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pain in lower abdomin of rightside Page 10 of 13
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Thanks sir,Itook card.mar.Q for 10 days then have to stop dew to not working of medecin.then got some throat n chest infection n took anti.biot.since last 1 month i have not taken any medicine alop./homeo.only started brushing tooth both times n also ate ample mangoes,stom.
was perfect,now i feel gas and heaviness after meals,at rightside expands to back,although motion is clear in morn.n also bind.sometime feels sweet pain in stomach.please advise.Thanks
was perfect,now i feel gas and heaviness after meals,at rightside expands to back,although motion is clear in morn.n also bind.sometime feels sweet pain in stomach.please advise.Thanks
v.kapoor 9 years ago
Please take three doses of Sepia 200 at a gap of 12 hours and see how that affects over 15 days.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
Res.Sir,Took sepia 200 as advised by u,got since last 15 days due to stress/tension i feel my again effected,motion is also not clear ,feels heaviness in stom.being sentimental all the times thinks to resolve the problems,may b this one of the reason,also i felt chocking in food pipe while eating rice,was not getting down,even water came out,become normal after some time,this prob.may occur due to habbit of chewing pan masala.please advise.thanks
v.kapoor 9 years ago
Please reply sir,as feels irritated,heaviness in stomachafter having food and motion is also not clear.
waiting for your advise
waiting for your advise
v.kapoor 9 years ago
Please take three doses of Staphysagria 200 at a gap of 12 hours and see how that goes. If this doesn't help take Ignatia 200 in the same way.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
THANKS sIR,gOT Too relief from ignatia,was ok,then again had stomach prob.took sepia 200 3 times with a gap of 12 hours on 11.9.15 got bit relief now again after food pet phulta hai,while bending forward feels gas on back,and also below ribs front.please advise sir.
v.kapoor 9 years ago
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
Sir,As u advised took staph.on 25.9.15 then have to take ignatia 200 on 7.10.15 felt comft.mentally but now feels pain below lower ribs (r)also headache rightside n back before or after meals.motion is also not clear.please advise.
v.kapoor 9 years ago
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200 at a gap of 12 hours and see how that affects.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
Thanks Sir,Got relief from lyco.felt energetic,now again sir stom.phula lagta hai,middle n lower abdomin me heaviness lagti hai,feels comfortable while lying stom.side.sleep is also not sound awakes between 4-5 am.sometimes feels headache.even feels not fresh after going toilet. please advise.
v.kapoor 9 years ago
In addition to my recent mail i would inform that stool is also sticky sometimes n may causing sot of irritation.
Deep lower abdomin (r)feels sot of line extends towards back,may be due to gas or prostat dont know.
Waiting for reply
Deep lower abdomin (r)feels sot of line extends towards back,may be due to gas or prostat dont know.
Waiting for reply
v.kapoor 9 years ago
Please take three doses of Nux Vomica 200 and see how that affects. If that doesn't help take Lycopodium 200.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
Thanks Sir,Got lot relief from nux.sleep.pain of lower abdomin,was relieved.Now again sir,feels that bowl is not clear,stomach tana rahta hai,also short temperament noticed.please advice weather should wait,or take u advised,or repeat nux.vom.200
v.kapoor 9 years ago
Sir,In continuation to my earlier mail would like to inform that below the ribs (r)feels slight pain expands towards back also pet phula rahta hai,feels not fresh after toilet.waiting for reply.
v.kapoor 9 years ago
v.kapoor 9 years ago
seansterb 9 years ago
Thanks Dr.Kadwa,Itook lyco 1 dose on 9th nov.then got your mail and not repeated may i take nux or should wait for some more time.please advise.
v.kapoor 9 years ago
You can take Nux Vomica 200 if there is a need.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
Sir,Took nux.vom.200 last dose on relief,since last few days having pain below waist to legs,feeling lithargic,sleep is also not sound,awakes between 5-6 am and feels sleepy around 8am & 5pm.motion is also not clear.
please advise. Thanks
please advise. Thanks
v.kapoor 9 years ago
Please take three doses of Sulphur 200 at a gap of 12 hours and see how that affects over a week.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
Thanks Sir,Got relief by sulpher,last dose took on 4.12.15.Now again motion is not clear,feels heaviness in stomach,while walking feels gas at backside,ankle looks white,outside stomach feels ittching sometimes.please advise.Thanks
v.kapoor 9 years ago
Sir,In continuation to my mail,i would like to inform that again i awakes about 3.30 at night out of various thoughts.dryness at legs,scalp,stomach outer.after food feels heaviness in stomach,while bending forward backside gets heavy,sleep is also not sound n refreshing.please advise.
v.kapoor 9 years ago
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
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