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please help - blocked nose and vibrations in head

I have been suffering from a chronic blocked nose for a while now. It was made worse by a long haul flight. In the daytime it is mostly just moderately blocked with an occasional flare up but it gets worse at night. I wake in the early hours of the morning with a headache because I pick up vibrations in my facial bones. I can hear machinery of some sort from my neighbor's apartment and it just vibrates right through my head. My husband says he cannot hear anything and he actually has much better hearing than I do. I have had diminished hearing since I was a teenager. (right ear is the worst) I also suffer from tinnitus in both ears. I am now 58, female and otherwise healthy. I have looked up the sinus remedies but can't find one that really matches. I have no discharge just chronic dryness.
[message edited by winnieandco on Wed, 21 Sep 2011 23:30:00 BST]
  winnieandco on 2011-09-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am happy to help you select a medicine, if you are willing to present your case here.

Homoeopathic prescribing is fairly complex. I will post my intake form see how you go at filling it in.

To cure you, a remedy must be chosen on the total picture of your health, not just one or two symptoms.

I will probably need to ask more questions after this to clarify.


It is important to describe all your problems in as much detail as you are able. One word answers and short sentences are not particularly helpful. Discuss each problem one at a time, providing (as a minimum level of detail) the following information.

1. What exactly happens?
2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
4. What creates some relief for the problem?
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?


You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide. Do not put all your complaints into each of the 7 questions. Discuss one problem at a time. If you have, for example, a headache with nausea, do each component separately too (what makes the head pain worse or better, what makes the nausea worse or better).

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.

Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.

Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.

Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.

If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate
3. What your sleep is like
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to
6. What your general level of energy is like
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like
8. Describe your menstrual cycle

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build
b) Skin colour and texture
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thankyou David, here are my details:

