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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


i got a problem that my sperms are release without masturbation. it happens mostly in the night. because of that i got weakness. my body is going to hollow. there occurs hollows in my backbone , my feet and arms. due to this weakness my blood pressure is low. i m greatly worried. my stomach is also not well because of that.

weight 70kg
height 5 11'
[message edited by ghulam21 on Sat, 24 Sep 2011 08:02:22 BST]
  ghulam21 on 2011-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Nat phos 6x, three pills thrice daily with lukewarm water. Continue for two weeks and let us know of the improvements,if any.
Ayeshhaa last decade
miss ayesha the medicine u told me is for stomach and weight. i want the medicine for gain of men power. i mean my sexual problem
ghulam21 last decade
Nat phos is one of the finest remedies for Night Fall. The remedy has been prescribed for your complete condition.

If you want to know more on the threpeutic effects of Nat phos, please search for the Proving of the same by Farrington and read the same.
Ayeshhaa last decade
Any update?
Ayeshhaa last decade
i use two weaks natphos x and got o% result. can u help me any more
ghulam21 last decade

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