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please help - blocked nose and vibrations in head Page 4 of 5

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Thank you David
winnieandco last decade
I hope you had a good Christmas David!
My problem has remained about the same except that I have been waking up with earache. pain inside the right ear and also a pain behind the ear that spreads down my neck and sometimes shoots up to my temple. More than I was having before. It goes away in the daytime although my neck feels stiff for a little while. As I move about quite a bit in my sleep I don't know if it is brought on from lying on it. My nose is blocked up again, worse on the right side.
[message edited by winnieandco on Tue, 27 Dec 2011 16:10:14 GMT]
winnieandco last decade
Xmas is a terrible time for trying to keep up with cases here. Now that it is over should be better.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
do you have a new remedy for me?
winnieandco last decade
Looking back over this case, I have tried to ascertain whether we are even looking at a case that needs an animal remedy. Theredion does have this sensitivity, but if the whole case is not requiring a Spider remedy, then it will not cure (as may be happening here).

One other thing that also might need to be sorted out, is what 1M of the same remedy will do considering that you did do fairly well from 200c.

I am not convinced this case is a Spider one, which I suppose makes me hestiate in pursuing Ther up to 1M.

So this is my goal today, to try and strip the case back to basics.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
On going through the case, I can see why Theridion didn't cure. There are almost no Animal issues, and certainly no Spider ones. Wrong kingdom makes it just a partial similar.

The problem here is Sensitivity. Each problem seems to rely almost entirely on something in the environment that causes a problem for you, that you must react to or not react to.

This is the hallmark of the Plant Kingdom.

There is a strong Sycotic pace to your case - the avoidance of situations where you experience your problems, the feeling that your problems get worse and better but never go away. The Sycotic person says 'This problem won't kill me, but I will have to learn to live with it, I will have to diminish my life to cope with it.'

The Malarial and Ringworm miasms also shares aspects of the Sycotic miasm. However I think that just Sycotic alone covers your problem - a constant problem that never goes away, never gets any better, but at the same time does not threaten death. There is no hope of it going away, but it can be lived with if you adjust your life to it.

So the real question is what are you learning to live with, what do you avoid, what is it that is constant and never goes away.

There are alot of little complaints, a lot of symptoms, so I need to determine a theme here.

Can you go through these things again and write some more thoughts on them.

It doesn't matter if you repeat yourself, I am looking at this differently now. (don't just cut and paste though lol). I am looking both for confirmations of what you have said, plus some new clues.

Try to give me examples or images that are not your own body.

Vibrates right through

Boring, Digging


Tight, Constricted

Band or Cap



On guard

Inside versus outside

Have to move

Closed off

Lightning strike
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Vibrates right through - pneumatic drill, like the ground is shaking.

Boring, Digging - not sure what I can add here. The pain just feels deep inside, sore, pressing, a little hot,

Shriek is like a bolt of lightning or electric shock but with sound effects. It really feels like it goes right through me from one side to the other. Always from the left.
Tight, Constricted – everything is tensed

Band or Cap – pressing, squashing inwards

Hammering – constant pulsating pain, worse for movement.

Injustice – Call me a liberal! I get very upset when people are unfairly treated, cheated, to the extent that I am uncomfortable watching a movie where you know someone in being used badly.

On guard – I am self conscious about my hearing problem. I don’t want to be caught out or to be embarrassed. I know that in certain difficult situations I am unable to “join in” or even to enjoy myself. Hence my preferring to stay at home.

Inside versus outside – I like being outside in the summer. I love the sun, I hate winter, hate to be cold. My nose often runs a bit when I am outside. I like a warm room but I also need air otherwise my head starts to ache.

Have to move – I have never been good at standing still. As a child I experienced some vertigo, I had a vein in my nose cauterized which was supposed to fix it, I suppose it did to some extent. I can walk all day but if I have to stand still I start to feel ill. It’s hard to describe, I’m not exactly dizzy but I start to feel clammy, then hot. I was once removed from a tube train for being unwell. It was busy and I had to stand, I know I felt claustrophobic but I would have been ok if I just could have sat down.