My nose is very dry inside and when I breathe in I don’t feel like the air gets any further than just inside my nose. Slightly worse on the right side. I generally have a dull but mild headache like a cap over my head that is pressing in at top, forehead and temples. On the occasions when it gets worse my cheek bones also ache. My throat is dry but I am not particularly thirsty.
In the morning I am woken up by the vibrations,( I know that they are real because I can feel them if I put my hand on the wall but my husband cannot feel them at all and neither could my sister when she stayed with us recently) I wake with a headache which is in the back of my head and nape of the neck – I usually sleep on my back. My body is tense instead of relaxed as it should be. When I get up it will go away but this is usually about 4am so I still need more sleep.
The morning headache stays the same until I get up. The blocked nose is usually better out of doors or at least I don’t notice it so much except that wearing glasses has been making it worse, both sunglasses and reading glasses. The weight of them seems to add to the problem.
Massaging my face helps, also holding a hot flannel against my face, but in both cases the relief is only whilst I am doing it, it has no lasting effect. Blowing my nose has no effect at all.
It may have begun with a cold but that would be a while ago now. I know that the flight I took made it worse. I remember that the noise in the plane was very bad and that for a few days afterwards I also had a slight vertigo. I felt like I was listing to one side. I’m afraid I cannot remember which way. When I had a cold last time the discharge was white and stringy.
Blocked nose is more or less constant.
I have had sinus problems going back years just nothing as bad as this before. I first had the vibration problem about five or six years back, then it went away for a while. I think this is my third episode but this time it has been going on a while, getting better but never going away and then getting worse again. I guess I would have been feeling homesick when this last episode started.
My ear problems began as a child with mastoiditis in my left ear. I was operated on and part of the bone removed. Operation was considered very successful. My hearing was monitored afterwards and it was noticed that I had some hearing loss but later they decided that it had been there prior to that problem. Also my right ear is now the worst. In particular it is speech that I cannot make out. Noises in general still seem quite loud although I do have some hearing loss in all areas it is mostly the higher ranges. My right ear is painful when exposed to loud noises, a boring pain deep in the ear canal. I do have a strong memory of getting a blow to the back of my head/nape of neck. I didn’t have any treatment for it. I was bout 8 or 9.
Being tired makes it worse. I used to think when partying in my twenties that I could hear better when I was slightly drunk. I hardly ever drink at all these days. Background noise is a problem, I am hopeless in a busy bar or restaurant.
I started getting tinnitus in my left ear at age 19. It just started suddenly one day. I was told it was nerve damage, the right ear only started some years later,but is currently more noticeable. The sound is like birds chirping. It was at this time that I first noticed that my left ear was in fact better than my right, which was totally unexpected. Opinion is that I had some deafness more or less from birth.
The tinnitus is also worse when I am tired and more noticeable at night than in the daytime. I also get an occasional noise in my head which is like a shriek that shoots through from one side to the other. It is very quick and sudden and I have no idea of a trigger. I’m pretty sure it is always left to right.
I do suffer from stress headaches at times, like a tight band around my head at first developing into a severe hammering, with nausea. Overwork or noise often brings this on, trying too hard to hear in a noisy place. Movement makes it worse. This headache is relieved by lying down with a cold compress although sometimes it takes several hours to go. The nausea usually goes away once I lie down. It is not so bad that I am actually sick I just feel queasy. Thinking about it I suppose I have always been quite prone to headaches, I also get them if I’m out in the sun too long. Again rest and a cold compress help.
Three years ago I started menopause which has given me some problems – severe hot flashes, sleeplessness. I have been taking very low dose of hormones for this and doing fine in that respect. I have definitely had this sinus problem prior to the start of menopause. I did try homeopathy for my hot flashes, I had some success with sepia but anxiety would nullify all the good work. For example, I was doing really well and then my husband had a car accident, the worry when I heard brought on a kind of panic attack and almost immediately cancelled out the effects of the sepia, I went right back to square one.
Just recently I have developed some anxiety problems. I worry constantly about my family, about the future. Also a bit compulsive, like worrying if I locked the door properly and having to go back to check. My husband has some health issues so that has been a particular worry and may have been the initial trigger. I also get extremely upset about the injustices in the world today, the greed and selfishness of those who already have more money than they can ever spend. I cannot bear to listen to most political commentary I just get too upset.
I am generally quiet but I don’t think I was this way as a child. My hearing problems have made me reserved. I avoid meeting new people because I know I am going to have problems hearing them. I don’t like going to pubs or parties although I used to enjoy both. It has got worse as I have got older. I feel totally out of my depth. At home I am lively and talkative, outside I am on my guard. I am also very private.
I had the usual childhood illnesses. Chicken pox, measles, mumps. I used to get a lot of sore throats but no other serious health problems. I would add that both my parents were heavy smokers. Also I believe my mother may have been given quinine whist she was pregnant with me. I had a happy childhood. I am very close to my sister. My mother died when I was in my twenties, my father just a few years later so that period would have been very traumatic. I was especially close to my mum.
I love ice cream and especially chocolate. I like cold food. I eat meat but I can take it or leave it, but I hate the fat on meat. I don’t like raw vegetables. I used to hate fish as a child but I do eat some now. I don’t like slimy things like whelks or oysters, not a fan of seafood at all. I cannot tolerate coffee, although I like the taste it upsets my stomach. Since menopause I have had an aversion to eggs.
I don’t really like the taste of alcohol although I enjoy the odd glass of wine. I like milk.
My sleep is often restless. Headaches aside I sometimes wake in the very early hours like 1 or 2 am and am unable to get back to sleep until it is almost time to get up. I often can’t get things out of my head, a song maybe. I sleep on my back most of the time but I do turn over in the night (both ways). I have actually been taking Arnica 30c wet dose at night as recommended by Joe DeLivera in this column and that has actually helped with the sleep. I have not been waking at 1 or 2am since I started this.
I am generally chilly. I get cold hands and feet. I hate winter. I like to be warm. Even in the summer I am sometimes sitting under a blanket. I don’t like cold air blowing on me. I also cannot tolerate the other extreme. A hot stuffy room will give me a headache as will being outside in the sun for too long. This is actually a more recent problem. I think the heat didn’t used to bother me until a few years ago. I feel this may be connected to the sinus issue, my head gets the same kind of constricted feeling.
I also get a headache before a thunderstorm
My energy level is not what it could be, I do quite often feel worn out. I like to walk but I cannot stand still for long periods, I feel uncomfortable if forced to stand still, almost faint.
My sexual energy and desire is also low. I enjoy a hot shower, I don't feel at all comfortable if I cannot rinse my hair every day.
I am medium height, medium build, fair skinned but sometimes with a yellow tinge, especially around the eyes. (shows up in photos).skin good for my age, relatively line free and soft. Dark,fine hair.
Sweat mainly below breasts, back of knees, feet. Not much odour though.
Urine pale yellow, stools light brown, soft. It changes with diet, sometimes some slime also. Some wind but difficult to expel.
winnieandco last decade
What homoeopathic remedy are you taking right now?
nawazkhan last decade
I am in the middle of moving house, and trying to get to all these cases as I can. I am about to start on yours. I may have a few more questions for you soon.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Firstly, in order to start proper homoeopathic treatment, you will need to stop the Arnica. You cannot take more than one remedy at once, and Arnica clearly is not a very deep acting remedy for you as it is not touching your main problems.

