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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 15 of 16

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
So the real problem as I see it, or at least as I hear it from you, is your feeling that I am not really 'getting' you or hearing the problem

I just don't know how to overcome that. Tell me how I can overcome that?

And I suppose what I hear back is that you do not really trust my case-taking skills. That I also do not know how to overcome.

I can only explain how I come to something. Remember that this kind of prescribing is impossible for any layman, and even many homoeopaths. No patient I have ever seen, mostly homoeopaths and students, have ever been right about their kingdom. That includes myself.

Plants have a single sensation and its opposite that is evident everywhere in the case. What is this single sensation for you?

Animals on the other hand have an issue with Survival, and describe a variety of processes related to surviving.

One of the ways we can tell an Animal from a Plant is the larger variety of sensations that are expressed. It is often hard to narrow it down to a plant group, there are just too many and they appear not to have any single theme. For me that is often one of the 'wake ups' to a case needing an animal remedy.

For someone to need a plant, the question must be answered 'What is the single sensation that can be seen everywhere in the disease/case/life of the person?'.

The problem with people reading about this method is they start to self-analyze, and this begins to corrupt their natural expressions. Once that happens you make it 10 times harder to get anywhere.

I also need to say that my ability to perceive your case is done with objectivity, something you cannot do. We will see it differently, no doubt at all. That is what gives me the ability to choose your remedy, and stops you from doing the same thing. This is not a problem but a necessity for prescribing.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
''Everything I read about 'plant' fits me. Is it possible that you may have mis-read my posts? Unlike another on this forum, I don't care what my kingdom or remedy is, I care that it's the accurate Simillimum of me''

I assume you meant me with that. You know that we 2 have a few things in common and I am sure david can see this too. What confirms this also is that you felt the need to mention me in order to deny spontaneously that you do not care about what kingdom you are from. Denial is always so easy to spot.

To correct your statement... It isnt entirely true that I care about what kingdom I am from. It is conflicting as it is with you. On one hand I want just the similimum and dont care about the kingdom while on the other hand there is my personal preference, about what I would like to believe to be true and right.

I can see a lot of myself in you. And it seems you are in a tough spot. You want help but it is very hard to give it to you because of your 'strong' individual mind. This is not criticism. I just see an unfortunate situation and wished I could help. But I have no specific advice. All I know is that there is a need for a bit of change from your side in order that someone can help you. I have been told the same often and never understood what they mean by that. I saw nothing wrong with how I am when dealing with homeopaths. I was enquiring, doing my own research, feeling misunderstood all the time also etc. ... It makes it hard for a homeopath to deal with such patients. I can see the perspective and view point of a homeopath now when they deal with me thanks to this thread. (sorry if that was bad) I can see where I was wrong and what needs to change. But unless you do not see something wrong with it than you cannot change it and therefore my advice that something needs to change slightly from your side in order to get help easily wont have any meaning.

(...I tried to post this with me sounding as un-egoistic as possible)
[message edited by starface on Wed, 04 Jan 2012 00:35:18 GMT]
starface last decade
Thank you, David!

Your reply was exactly what I was hoping for. I do understand my responsibility as your patient and your needs as the Homeopath as well. But If and when there seems to be confusion, I will need to stop and try to communicate to make sure we are on the same page.

I will respond to each of your statements in quotes to try to be as clear as possible.

'So the real problem as I see it, or at least as I hear it from you, is your feeling that I am not really 'getting' you or hearing the problem.
I just don't know how to overcome that. Tell me how I can overcome that?'

Yes... I know you try very hard to understand, 'see' and 'get' your patients. I think you usually do an excellent job at that. We are human though, and even though I think I'm explaining myself well (in my own mind), you only have your mind and experiences to take my words and paint a picture of what I've written. Being hearing impaired, I am way too familiar with how we often fill in the blanks of written or verbal conversation with our own assumptions. An example of what happens often with me and is a piece of the communication issue here is the following funny true story. You know I hate holidays. The day before Christmas I listened to my favorite public radio station very loud for many hours. It was constant discussion and focus on Christmas. I was really trying to not be morose and spiral down into my daughter/granddaughter anguish. I was puttering around actually enjoying the stories. The next morning I woke up with my typical dread and knew the only thing to save me from 'Christmas' was to hike up the frigid, steep, snow-covered mountain with my dog. It was a huge challenge but we did it. The reward was getting to the peak and looking west with a bird's-eye view. The descent was good but dread was building again. I was able to hold my own emotionally through the day and night, trying so hard to block my heart from my usual emotional stuff. Knowing that I dealt with the holiday monster by being successful in a challenging climb was very important. I got through THE day. I woke up the next morning, opened my computer and was horrified to realize that it was the real Christmas.... again! Although I was sure I heard the radio for days telling me that Saturday was Christmas, it was not. I had filled that in myself. I know I do that more than most because I'm hearing impaired, but we all do that. After all that rambling I'm trying to say that I know you meant well and were honestly trying to put together the picture of me (and much of it was right on) but you got caught up on a few things that you filled in on your own. I tried to clarify but by that point you were not open to what I was trying to say. It got all distorted and it seemed you decided 'I was' and 'I thought', even though it was not accurate. The miscommunication is nobody's fault - it happens. But the only way the true picture of me or any other patient can be seen through this forum is if you are open to the patient clarifying things that are not accurate. I felt attacked for trying to give you the info you wanted in the first place.