Closed off _ I’m trying to think what this refers to. I don’t want to look it up as it may influence my answer. Is this a personality question? Withdrawing from people? I like to chat to people but I like to keep my personal life private. Besides I would rather be talking about science or philosophy or movies!

Lightning strike – like an electrical shock, fast, sharp, thin like a wire, high pitched. Almost instantaneous.

I have also been having other headaches like stabbing pains all over my scalp. Short sharp pains that move around constantly. They don’t last as long as a regular headache, maybe up to half an hour. Massaging helps.

Now that I've done this I'm going to go back over what I wrote before and see if I can think of anything that I have missed out.
winnieandco last decade
We have several sensations here. What is the theme I wonder?

Penetrating, boring, digging, goes right through, stabbing, sharp, drill

Hammering, pressing, squashing, constricting, tightening

Electric shock, lightning

Ok when I ask you to expand or describe on something, try not to give me the story of your life again. Just describe the meaning of the phrase, and then the experience of it. When you did 'Closed off' that was better because you were just responding to the phrase without going over the story behind it again.

Can you just try these ones again, without going back into your own history to explain them. Just the meanings, the feeling of it, the experience, and if possible give images to describe it to me.

Close off


On guard


Can you also describe to me the experience of being with other people, exactly what it feels like to you, what you do, what happens to you energetically?

Actually, those first three groups of words at the beginning of this post - can you just meditate on them, give me whatever comes to you when you look at them. Again, no story, just free associate those words (Penetrate, Hammer, Electric shock etc).

There is something here, something vaguely familiar. Need to work out what it is you are trying to tell me.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:18:43 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Not sure that I have grasped this but here goes:
Close off - put up a protective barrier

Withdraw – run away. I don’t want to get involved.

On guard – anxious, watchful, wary.

Private – I can’t think of anything here. Secret is going too far. Private is private.

Penetrate - deep

Hammer – thump, weight

Electric shock – whizz, zap

(Can you also describe to me the experience of being with other people, exactly what it feels like to you, what you do, what happens to you energetically? )
I am presuming that you mean when there is more than one person. I am mostly very quiet. I watch. I listen, or try to. I smile. Inside I feel a kind of dread. Sadness. I cannot relax. I am wishing they would go away.
David, I got quite upset just thinking about this, I felt sad and hopeless.
Also I have to add here that I was very upset by your comment “try not to give the story of your life again”. I realize that this is not a normal reaction. I mention it only because it does tell you something about me which is perhaps useful. I do not always react this way but it does happen fairly often.
winnieandco last decade
We are undoubtedly very close to the pain in your life, the disturbance in the vital force as we say it in homoeopathy. This is hard work what I am asking you to do.

However I appreciate this effort and I am hopeful that I can match it with a remedy that will change things signficiantly for you.

Can you describe more on 'a protective barrier'. Try to tell me what it is like, what qualities it has, what is its benefit, what is its disadvantage.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
This is a very hard question, naturally it has become a subconscious reaction. The first thing I think of is avoid eye contact, that makes it hard for anyone to start up a conversation. Look busy, engaged, aloof. I suppose I am trying to look like I am having a good time and I am not terrified of someone speaking to me. “I’m having fun so don’t interrupt.” It’s like a cocoon.
I have been told years ago that I looked in some way unapproachable but I don’t really know what they meant except that they were kind of scared to talk to me.
It seems to work ok when I am on my own. My husband is rather chatty though so if I am with him it is impossible to avoid people but as he likes to talk he makes up for my reticence.
Disadvantage – it doesn’t always work.
Advantage – I get to relax a little.
Is this what you were looking for?
winnieandco last decade
It just seems that protective barrier doesn't describe what you mean at all. There seems to be no shell, no actual barrier. It appears that there is no energy in image, so I will abandon it.

In pursuing it we just get back to normal human issues, so I am probably on the wrong track with it.

