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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please Help : Serious Sleep Problem

I especially request Dr. Nawaz Khan, Kadwa and Joe De Livera to provide your inputs on this.

My Husband is suffering from acute sleep problem. that is accompnied by various problems and my husband belives all of it is due to lack of sleep.
He has high colestrol,his lever enzymes are increased,and from past 6 months his sugar levels (fasting) are elevated(129,146,119) and recently he has gone thr endoscopy and biopsy, its result-- grade B erosions in the tummy.
He has very hight stress level at office.
He couldnt sleep in night (sleeps for 2-4hrs that too very disturbed).Very senstive sleep even light form window wakes him up.
After comming from office he is very drained off, has no energy to do any thing, so comes n lies down.
Earlier he had acute deficiency of vitamine B12. now its recovered by taking sublingual Vitamine B12. Acute acidity ongoing for last 10-12 yrs. Oily food,spicey food and even some vegeies like capcicum,onion increses his acidity.
We eat very mild food with very less spices(use only-cumin seeds,turmeric powder and dhaniya powder and ginger garlic paste).No medison has helped in his acidity till now nither allopathy(omaze, eno, etc), nor homeopathy(Carboveg, china, puls has helped a little bit not much and I have given him too many homeopathy
medisons doesnt seem to have any effect on him) has helped.The only thing that had helped him is the turmric milk given to him in the morning.
For his sleep I have given him Phosporus 30& BryPhos 30 for 4 days-no effect, coffeea 30- no effect, Coculus 30 for 2 days at night- no effect. Only NuxVom200 have a little bit effect on his sleep.
He rarely drinks like once in 6 months or so, and that too he has stoped taking now and doesnt smokes at all.

1. Age : 35Yrs
2. Sex : Male
3. Married
4. weight : 170 Lbs
5. Height : 5' 10''
6. climate : Cold
7. List of your complaints :as mentioned above

8. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint :
Acidity 10-15yrs
Sleep prob :4-5 yrs
high colestrol : 3 yrs
elevated lever enzymes : 2-3 yrs
Grade B erosions :diagnosed 3 months back
High Stress level : since many yrs
high Blood sugar level : 4-5 months

9. Diabetic or non-Diabetic : don't know
10. Desire sweets/sour/salt : not particular cravings
12. Thirst :Less
13. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) : Normal

14. Family Background : father dibitic, mother high bp patient
15. Educational Qualifications of the patient :enginer

16. Nature of work, what do you do for living? : software engineer

17. Name of foods which increase your problem : oily, spicey

Please help me. Iam very much need of your kind help.

[message edited by Guddus on Fri, 08 Apr 2011 16:37:49 BST]
[message edited by Guddus on Fri, 08 Apr 2011 20:34:02 BST]
[message edited by Guddus on Sat, 09 Apr 2011 23:44:56 BST]
  Guddus on 2011-04-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Blood Sugar level PP 312.
dont know wha to do??? :(
Guddus last decade
Hi Guddus,

Please start your husband on Acid Phos Q, 4 drops in half a glass of mineral water, stir nicely with a spoon, take after finishing half of the meal (During the meal), 3 times a day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), for 1 week.

Also, a daily one dose of Syzygium jamb. Q, 11 drops in 1/4 glass of mineral water, stir nicely with a spoon, Only 1 time a day, for 1 week.

Please report progress in 3 days.

Many many prayers for your husband's good sleep.

nawazkhan last decade
Hello Sir,
Thank you very much for ur kind help.
I wasn't able to find Acid Phos Q and Syzygium jamb. Q.
So I started giving him Acid Phos 6 with every meal.
From Acid Phos 6 his sleep has improved a little bit, from 4-5 hrs sleep his sleep has increased to 5-6 hrs sleep, but sleep is not sound sleep.
I hope with time it will further improve.
He is taking Acid Phos 6 for last 3 days for how long he hav to continue it.
His fasting sugar is coming 121 constantly and he will check his pp today will tell u abt that too.

Regards N Thanks
Guddus last decade
Sorry Guddus, Acid Phos 6 will not work. Also, you need Syzygium jamb. Q for sure to work on the current issues.

Where are you located? Why aren't you able to get the remedies?
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Sir,

I live in New Jersey USA, so it isn't easy for me to get all the medications. And I have lots of it at home.So among them i was able to find Acid Phos 6. And now some one is coming form India so I had requested them to bring Acid Phos Q and Syzygium jamb. Q.
Can you please advise me which other medicine I shall ask them to bring with them.
Now my husband's PP sugar is 200 and fasting is 121.

Regards N Thanks
Guddus last decade
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Sir,

Thank you for your kind help.
I started giving him Acid phos Q for 3 days. His sleep has improved from 4-5hrs/night to 6hrs/night for 2 nights and yesterday it was again 5hrs.

But after taking Acid Phos Q his acidity level has increased and he gets up in the middle of night drenched in sweat and is very restless.
for how long we have to continue Acid Phos Q.
His blood sugar levels are fasting 120 and after 2 hrs food it is 153 some timrs and some times it is 200.
Please advise what to do next.

Regards N Thanks
Guddus last decade
Hi Guddus,

Please continue with Acid Phos Q, 4 drops in half a glass of mineral water, stir nicely with a spoon, take after finishing half of the meal (During the meal), 3 times a day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), for 1 more week.

Also, a daily one dose of Syzygium jamb. Q, 11 drops in 1/4 glass of mineral water, stir nicely with a spoon, Only 1 time a day, for 1 week.

nawazkhan last decade
Hello Sir,

Thank you sir for your kind help.
I have given him Acid Phos Q for 1 more week. His sleep is now for around 6hrs, but its not sound sleep. Now what should i give him for his sleep.

Please give your precious advise sir.

Regards N Thanks
Guddus last decade
Please describe what is really happening during those 6 hours of sleep that is not sound?

Also, shed some light on the dreams, if any?

Did he take Syzygium jamb. Q?
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Sir,

During that 6 hrs in which he sleeps.... he is not able to relax completely.The dreams come some time but they are not pleasant and are stressful.
He keeps on getting up in between the sleep several times ....and he doesn't know the reason. For how long he have to take Acid Phos Q. , after that his acidity levels have increased.
I have started the Syzygium jamb. Q 2 days back.

Please advise.

Regards N Thanks
[message edited by Guddus on Fri, 06 May 2011 17:57:14 BST]
Guddus last decade
Please stop Acid Phos Q. But, please understand this remedy is not responsible for acidity levels increase.

I would like him to start on Natrum Sulph 6X, 4 pills, 3 times a day, for 1 week.

Report progress after 5 days.

nawazkhan last decade

His sleep prob is still thr and his sugar level is reduced , now it's 117 fasting . He is taking Syzygium jamb. Q 11 drops daily. And nat sulf didn't effected much.

Guddus last decade
Well, its been long time, therefore, you need to describe his sleep issues in detail.

Also, please stop Syzegium Q and Nat Sulph immediately.
nawazkhan last decade
If he doesn't take Syzegium Q his sugar level increases. So shall I stop it?
And. He has stopped taking nat sulp long back
Guddus last decade

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