'And I suppose what I hear back is that you do not really trust my case-taking skills. That I also do not know how to overcome.'

I do trust your case-taking skills. I think they are great! It's the above issue that is the biggest problem....

'I can only explain how I come to something. Remember that this kind of prescribing is impossible for any layman, and even many homoeopaths. No patient I have ever seen, mostly homoeopaths and students, have ever been right about their kingdom. That includes myself. '

I'm not disputing that at all. It's that some of the pieces you were using to come up with the kingdom or remedy, etc, were not accurate.

'Plants have a single sensation and its opposite that is evident everywhere in the case. What is this single sensation for you?'

I will need your help zeroing in but the first thought that comes to me is 'extreme oversensitivity in every way, especially emotionally' An example.. One negative look from someone can destroy me for months or years. A positive validating look can open me up but the negative one is way more powerful and unfortunately not forgotten. Because of my over-sensitivities I am extremely empathetic. I can feel what emotional hardships other people are experiencing, even if I don't want to.
One other possibility goes back to the catch-22 theme with everything about my body, mind and life. I have been told I use the word 'but' way too much. I try not to use it BUT no other word ever fits. BUT is a gigantic theme. I tried to tell you that when you described Psorinum in a different thread but you would not hear me. I can list all of my issues of all kinds and every single one would be a clear catch-22. Each issue is never resolved because of the 'but's. It would be bad this way, but it would be bad that way also... Maybe for different reasons but there is no clearly right move to get out of the issue.

'Animals on the other hand have an issue with Survival, and describe a variety of processes related to surviving.'

I fully believe that the unusually intense ultra-sensitivity I was born with began a fight for survival from the moment I was induced to be born, more than a week before the due date. Every single experience throughout my life has been intense in one way or another. It's exhausting. First human's, then environmental and foods. How does one survive when all of the basic needs as a human are hard work or threatening? I must add that the ultra-sensitivities have also brought equally intense, profound joy and fun.... just different from most other people's idea of joy and fun. Menopause was the huge upheaval for my body, so my mind. But it's all been the same theme since way back when memory was born. I have always been very different from most. One unusual thing is that even though I have never had a sense of self-esteem, not once have I been a follower.


'One of the ways we can tell an Animal from a Plant is the larger variety of sensations that are expressed. It is often hard to narrow it down to a plant group, there are just too many and they appear not to have any single theme. For me that is often one of the 'wake ups' to a case needing an animal remedy.
For someone to need a plant, the question must be answered 'What is the single sensation that can be seen everywhere in the disease/case/life of the person?'.'

Answered above.

'The problem with people reading about this method is they start to self-analyze, and this begins to corrupt their natural expressions. Once that happens you make it 10 times harder to get anywhere.
I also need to say that my ability to perceive your case is done with objectivity, something you cannot do. We will see it differently, no doubt at all. That is what gives me the ability to choose your remedy, and stops you from doing the same thing. This is not a problem but a necessity for prescribing.'

I'm not disputing any of that, David. I agree with it all. It is my job to make sure I am able to give you an accurate picture of who I am in totality. If I think you are not 'hearing' me correctly, I must try to clarify so you can then come to a remedy based on fact, not fiction. I've worked very hard to open up and be as clear as possible for you. I believe you can help me.... But only if we can communicate clearly and accurately. Once I feel you 'get' me accurately, I can happily put it all in your hands, as the highly skilled homeopath.

[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 04 Jan 2012 01:07:56 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 04 Jan 2012 01:24:00 GMT]
tahbi last decade
I woke up this morning thinking about your statement:

'Plants have a single sensation and its opposite that is evident everywhere in the case. What is this single sensation for you?'