Ok straight away there are a few things that I would like clarified. Something that really helps me is to exactly define the sensation by using other words for it, or by using an image to describe the process or feeling you have (ie. cutting like a saw through wood, or burning like my skin is on fire , or like a bird trapped in a cage etc)

Please describe in detail the vibrations. I want to imagine the feeling. Use anything - images, other words.

Can you elaborate on the sensation in the nose, when air can't get in.

Elaborate more on the boring pain.

What kind of high noises cause this pain?

What was it about the noise in the plane that was so bad?

What is it that noise seems to do to you, or feel to you?

What was the situation of the blow to the head? Did you get any symptoms from that you remember?

What is the sound of the Tinnitus?

Describe the shriek more exactly.

Is the headache a band or a cap or do you have both sensations?

What is the experience of being 'out of your depth'?

Describe more on 'being on guard'.

Describe more on the experience of 'standing still'.

That will do for the moment, I will see what comes out of your answers.

brisbanehomoeopath last decade
There are several others like this.
nawazkhan last decade
I will work on this and get back to you.

All I am taking now is the wet dose of Arnica at bedtime to help me sleep. I've been doing this for about 10 days now. I know there are a few other posts but none of them match my symptoms. I have been through the books I have but haven't found a matching remedy which is why I have posted here.
winnieandco last decade
Please describe in detail the vibrations. I want to imagine the feeling. Use anything - images, other words.
It’s just like when there is someone with a drill digging up the road. If you stand close you can feel everything shake. That is just how it is for me but I can only feel it when I am lying down.

Can you elaborate on the sensation in the nose, when air can't get in.
I breathe in and the air goes down the back of my throat, my sinuses feel completely closed off. I always feel like I need to get more air in but I cannot do that without breathing through my mouth.
Elaborate more on the boring pain.
It is an ache rather than a short pain , like something pressing, kind of burning, it almost reaches my throat.

What kind of high noises cause this pain?
Any noise that is slightly loud. I cannot wear a hearing aid in my right ear because the sounds (vibrations) make it ache.

What was it about the noise in the plane that was so bad?
It just seemed very loud, I think we were right next to an engine.

What is it that noise seems to do to you, or feel to you?
It’s trying to ignore background sounds that is so exhausting, and trying to make out what people say. I am ok one to one, but generally there are always other voices too which are distracting. In a group of people I will get a headache after a few hours. I lip read to some extent, I was told that I did this when I was about 14, I wasn’t aware of it until I was told so it used to be subconscious. I am more aware of trying to do it now and this also makes me tired.

What was the situation of the blow to the head? Did you get any symptoms from that you remember?
I don’t remember if I had symptoms. I was in a fight with my brother and he hit my head against the stair tread. It hit me right at the base of my skull.

What is the sound of the Tinnitus?
It sounds like a lot of budgerigars chirping.

Describe the shriek more exactly.
It sounds just like the feed back that you sometimes get when a mike is held to a speaker. High pitched, short, it feels like it actually moves through my brain, like a lightning strike..

Is the headache a band or a cap or do you have both sensations?

What is the experience of being 'out of your depth'?
Just unable to cope with trying to hear. I would rather avoid people.

Describe more on 'being on guard'.
Same as above, I am watching for situations where I might have problems so that I can avoid them.

Describe more on the experience of 'standing still'.
I can stand still for short periods but not for any length of time, like at a sports event in a standing crowd for instance, I have to move about. First of all I feel a sort of restlessness. Then I start to feel uncomfortable like I’m going to break into a sweat. I then start to feel faint need to sit down.

On looking through what I wrote before I would just like to clarify that when I said under likes “especially chocolate” I did not mean chocolate ice cream but all chocolate which I pretty much crave.
There is also another instance of getting headaches that I haven’t mentioned and that is when I skip a meal or eat too late. I hadn’t realize until now just how many different types of headaches I get!
winnieandco last decade
Dear Winnieandco,

Thanks for the response. My sincere intention is to get you timely help.

Is Arnica 30C helping you with a good night sleep?

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Ok I have a specific remedy in mind, one which very much suits the particular problem itself (the penetrating power of noise).

However, I want to be completely sure.

To do that, I need a bit more on your relationships and reactions with people.

