This evening, my soft palate on the left side has begun swelling and it and the left tonsil is very painful.
Thank you, and kind regards.
tharri last decade
Yes sounds like Nat mur is OK. Yes its ok [but not good] to use pain killers .
Get Nat mur 10m . Take one tablet on three sucessive nights [ no more] , on going to sleep at least 15 min after brushing the teeth with a nonmedicated tooth paste .
Wait a couple of weeks to judge results.
Get Nat mur 10m . Take one tablet on three sucessive nights [ no more] , on going to sleep at least 15 min after brushing the teeth with a nonmedicated tooth paste .
Wait a couple of weeks to judge results.
passkey last decade
I have been diagnosed with chronic tonsilitis and something abnoids. I seem to also have some sort of acid reflux as well. I don't know for certain either way on this but i believe the two are related because I'm having a lot of nasal drainage down my throat. So is the Acid coming back up to dissolve the drainage ? Or is the Acid what's causing the tonsil infection ? I still don't know this ? I also wonder about mercury because I live in Arkansas and the rivers have a high mercury level also i smoke and ciggerettes contain mercury as do the monitors you are sitting in front of also some dentist believe that the metal fillings can release mercury vapors? My grandfather said a doctor in Northern Arkansas told him that most doctors believe that you need medicine to get rid of this acid he say's he believes the problem is you don't have enough and to drink more vineger ? I don't know but when I feel that acid around my voice box are or base of my throat I notice that if I burp or force myself to the pain goes away followed by excessive mucus or drainage coming back up ?
I can't say this info will help anyone one way or another I just thought I'd share my experience with this.
I can't say this info will help anyone one way or another I just thought I'd share my experience with this.
rattlesnake last decade
Hello Rattlesnake,
Both the causes, reflux disease and post nasal drip of mucus can cause throat irritation, inflammation and thereby tonsillitis.
For both these causes KALI BICH 30C taken every four hours for four days along with ROBINIA 1x, ten drops in a cup of water morning and bedtime should relieve an acute episode of tonsillitis and depending on the progress a follow up can be suggested with an aim to get rid of the chronic tonsillitis and alleviate reflux disease, Rhinitis(?), Sinusitis (?)
Dr.Venugopal Gouri.
Both the causes, reflux disease and post nasal drip of mucus can cause throat irritation, inflammation and thereby tonsillitis.
For both these causes KALI BICH 30C taken every four hours for four days along with ROBINIA 1x, ten drops in a cup of water morning and bedtime should relieve an acute episode of tonsillitis and depending on the progress a follow up can be suggested with an aim to get rid of the chronic tonsillitis and alleviate reflux disease, Rhinitis(?), Sinusitis (?)
Dr.Venugopal Gouri.
DRVenugopal last decade
Hey i mixed some tea with some lemon juice and gargled with it and drank it. I felt an allmost instant relief. However i went inside to spit in the sink and noticed some brown watered down looking chunks allmost like watered down snuff powder ? I am starting to have doubts as to throat or larnyx cancer ? Is this a possible symptom ?
rattlesnake last decade
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