First of all, If I am a mineral or animal or plant... great. As long as it's my true simillimum. I've had very clear, strong ties to all three throughout my life. The following I'm sure will seem like over analyzing, but I'm just trying to respond to your above question... specifically, the part about
'it's opposite sensation'.

If in fact THE sensation is 'Unusually Extreme Sensitivity', which is and has always been a theme since birth, especially emotionally and receptive, is it possible that the opposite sensation is 'Contraction, Hardening, Somehow making myself less sensitive or trying to build a barrier to keep me from self-destructing?

That idea fits with mast cells, it fits with many of my fibrous/contraction issues such as the Dupuytren's, cramps, clenching my teeth, osteoporosis changes in my posture, hearing loss (as to keep me safe from being hurt by words - often an issue), it fits in the wonderful sensation of being in a tight fetal position while floating, bobbing and swaying in water, it fits with the heavy head that tends to put me in a fetal position.

Emotionally it certainly fits because I feel and sense so much that it's too much to handle so I try to shut out the world. In relationships I often knew what the other person was feeling before they did and needed to keep my mouth shut, but the validation always proved that my sensitivity was right on. I can only tolerate being with one friend at a time because with each additional person I pick up too much sensation from every person even in silence, and it ends up in violent spinning of bits and pieces of thoughts, feelings and knowledge in my head and heart... I have been told at times that I look like I'm about to cry even when I think I'm happy and relaxed. I come from a very intense, overly intellectual family but I was always the different on... lighter hair, learned only kinesthetically through my body and hands, rather than my mind so I was never a good student and certainly was the stupid one of the family. I believe I was mildly autistic, at a time before autism was made public. I am much more comfortable being in a big crowd than with people who know me because I can 'blur' out the crowd rather that picking up the intense 'vibes' from individuals... especially the ones who I know and who know me. As long as I can understand what they are saying by watching faces and lipreading, I am quite comfortable and often enjoy conversing one on one with strangers but not with my family or friends usually.

I have always been most comfortable surrounded by plants, in gardens, around flowers, trees, up high with a long range view to the west on ledge with plants and moss and trees growing together between the ledge in cracks. Something about the precarious but strong methods of survival move me about those ecosystems up high on ledge, or ledge and rock by lakes and oceans.

I was a self-employed landscape gardener, I have always needed plants in my home (as well as cats and a dog), I was an artist/woodworker who often used and was very moved by very rotted, distorted, fibrous wood (as my hands are becoming, and I fear the rest of my body is too).


[[['Plants have a single sensation and its opposite that is evident everywhere in the case. What is this single sensation for you?'

I will need your help zeroing in but the first thought that comes to me is 'extreme oversensitivity in every way, especially emotionally' An example.. One negative look from someone can destroy me for months or years. A positive validating look can open me up but the negative one is way more powerful and unfortunately not forgotten. Because of my over-sensitivities I am extremely empathetic. I can understand and feel the emotional hardships and angst other people are experiencing, even if I don't want to.
One other possibility goes back to the catch-22 theme with everything about my body, mind and life. I have been told I use the word 'but' way too much. I try not to use it BUT no other word ever fits. BUT is a gigantic theme. I tried to tell you that when you described Psorinum in a different thread but you would not hear me. I can list all of my issues of all kinds and every single one would be a clear catch-22. Each issue is never resolved because of the 'but's. It would be bad this way, but it would be bad that way also... Maybe for different reasons but there is no clearly right move to get out of the issue. ]]]

On a side note, for the last month or so I have been carefully observing myself in relation to the weather. It is clear that it's the drastic changes in the weather and wet/damp that's the worst. Changes are unusually hard for me in every type of situation and affect me in a huge negative way.... whether it's the weather, or my very old car needing to be replaced, or any other changes. I am a creature of habit, for better or worse. Back to the weather... it now seems that I can tolerate well below freezing temps better than many other people but it takes a good adjustment period. Last week I was doing well in frigid temps and then it suddenly got unusually warm, damp, dark and rainy. I felt awful physically and mentally and crashed. I don't do well with extremes of temperatures or anything else. Too hot is worse than too cold because I can't cool myself down and it makes me sick with burning pains. Every season change causes flares of illness and worsening joint pain, as well as depression. I'm very sensitive to wind but not always in a bad way. I don't do change gracefully at all, whether it's the weather, my home, my clothing, my food or anything else. I usually love storms if I'm in a safe place. Thunder storms give me a similar feeling as the ocean surf... a cleansing... connection to something so old and wise....

