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pain in lower abdomin of rightside Page 12 of 13

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Sir,Thanks for reply,got relief from lyco ,now again feels gastric after food,pet phulta hai,while walking sans phulti hai,also feels pain at lower abdomin sometimes (r)sometimes left side,feels not energetic.waiting for reply.
v.kapoor 8 years ago
In addition to my recent post,would like to add while walking feels heaviness / gas at back and also foul smell in gas.
v.kapoor 8 years ago
Please repeat Lycopodium 200. Use Sulphur 200 on need.
kadwa 8 years ago
Sir,Have to repeat lyco again,took last on 6 feb 17,wants to inform that after interval of approx.15 days,problem repeats or when i stop taking medicine.now again fels mood swing,sot of depression,mindnot stable,lack of happiness,slight heaviness at rightsideabdomin expands back,stool also sticky sometimes.please guidesir.
v.kapoor 8 years ago
In continuation to myrecent mail wants to add that sleep is also not sound,various thoughts all the times without any specific or any major problem.
v.kapoor 8 years ago
Please take Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects.

Use the following remedies on need whenever problem arises..
Sepia 200
Calc 200
Lyc 200
Sulph 200

Patient should do his own case work. All people have one problem or other at recurring intervals. This happens due to many maintaining causes like dietetics, work pressures, family tussles etc. That is why all clinics are crowded!!
kadwa 8 years ago
Thanks for reply sir,
I want to know the days gap for the sequence of medicines prescribed by you in case of need.please guide.Thanks
v.kapoor 8 years ago
You can take the remedies anytime you need. Homeopathy remedies are totally harmless. Whatever worse happens after taking the homeopathic remedy happens in spite of the remedy and not due to the remedy.
kadwa 8 years ago
Thanks for reply sir,
Have to take calc.200,last dose on 24/3/17 got relief ,now again feeling pain in lower abdomin (r)also headache at backside,motion not clear.stool sticks sometime.please advise,waiting for reply.Thanks
v.kapoor 7 years ago
You should take Lycopodium 200 twice a day for 3 days. Please use Nux on need after dosing with Lyc.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks for reply sir,
Tried lyco,then nux and have to take sepia before few days,feels pain in legs, stool is also not bound,may be due to chewing tobbaco.also feels irritation sometimes.please advise
v.kapoor 7 years ago
Please take Sulphur 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects. Please take Nux Vomica 200 later on need.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks for reply sir,
Since last twenty days ,i have not taken any medicine after nux.now again feels pet tana hua rehta hai,gas spreads towards back and pain in legs,sleep is also not sound.
Please advise
v.kapoor 7 years ago
Sir,In continuation to my recent mail,wants to add that feeling lithargic also burning in leg pads.
v.kapoor 7 years ago
Please take Sulphur 200 in morning and Nux Vomica 200 in evening for a week.
[Edited by kadwa on 2017-06-08 05:37:31]
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Sir for reply,
I was having sleep problem with gastric so took sulpher ,then lyco200 last on 15.07.17.presently having pain in lower abdomin expands to back ,also feels headache due to gas.I have noticed that this problem occures due to sticky stool always,so request you to solve this problem and advisi medicine accordingly.waiting for reply.
Thanks Sir
v.kapoor 7 years ago
Please take 2 pills each of the following remedies twice a day for 10 days and report back.

Mag Mur 30
Plumbum Met 30
Chelidonium 30
kadwa 7 years ago
Sir,Thanks for reply,
Started all med.from 25.7.17 morning,got relief initialy,after four days again sticky stool seen.since yesterday having pain in lower ribs (rightside) and expands towards back,nature also irritating,gas expands backside.please advise weather i should continue till 3 rd august ?
v.kapoor 7 years ago
In continuation to recent post wants to add,feels pet phula hua,tana rehta hai, stinking smell from gas release.
v.kapoor 7 years ago
Please take (50% moong dal + 50% rice) moong khichari steaming hot as your meals. Stop all other stuff like roti, rice, paratha for one week.

Please take Sulphur 200 in morning and Nux Vomica 200 in evening for a week.
[Edited by kadwa on 2017-08-03 09:44:12]
kadwa 7 years ago
Sir, was suffering from viral last week,have to take alopathic med.now fever is not but got alergic cough,which is problem although sputom comes out while coughing of white colour thin,would request you to advise any med.as due to cough dificult to sleep,having heaviness n pain in ribs back n chest.
v.kapoor 7 years ago
Please take the following remedies twice a day for 5 days.

Nux Vomica 200
Belladonna 200
Rhus Tox 200

The remedies should be taken at a time twice a day.
kadwa 7 years ago
Sir. I was in USA on 1st December got gastric stroke for about 3 hours,having pain in back pet Tana hula tha after 3hours got relief. Now again after reaching India on 7dec.had the same problem on 8th night which prolonged for about 13 hours,it was wired ultimately have to consult Dr.got bit relief but not cured ,Sir,request you to suggest the medicine,to avoid such situation,still feels heaviness at right side,lot of weakness.waiting for reply.
v.kapoor 7 years ago
Sir, further to my recent mail,would like to inform that after gastric attack of 8 Dec.today on 11 Dec got potty pressure,that too after having Ayurvedic laxative.Request you further to advise.
v.kapoor 7 years ago
Please take Sulphur 200 and Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 5 days.
kadwa 7 years ago
Please take Sulphur 200 and Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 7 days.
kadwa 7 years ago

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