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Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 5 of 16

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Swimming the crawl...
(Not my own body?)

Breath, rhythm, expansion, reaching but not rushing, metronome, meditative, the full sensation of every moment and every minute part of my body in relation to the water. Feet kicking as the steady background beat, and arm reaches forward, hand cuts into the water and stretches forward even more, hypnotic rhythm and dance between legs and feet kicking, arms taking turns reaching and pulling, head and neck skipping every other beat to turn, fill lungs with air and blow it way out in the water. Sound is so nurturing and relaxing from taking in breath, letting out breath, hand cuts in water, other hand cuts in water, the kicking is the background that is almost unnoticeable.
tahbi last decade
I have been looking at pictures of the walnut, trying to understand the qualities of it, to help me understand your image of a shell.

That kind of shell splits into two halves, so it would open up and close.

The image of the hermit crab is quite different - that kind of shell would have an entrance through which you enter and exit.

The image of the cave is the same, you come out, you go in, and inside you are protected.

The walnut seems to jar with that image - what is it about the walnut that represents the concept of the shell to you?

And what are the qualities of a shell or a cave that protects?
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 01:22:44 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
How does something (not you) become invisibile, how does it not get noticed?

The idea you gave was that even if you came out of your shell, out of your cave, you are still invisible. How would something come out of its protective covering, and still not be noticed?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Protection. The clear image of a whole walnut with shell intact comes up even though walnuts now give me a bitter after-taste when I eat them (as well as potato skins). A membrane to keep what is inside safe and in the original natural condition.

This was the first thought I had to describe shell. I'm not letting myself reread or edit what I've written so I did not think about the difference. I did not even think about the two brain-looking halves inside even though I was 'seeing' them when I wrote it. My focus was on the basic protection.

I can see why you would be confused. Sorry, David. I'm just trying to write without my huge self-judgements about right or wrong, good or bad, pass or fail.
tahbi last decade
Actually you are describing the substance from which your remedy is made. You are doing so well - we are very close to it, so don't pull back into the human expressions.

It is the strange, the irrational, the odd words and turns of phrase that lead us to the exact remedy. You are describing it very precisely, if I can just understand what you are trying to paint for me.

It makes sense that you were describing protection.

What I have to do is understand the various survival strategies you are descrbing, to know what you are describing.

Retreat into a cave or shell

Shell protects the sensitive insides

Safe and secure in the shell, but invisible when you come out (this is very interesting to me)

Shell is carried with you so you can go in and out as you need to.

Then we have bobbing and floating, water currents, weightless, rhythm and gentle movement of water.

It is a water remedy, no doubt. Maybe that question about how you can come out of your safe place but still be invisibile will help.

Remember, not you personally, but anything that retreats to survive, how would it remain unnoticed when it came out again?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Sorry, I did not see this post.

How does something (not you) become invisibile, how does it not get noticed?
...by being still, quiet, no drama, taking on the energy and looks of the surroundings.

The idea you gave was that even if you came out of your shell, out of your cave, you are still invisible.
...it's all about my feelings of self-worth or lack of. I think I meant that most of the time I like to be invisible and not draw attention to myself (hard to do when you have a good sized, fluffy white service dog!), but when there is someone I'm especially drawn to and would like to meet or get to know, I feel too invisible.

How would something come out of its protective covering, and still not be noticed?
...I've been wondering that my whole life. I don't understand. I always think I must be visible but that I am too different for anyone to want me. I'm often only noticed by people who feel dangerous to me and give me the creeps. That said, my very gentle, sweet dog is so special with elderly woman and I have had very special experiences and friendships with elderly woman through my lifetime, so she has let me have short, safe, meaningful interactions with them. It's the rare, good unattached men that I have seemed to be invisible to, even before I had serious health issues. I am very shy but it is more than that. I've never understood.
tahbi last decade
Ok we are still miscommunicating a bit but that is ok, this is the hardest bit.

Don't talk about yourself now. Just tell me how something (that is not you) would come out of a shell or protective space, and still not be noticed. What about it could do that, or make that happen?