[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 04 Jan 2012 15:38:34 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 04 Jan 2012 20:55:20 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Alright I am willing to reanalyze your case if you write it out again for me.

However, there is one important stipulation. We cannot start from the assumption about your kingdom. You cannot start that way. That is the path to failure in homoeopathy. Altering the case to fit an idea prior to prescribing is the worst way to practice homoeopathy.

So no reference to kingdoms, to groups, to miasms - nothing like that. Just pure honest expressions that come from you and not from homoeopathic literature. If I need to say this - don't read any more about the Sensation Method especially before you attempt this.

Sensitivity is not unique to plants. Some of our minerals and animals are the most sensitive of our remedies. Loving plants doesn't make you need a remedy made from one either. Many of my Animal patients care for plants - in fact many of the herbivores can expresss a great love for gardens (especially edible ones). Love for Nature in fact is a symptom in which Carcinosin features prominently. The love of plants usually is completely irrelevent to choosing a remedy, which only needs to match the disease not all the hobbies or pastimes the person has. Just as love of animals does not lead you to an animal remedy either.

There is a great danger here of your natural expressions being corrupted, as you attempt to help me by using information and guidelines intended only for the practitioner, and a practitioner who already has a good grounding in the traditional philosophy. That problem has to be addressed now before it becomes serious enough to stop anyone finding your remedy for you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I understand what you are saying. What I've written is from my heart. I don't care what kingdom, what miasm, what remedy... I care that it is based on what/who I am. What I had been reading in some of your replies to me, that you were basing your decisions on just did not describe me. My last posts especially, have been unusually clear because I'm out from under 'the holidays'. Other than my chronic cough, I can breathe again.

I never did read the Sankaran book I bought. I have followed many of your posts on this forum though.

What I've written is me.

I know that the love of plants is not generally important. I was telling about the most dominant themes running through my life.

''Many of my Animal patients care for plants - in fact many of the herbivores can expresss a great love for gardens (especially edible ones).''

Although I have been a vegetarian much of my life, there are several plants that I have almost died from also. Fiddleheads hidden in a stirfry at a restaurant was very close. I went into shock and serious mast cell episode.

Carcinosin was a possibility from one homeopath in the past. I still have the remedy but never took it because I stopped working with that homeopath.

What specifically do you want me to write out now?
[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 04 Jan 2012 22:59:27 GMT]
tahbi last decade
You wanted to start from the beginning. I guess that means start with all your problems and write about them.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I'm starting from scratch for this present time. There is so much history that I've written down previously, so to hopefully be able to stay on task with this very overwhelming process of having to look at and write about each of the many most obvious issues, which normally shuts me down with anxiety and threat, I will try to tip toe from one to another. The only way I can do this is shut out everything but one specific issue at a time.

I want to post it all together this time rather than the confusing piecemeal nightmare of mish-mash for you to face, as it was the last few months. It could take me several days to get back to you. I know I won't remember everything. I will focus on the most important to me in my life/body right now.

Thanks.... tahbi
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

Liver/Gallbladder Pressure
1. What exactly happens?

It feels like there is something in there that does not belong. It must come out. I want it out of there! It's been over two years with two ultrasounds showing nothing abnormal. Swollen liver is common in advanced Systemic Mastocytosis so it scares me. I feel it's either my gallbladder or from my osteoporotic changes in posture. I just want it out!!!

2. Describe all sensations and pains.

It's pushing out and up against my lower right ribs. It feels as though there is something, maybe the size of a small fist or bigger, that has weight to it but pushes up rather than down. Sometimes it reminds me of back when I was pregnant with my kids and a foot would be lodged and pressing in that same place. Sometimes it feels like a water balloon that is being filled up or blown up more, pushing against and spreading my lower right ribs. Sometimes I feel a trickle-like sensation, or tiny bubbles popping, but that is a more rare fleeting sensation and does not last long. When it happens I think the sensation is more focused on the area surrounding the trickle or bubbles popping rather than the trickle or bubble itself. When that thing in me feels extra hard and big, the sensation can spread to my back flank or over/across towards my spleen, but even when that happens the biggest sensation is always still the origin - something big and hard in there by my gallbladder/liver area pressing and pushing out hard against my lower ribs and the organs directly below. Sometimes, it feels as if my contracted but stiffened, pointed fingers of each hand are being pushed up under my ribs, both right and left sides. Sometimes it feels like a sock is bunched up under my lower right ribs.