I will keep thinking about this today.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you David,
I appreciate your patience and perseverence.
winnieandco last decade
Because of the sinus pain and headaches I have reverted to using an allopathic nasal spray. This has helped in clearing my nose so that I can breathe but it wears off and I know that continued use will not make it any better. Is now a good time to start something new? Although I am breathing better my right cheekbone and ear are painful.
winnieandco last decade
Ah sorry. You need to bump this up for me. It is too easy to lose track of cases here. I promise (for real this time) to look at this today.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok, I would like you to get hold of Causticum 200c. Take a single dose as you did with the Theridion.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have had to order the 200c, can I start with 30c while I am waiting?
winnieandco last decade
If you do you will have to persist with it until I am sure it is finished, so it may put of using the 200c for several weeks.

There is no real issue with this, especially if the 30c is helpful.

Why do you have Caust 30c with you?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
yes, i have a 30c
winnieandco last decade
Sorry I wanted to know why you have it. Have you been prescribed it by someone else?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No , I have never used it. My husband said he would pick up the causticum 200c on his way home. Of course they didn't have any but told him he should take the 30c and 'just increase the dose'! No wonder Homeopathy gets such a bad rap!
winnieandco last decade
Clearly they aren't trained as homoeopaths lol.

Well you can start with 30c and see how it goes, but try to find 200c somewhere.

Make up the dosing bottle, take a split dose as you did before, but take 3 doses, one each day, stopping the moment you feel any aggravation.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have taken just the one dose of 30C. I had an almost immediate aggravation although it wasn't very bad,slight headache, some pressure in my head and face, the worst thing was that I got very restless legs in bed and had to get up and move about for a few minutes in order to get to sleep. However the next morning I was feeling better and the following day better still. My nose was relatively clear and my cravings had diminished and I just felt overall brighter. I also slept much better. Today though it seems to be wearing off, I had some headache and vibrations this morning. I have now got some 200c so should I move on to 200 or take another dose of 30?
winnieandco last decade
No you must stay with the potency that worked. Repeat a single dose of the 30c. We will only move up to 200c if and when the 30c becomes ineffective.

That is a good initial result though.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am a little confused as to what is happening. I took the causticum 30 c on Friday evening. On Saturday I woke with an absolutely blinding headache which lasted all day. I wasn’t really sure if it was an aggravation or an escalation of the headache that I had the previous morning. I am still not sure. It has been unlike last time. Sunday the headache wore off mid morning, I then started to get sharp stabbing pains in my right breast. I have never had this problem at all before. I had a really bad sleep Sunday night feeling hot and waking frequently. Monday morning my nose started to run but only on the left side. My left eye also started to sting but my breast pain had gone and the headache has not returned. Today I still have the same nose and eye problem though it comes and goes. I slept better but other than that I have not had the feeling of well being that I experienced after the first dose. My throat is just beginning to feel a little sore, like a lump inside – this is on the right side. Does this sound like an aggravation or something else?
Whilst we are waiting for further developments I did want to ask you about the split dose, what is the expected difference in results versus taking the pillules straight. I had previously not tried this although on a couple of occasions I had tried the wet dose. I had felt that the results I achieved were inconsistent, sometimes it just didn’t seem to work at all although it did work when I was taking the arnica for sleeping. Is this just me?
winnieandco last decade
Well it does sound like an aggravation - a sudden worsening of your symptoms soon after the dose.

Dry pillules will cause larger aggravations when they happen, will cause those aggravations to last much longer, and on their own cannot be adjusted in any way to deal with such reactions. They must be dissolved into water so that they can be divided into smaller doses to avoid this (thus they are 'split').

The other problem with them is that you develop resistance to subsequent doses when they are dry, as they cannot be altered in that form. Pillules become less effective the more you use them. Dissolving them in water allows the medicine to be increased in potency through succussion (striking the bottle) or stirring. Water is the key, it's unique nature is what allows homoeopathy to heal.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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