Remember, not you, other things. We are talking about the concept, the process, not about your feelings. We are trying to move down into the part of you that is not meant to be there, the 'other you' whom you share your life with. What is that other you, what is it really? It is what we call the 'non-human' part of you, the remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Retreat into a cave or shell

This may ruin your theory but when I read this I was pulled back abruptly to memories of several times being in a camping tent at night with no light coming from moon or stars or artificially. I woke up desperate for air and at least a bit of light, which without fire or flashlight there was none. It was awful! I was clawing at the screen to get out but could not see anything. This has also happened here at home a few times when power has been out for longer than my candles or flashlights. Being so hard of hearing now, and not being able to see anything at all scared the hell out of me. I felt I could not breath - I was going to die.

I think I'd rather be in a clearer shell with me being able to look out and watch but nobody can see me.... like the soap bubble.

I was wondering which kingdom but to be honest, out of several I thought I could belong in, water was not one of those. Is it because those were the examples I happened to come out with? Just curious....
[message edited by tahbi on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 03:13:39 BST]
tahbi last decade
There is a time lag with the posts so they are out of sync.

Don't talk about yourself now. Just tell me how something (that is not you) would come out of a shell or protective space, and still not be noticed. What about it could do that, or make that happen?

My brain is boggled. I understand where you are trying to go with this but I'm not getting there. I'm going to take a break and hopefully it will happen after some food and not trying so hard.

Thanks for your patience, David
tahbi last decade
I reread it again and came up with the same answer that I wrote previously, and it is not about me personally.

'...by being still, quiet, no drama, taking on the energy and looks of the surroundings.'

Like a salamander or chameleon. Or a bug that looks just like a leaf, or a fish that looks just like coral.....etc.
[message edited by tahbi on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 03:23:01 BST]
tahbi last decade
Hi David, I added a bit to the last post. I have been trying to come up with more but I'm stuck.(by the way quicksand was a major theme in my life for the five years before this last one. I used that word constantly as I felt it so clearly as my reality)

Here is a copy of what I added:

'...by being still, quiet, no drama, taking on the energy and looks of the surroundings.'

Like a salamander or chameleon. Or a bug that looks just like a leaf, or a fish that looks just like coral.....etc.

Is there another way you can word what you are after?
tahbi last decade
About water
I know you don't want to hear specifics about my life around this BUT... I can't get moving at all without getting in a good hot shower. I often need one before I go to bed also. My body almost always feels much better when I'm actually in the hot shower. Otherwise my joints would not let me move at all. And I have always had trouble drinking plain water.
tahbi last decade
Ok it has taken me a while to get there, but after some research into the defence mechanisms of the animal I am going to prescribe, I want you to get the remedy CYPRAEA EGLANTINA 200c(Cowrie snail).

The animal kingdom seems clear. There are issues with being compared to others and coming out worse. Put down, humilated, dominated, controlled, fight or flight response. There are issues of victim and aggressor, and the need to survive some kind of threat to survival. The way that threat is dealt with, leads you further into the specific animal group.

The next thing that stood out for me was the defensive behaviour of retreating into a cave or shell. The shell is for protection, to cover and keep safe the sensitive vulnerable 'insides' of you. The need for a shell is found in the Turtles and Tortoises, the Crabs and other Arthropods, and the Molluscs. Of those, the need to protect a fragile, sensitive, soft body is more the mollusc group.

Need hard protection
Withdraw, retreat
Go out of reach
In my shell

The snails have the sensation of entering and leaving the shell, as if through a door. They come out when it is safe, and withdraw when it is not. However, they carry their shell with them, and are able to retreat into it at need, unless most of the bivalves who are stuck in one place.

The tend to hide amongst coral and rocks, with their mantle extended they can remain camouflaged, so they are out of the shell but invisible.

Of course the water/sea words are quite obvious.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
From the proving, we see these expressions.