Rarely, like right now, it feels as if there is a hard, short baseball bat inside, the bigger diameter part that hits the ball is under my lower right ribs and the thinner end with bigger end cap is pushing up under my lower left ribs. I feel the hard wooden dowel all across the horizontal line from right to left lower ribs. It feels as though it could be under only 1 inch thick of my flesh at the most. It feels like it should be easy to take out. There is more sensation on the right end than the left end but it's all too obvious!!! And I feel the back right flank sensation now also.

In the mid 1990s I was very ill with finally diagnosed Systemic Mastocytosis. I will get into that another time but I want to mention that I had a huge fibroid in my uterus. Because the masto patient is a very high surgery risk no surgeon wanted to deal with me. Finally, when I was more than seven months pregnancy size, I had really severe pain that turned out to be the fibroid severing my right ureter. I was rushed into surgery and they removed my uterus, repaired the ureter, and thankfully, as I had demanded, left my ovaries. I was in intensive care for several weeks with constant mast cell reactions and some kidney/bladder issues. Maybe when I feel the sensation go back to my right flank... just maybe that part is from the ureter repair.

Whatever it is I want that thing out!!!!!

Now it feels like a big hard fist is under and behind my lower right ribs. The length of the fist ends a few inches past my shirt seam line in the right back flank. It is pushing back on that spot that I sense would be about two to four inches in diameter in my back. The other end of the fist is right under and in back of my lowest right rib a tiny bit over to the side from my right breast. There is tightness, constriction,.. and now when I poke it it feels strangely like a clicker. A mass that I push in and it clicks back. Weird!

Summer, 2010, I was in the river and the current caught me and threw me on a rock. The top point of the rock broke my lower right rib. It was unbearable pain. My usual liver/gallbladder sensations had been with me about two years already and the rib that broke was right there. It took three months before the break healed. Unfortunately the same old sensations that were there before the fracture continued.

3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?

I have not noticed anything. I can say that when it is occuring at it's biggest sensation, or even more mild, it is way too obvious.

4. What creates some relief for the problem?

Not much! If I am laying down on the couch and arch my back way back over the arm of the couch, it goes away for a few moments but then begins to come back slowly. When I come back into the original position, it feels even more obvious.

5. What triggers the problem into occuring? I have not been able to see a definite pattern.

Maybe it is worse if I've eaten lots of fatty foods which I rarely do anymore. I have not been able to figure it out.
I think it may be worse with drinking. I am rarely thirsty but when I am thirsty and drink a good amount it seems to make the sensation worse, as well as making it spread across more and into my right flank more.

6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?

Maybe the moment I wake up I don't feel it but as soon as I become more aware and awake, I can feel it again.

7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?

Over two years ago. That was a very bad time physically and mentally. About two years into menopause which was a catalyst for a life-threatening flare of my Systemic Mastocytosis, physically painful burning sensations and severe menopausal night drenches and flushing, onset of osteoporosis, severe depression, loss of all spirit, creativity, dreams, bio-rythums as they had been my whole life before. Everything changed. I lost myself, which only now is barely beginning to come back in a very limited and different way.


Teeth Wearing Down and Chipping.
1. What exactly happens?
2. Describe all sensations and pains.

My lower teeth especially are progressively being worn down and mis-shapen so the top edges get very thin, fragile, cause sensitivity from nerves that become too exposed. This progression is an 'egg before the chick, or chick before the egg' syndrome with my jaw and bite integrity. I find that I clench my teeth often and work hard to be aware and not do that. I am having more and more trouble chewing different foods that should not be a problem at my age. Sometimes my teeth feel too big, too sharp, too dull. They don't fit together properly at all. I can't slide my lower teeth back and forth anymore because my bite is so off. I am way too sensitive to every feeling in my mouth and it's quite stressful. I notice my lower front teeth getting thinner and thinner on the top edges and there are more and more chips and worn down areas, as if a dentist ground them down. The enamel has also become so thin that my teeth are opaque white on the upper half and more normal yellowish by my gums. I go through phases when there is sudden intense nerve pain, usually with cold but sometimes anything or nothing does it. Sometimes there are strange sensations such as teeth being pushed out, such as pressure from within trying to escape somehow…. usually not bad but very strange. The misalignment is worse and started on the left side but my right teeth and mouth is becoming more affected. The lower tooth below the left eye tooth is the worst due to being hit constantly by the eye tooth above. I work so hard to keep my jaw relaxed and teeth apart but often my tongue is constantly moving around feeling my teeth. I also have a nervous habit of chewing on my upper lip with my lower teeth.