How do you generally get on with people? What problems do you have with them - not just with the hearing, but in other ways - relationships, socializing?

Do you have any fears or phobias?

Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Any images in dreams that repeat? Any significant dreams from the past you remember?

If noise is such a problem, how does music affect you?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, the Arnica is helping a lot with my sleep.
winnieandco last decade
How do you generally get on with people? What problems do you have with them - not just with the hearing, but in other ways - relationships, socializing?
I generally get on well with people. I’m easy going. I don’t get involved in office politics. I don’t mind listening to gossip but I don’t get involved. I am loyal and my friends all know that I can keep a secret. People often confide in me though I keep my personal life private. As I said, on a one to one basis I cope very well. I’m in a mixed environment at work so I actually have men friends who also confide in me. However, I prefer to spend time with my husband even just sitting at home than do anything else at all and hardly ever go out in the evening without him.

Do you have any fears or phobias?
A lot. I don’t swim, can’t ride a bike and don’t drive. All basically because I am afraid. I used to do yoga but could never do a hand stand, I was told even that was because I was afraid. I am also terrified of spiders. also I worry that something will happen to my husband or my sister.

Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Any images in dreams that repeat? Any significant dreams from the past you remember?
My dreams are vivid, it’s as if I am watching a movie. Most of the time I don’t even seem to be in them at least not as myself. I have had a few recurring dreams but I can’t now remember what it was about. Nothing very significant it was just that I remembered that I had dreamt it before. I will think about it and let you know if I remember anything else. Some of my dreams seem like science fiction.

If noise is such a problem, how does music affect you?
I enjoy music but don’t like it to be too loud. We do go to a few concerts and I sometimes have to put cotton wool in my ears. I enjoyed it a whole lot more when I was younger. I was at concerts every week.
I do have a problem though with music sticking in my head so that it just plays in my head all night. I wake in the morning and it’s still playing. Sometimes it’s hard to get off to sleep because of it.
winnieandco last decade
Thanks, may God bless you with good health soon.
nawazkhan last decade
Ok the remedy I would like you to start with is Theridion 30c. If you need to order this in get 200c as well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you. I have looked up this remedy,it is very interesting. I would never have found it myself.
I will check out a couple of places tomorrow and see if they have any.
What dose do I take?
winnieandco last decade
Before I continue I would like your comment. I have been looking up all the information on Theridion and twice came up with the following though I don't know to whom it is attributed.

1. Theridion persons are always very busy, fruitlessly busy.

(Not me, I would be more inclined to characterize myself as lazy.)

2. Besides the need for a partner, a peculiar feature of Theridion is that she seems to completely 'dissolve' her identity into that of her partner - thinking and seeing as her partner does, living completely through the eyes and mind of this other person.

(Not me again, it may seem a bit this way to an outsider but my very close relationship with my husband is just that we have a very happy marriage. We have a lot of respect and understanding for each other. I would agree that my identity has 'dissolved' into my hearing problems though.)
I would like to know if this at all affects your choice of remedy, or maybe you don't agree with these statements.
winnieandco last decade
You do not need to have every symptom of the remedy. The remedy only needs to cover the peculiar aspects of your problem. As many of our remedies have literally thousands of symptoms, it is simply not possible for a single persont to show the whole lot. Our materia medica remedy profiles are composites of all the patients who were involved in the original experiment, plus any patients who may have been cured by the remedy over the years. As one person, you will only display one side of the remedy.

So if a person were fruitlessly busy, Theridion might also be their remedy, and that same person may not have the sensitivity to noise you do. Each of you would show a different aspect of the remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, I do worry about taking the wrong thing.
I have had to order the remedies so I expect to have them in a few days. What dose will I need to take?
winnieandco last decade
Theridion 30c to begin with. If you want to order 200c as well that is probably a good idea.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Is that going to be just once a day or more?
winnieandco last decade
When you start with 30c, I will get you to do one dose every 2 days, for a maximum of 3 doses. Then we will assess the response.

You need to get an empty bottle and dropper as well to make your 'dosing bottle'. Also you will need a little alcohol to mix in it - I use brandy or vodka usually but any spirit will do, even medicinal alcohol.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
was I supposed to order liquid or pillules?
winnieandco last decade
Either is fine.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
My remedy is being delivered today. Theridion 30c caplets. How do I begin? Am I taking wet dose or as ear drops? You said I would need a dropper, what is this for?

winnieandco last decade

Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2 granules or 2 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).

Start with 1/4 cup of water.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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