3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?

The bite and chewing issues are constant, obviously worse when eating.

4. What creates some relief for the problem?

It's always there but sometimes I can concentrate on keeping my jaws very relaxed with my mouth parted and teeth apart, which is momentary relief unless the intense nerve pain is triggered.

5. What triggers the problem into occurring?

It is progressive. The more ground down my teeth become the worse my bite is and the worse the intense need to clench seems to be. I'm sure my osteoporosis does not help!

6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?

Constant. No real pattern for the sensation that I feel I need to clench my teeth together.

7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?

I have had a lifetime of emotional dental issues starting when very young, beginning with ugly peg teeth on either side of my upper two front teeth. They were capped in an awful way, and then recapped with serious illness and sores inside my mouth resulting. That was the catalyst of my more serious chronic health issues in 1988. Then I needed crowns on some of my teeth and was botched again. They messed up my bite and the bad dentist ground the tip of my eye-tooth rather than remake the crown. That started the serious domino effect and ruin of the integrity of my teeth, jaw and bite.

A huge emotional trauma began when my perfect baby teeth came out and my distorted, ugly peg teeth grew in on each side of the front two. I remember too well, going to visit my Mom's parents and running up to say hi to my Grandmother with excitement. I was smiling freely and with joy for the last time…. My Grandmother gasped in horror and said, 'Oh! What happened to your teeth? They were so perfect and pretty!' I was devastated! It was unbearable! To think I was so ugly and had smiled in front of others before my Grandmother told me how ugly I was. From then on I covered my mouth with my hand as hard as possible any time I would start to smile. I could rarely make eye-contact with anyone until the age of around 30. I often think how wonderful it must be to smile freely. Humiliation and embarrassment have ruled too much of my life. Much of it was one sided due to my extreme sensitivities. My ugly teeth became a huge physical and emotional mirror and then a display to everyone of my unbearable embarrassment and being too sensitive to everything. Along with the ugly teeth was my constant crimson blushing which unfortunately brought way too many looks my way when I wanted to not be looked at by any human being at all. I never understood why other kids with much worse teeth than mine could smile freely and not be so embarrassed. So I stayed away from people I could. My only rare friendships were with very heavy, homely or disfigured kids, as I felt I was one. Most of the time I would be in the woods, climbing trees with my cat, swinging from tree to tree on grape vines, or indoors with my cat playing dolls and happy in my extremely creative mind.

Needless to say, going to the dentist was always the most traumatic thing in the world.



Osteoporosis is secondary to Systemic Mastocytosis due to the degranulation of too many and too active mast cells in my body. Mast cells produce mediators such as histamine, tryptase, acid hydrolases, and heparin and more. They also release prostaglandins and leukotrienes as well as multiple cytokines including IL-6 and stem-cell factor, tumor necrosis factor - most of which individually can cause osteoporosis. Add to that the fact that I am post menopausal.... and hypothyroid.... and probably have absorption problems. Fun, Fun, Fun.

Most of my adult life I did very heavy weight-bearing work and play. I was unusually strong and very active as a self-employed land-scape gardener, later on a wood-turner/woodworker, I was a self-competitive speed skater, mountain climber/backpacker/hiker......

When Menopause hit I became extremely ill with the double whammy of Masto and endocrine upheaval. I was in a severe masto flare for several months that caused reacting to almost every single thing I tried to eat. I would pass out, I would have major stomach issues, I was severely depressed and more that I thankfully can't remember. For those three months all I could do was lay on the couch. I lost my spirit, soul and 30 pounds in just a few months.... down to a very ill gaunt person.

A very skilled acupuncturist saved my life and during that time I went to have my first DEXA bone density scan. I was shocked and devastated when I got the results of severe osteoporosis. So not only did my creativity and spirit die, every activity that had filled me with profound joy, gave me an identity, meaning, place and helped me cope in such a harsh world of humans I never seemed or could bear to belong in.... well it felt like a nightmare of a long, painful death sentence. I was an empty shell with no purpose, no joy, no hope, nobody who clearly loved me or cared other than my Granddaughter and pets.

I worked with the acupuncturist for several years. I reacted to almost all supplements, meds and all tinctures and still many foods even though the leaky gut syndrome was hugely helped by acupuncture. I felt so powerless and that continued to be a theme that would haunt me. I have worked so very hard to heal physically and emotionally but every time I felt I was doing the very best thing for my body, I would react in a dangerous way to the activity, the supplement or food.... it seemed like everything has been damned if I do or Damned if I don't. Even the very few mastocytosis allopathic drugs I take that are minimal compared to most masto patients ...--- Zantac is very bad for you if you have osteoporosis but if I don't take the zantac, the mast cell degranulation causes osteoporosis. (anxiety big-time right now)

Two years after the first DEXA I had another one. I still had severe depression and lots of physical challenges and illness but seemed to be doing better. For the previous two years I worked so hard to do what I could to stop the progression of osteoporosis (refused then and still now all allopathic bone drugs) but the DEXA showed that it was worse and an xray showed I had a new scoliosis to the left (I think). My hip scores are much worse than my spine but they are all very bad. So I refused to have another DEXA last January because all it does is creat more fear, huge vulnerability, and more hopelessness. I know the reality and I'm trying hard to do all that I can do to help my bones, diet, a few supplements, and climbing the low mountain that I never believed I would be able to climb again. But it's still scary.....


Chronic Cough

My cough has worsened again (Jan.10). Yesterday I noticed a cold sore on my lower lip, left side and the cough was more obvious and tenacious. Deep conflicting Emotion is clearly a trigger even when I feel I'm doing unusually well, lighter and balanced mentally. Waking up with a hard cough is typical, as is coughing while eating and after. But there is a clear link to deep emotional crap that I think I'm handling better than I must be. Maybe I'm trying to cough out the threat of feeling too much. It feels like a ball or clump of thick mucus that is too far back in my throat or windpipe to get up with the coughing. Even when I cough very hard, always several coughs at a time, it is not enough to get that thing out. Almost but not quite. And today the gagging is back which has not been an issue with the cough for a few months. My body desperately tries to get the stuff up and out of my windpipe and lungs... trying to deepen and lower the cough to get below the thing and after coughing hard two or three times in a row, the mucous seems to go back down so my body's reflex begins the gagging - desperately trying to expel and clear so as to save me from suffocation.

I know there is a clear tie with acid reflux even though at this posting the reflux has not been obvious for weeks. I think I may have increased liver/gallbladder pressure (yes, that thing in there) when my cough is bad. And there is often some wheezing, usually slight but enough to make me cough again.

to be continued....


Dupuytren's Contracture in both hands


Hearing impaired


Inguinal Hernias


Systemic Mastocytosis


Extreme Emotional and environmental sensitivities and Catch-22itis


Joint Issues


1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate
3. What your sleep is like
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to
6. What your general level of energy is like
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like
8. Describe your menstrual cycle

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build
b) Skin colour and texture
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.

[message edited by tahbi on Sun, 08 Jan 2012 14:50:01 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Mon, 09 Jan 2012 02:16:36 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 10 Jan 2012 14:18:00 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Just keep describing every aspect of your suffering. Describe everything you want help with. Describe each aspect as colourfully and imaginatively as possible. Describe how you have coped with it, what the impact on your life has been, how it has affected you, what changes to your life occurred because of it.

When the key words begin to appear I will pull them out and get you to explore those words specifically.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I will try to do that. Thanks for the feedback!

My dental issues concerning major occlusion causing severely ground down teeth and chipping have gotten to the point where I must get past my fear and anxiety of dentists and their substances and techniques. I must get to a restorative dentist and hopefully stop the progression. I can't put it off any longer.

Would you rather wait to treat me with homeopathy after I have the dental work done? .....thanks
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 06 Jan 2012 13:36:37 GMT]
tahbi last decade
It won't make any difference to treatment.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I'm often very reactive and flare up physically as well as emotionally with dental work. If you think that won't antidote the remedy, hopefully homeopathy will help me get through it all.

I'm still plugging along with the writing about my issues....

Thanks, David
tahbi last decade
It is unlikely we will get a prescription made and bought in the time before your visit to the dentist anyway, so just keep going through this process.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yea, I've not yet been able to find a dentist who will use alternative anesthesias and composites (no preservatives,etc) and is experienced with CFIDS-like diseases and multiple sensitivity disorders.

I keep adding to the 'issue' post though.

If at any time you want me to write it in a different way, please let me know.

This is major emotional stuff to write, David. There is so much more but I'll just plug along slowly until you think there is a clear remedy picture.
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

My mind has started shutting down again when trying to write more about my issues. I was doing quite well but then too much was coming up and I guess as a safety mechanism every time I would begin to write too many loaded thoughts would rush in all at once and then hide completely.... sort of like a clogged pipe I guess. It could take a long time. I have enough patience if you do.

Do you mind if I copy/paste previous parts of my old posts that are accurate descriptions of my experience and issues? Then it would not be such an overwhelming blank slate and I can add more clarification and detail. My goal is to keep it all in that one post. I really am trying to make this as easy as possible for you this time around.

Thank you....
tahbi last decade
Bump up.

Hi David, I've been doing very well physically and emotionally but yesterday, along with a coldsore on my lip my cough came back and I'm not feeling well. Could you please answer my last question. I feel a huge amount of blockage again with writing out my issues. A life-long issue in itself.... writing or talking about them.

tahbi last decade
Do whatever you need to.

It isn't really retaking the case if you just cut and paste though. I won't see anything new that way.

But something is better than nothing.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, David. I will not use old info then. I'm committed to getting the pure picture revealed, I just wish I would not have the over protective mechanisms that block that from happening. It's quite frustrating.

Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better and will just write it out the best I can. My cough was bad today and I feel achy with worse liver pressure, cramping in toes in both feet, feelings of pressure in both ears and right below, sore gland sensations, very sore cold sore on left lower lip, uncomfortably overheated, both inguinal hernias (right repaired, left not repaired) have the same bulging/pressure sensations, cough much worse with any emotion, after eating, brushing teeth, talking, and momentarally better with belching as happens sometimes. My joints are really bothering me, fingers, knees, right shoulder upper right arm.....

I know I did not give you detailed sensations but hopefully I can fill in the blanks tomorrow.
tahbi last decade
Remember that just listing symptoms will not help me find the remedy. I have to see the pattern, the theme, that connects them all up. What is the process here, what are you describing, and how to you cope with it? That is what I have to determine.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, I know. I just jotted that down to hopefully get me to open up much more tomorrow.

As I've mentioned several times, answering questions, taking tests, etc, tends to shut me right down. In school, even if I knew the info I would be so totally apprehensive that I would fall asleep during tests. Too much of too much causing me to shut down, block out,.... to seek silence, gentleness, simple peace.... as I learned from my kitty growing up as a child.
tahbi last decade
I still think you should start again with shutting down, since this directly acts a block to you seeking help.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by tahbi on Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:48:19 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Being blocked....

On one hand limits me hugely in life, the other puts me within a barely safe threshold of protection.

Maybe the sensation of successfully being blocked is ultimately like being back in my Mom's womb... No decisions to be made, just floating, sensitive but no need to be reactive. No need to even decide to step out of my comfort zone. Nothing is right or wrong.... it just is. I am fed, nurtured, safe... or not, but if I'm not safe I'm unaware of the danger so I don't need to choose what to do about it. I am an observer with ultimate freedoms of timelessness, sensation of rhythms and pure sensuality..... peace.... and the only changes being exquisitely subtle, no fast change to have to identify, judge or respond to.

Shutting down.... is always a battle between the different parts of myself even if I'm unaware of that at the time. On one hand the goal is to go into the ideal, totally blocked state described above. But that can't happen easily or clearly. I'm not a fetus anymore. Every single moment there are decisions to be made. My body and my mind seems way too aware of the wrongs on each side of every decision. Even within the 'right's, it is loaded - a gigantic burden because the wrongs are looming over me all the time, even when I've momentarily, superficially, gotten to the 'in the womb' state described above. Absolutely everything is cause and effect. It is overwhelming and exhausting to a dangerous level. And that is even just within my own body and mind, before there is any obvious presence of another human being, and the overwhelming millions of sensations, judgements, decisions, right, wrongs or other wrongs that come with life outside of the 'womb' in real life.

[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 11 Jan 2012 15:11:26 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I have not been posting because my Granddaughter is back from Brazil and we have been having a very wonderful and magical time.... other than stubborn head lice that she brought with her.

Do you ever treat with acutes? I ask because I have been treating and endlessly nit combing out heads and I'm not finding any more lice or nits in either of our heads. Her head is not itchy at all but mine
is very itchy and I'm sure at this point it's all psychological. I comb with a fine nit comb every day and
find no evidence.

Just wondering/hoping....
Thanks.... Tahbi
tahbi last decade
Whenever I have treated lice, it has always been with the constitutional, which makes the body unpleasant for the lice, and cures the susceptibility to them.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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