Feel not understood, excluded, cannot approach others

I am alone in this world

Unprotected, open to everything
I am defenceless and completely vulnerable

I want to hide, be by myself, hide in my cabin in the mountains where it is cozy and secluded

Sensation of floating

Sensation of two parts, one is heavy and motionless, lying still in apathy; the other is weightless and moves easily, floating above and beyond all things

I want to be invisible, observe the situation from above, float under the ceiling

I feel I am disconnected from the world, I want to flee and be by myself

Strong need for physical closeness, just want the contact
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Wow,... I have not read your new posts yet but wanted to share something I think you'd be interested in. If I don't type it now, as I just woke up in the morning, I would forget it. I did see the word snail jump out in your post though, which blew me away because of my dream.

Since menopause I have almost never been aware of dreaming or remember my dreams. Late last night I was curious about water remedies so I tried to find reference to homeopathic water remedies, which I could not find much. On one of the web pages I was scrolling down the page skimming different remedies that had to do with the sea. All of a sudden my heart stopped with a quick breath as I saw a picture of a nautilus shell. I have half of an ancient fossilized nautilus shell that I bought for myself a few years ago. It is the most beautiful shell I have ever seen when looking at the open inside flat face of spiral and mild but gorgeous colors. I just stared at the most beautiful shell on the web page but did not read it because you had said water remedy.

In my dream before I awoke I was aware of the most incredible sense of well being. I was really 'looking' at that feeling because I could not believe it. I have never before experienced such a feeling in my real life for more than a very short moment. The dream went on as I was aware of the feeling in awe. Then I was made aware (maybe by you but not face or body, just conversation) that it was because of the homeopathic remedy I was given.... the nautilus!!! I was overcome with the most wonderful lightness and true happiness ever and was nodding my head in acknowledgement of how right the remedy was.

And then I woke up and opened my eyes after savoring the feeling and wisdom of the remedy... only to realize it was the same old, same old. I immediately started to spiral down, came in here to check the computer and saw that the remedy you chose was not water but a mollusk. Wow!

Now I will read your posts.

I really do appreciate all of the time and effort you have put into helping me, David.

tahbi last decade
That's right on all except the following statement:

There are issues with being compared to others and coming out worse.

It's not comparison to others that I feel. It is usually more about my feelings of vulnerability and over-sensitivity making me feel I can't handle normal life, normal society, the lightness I see other people experiencing... being out there and exposed.

So yes, it sure is close! And the snail is slow and the minerals are in the shell, not the soft body. WOW!!!!

Where is the best place to order the remedy from?

Great Job, David! Amazing!!!
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I could only find it at Helios. Is there any place in the US?

To order it from Helios there are many different forms and sizes so I have no idea what I should order specifically.

The choice of remedy seems absolutely brilliant David.
tahbi last decade
Hahnemann Labs in California should have it.

You spent your entire childhood feeling compared to the rest of your family and coming out at the bottom.

' always felt I was the stupid, over-emotional one in the family. I was clearly very different from the others. I was the only one out of four daughters (no sons) that had light-colored hair and I know I had learning disabilities. My father was a brilliant scientist, had many bio-physics patented inventions, was chairman of electrical engineering at a major university, and although I'm sure he loved me, he never told me or was affectionate at all, only critical. I constantly felt embarrassed... totally humiliated. He could look at me and I would completely fall apart. Most family meals, every evening for years, there would be a discussion about something that would be over my head, I would get silly, he would give me 'that look' or say something that would make me feel like I would die, and I would run to my bedroom mortified. That theme unfortunately carried on much of my life. The thing is that I thought this man was the most handsome, smartest, funniest with humor... and I always failed 'the test'. I felt constantly stupid and humiliated. That carried over to most humans that have been in my life unless they were frail, very ill, disabled in some way'

This is the theme of comparison, where you are lesser than others who are better than you. This is one of the primary themes of the animal kingdom. You look around at others, and you feel that they are more than you, that you are put below them and attacked for it. It is very Animal.

It is hard for us to see this properly - it takes an objective observer to get it - from the inside, from your side, it is just impossible to really see it for how it is.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I just reread your post about the Nautilus. That was actually one of the remedies I was trying to differenitate with. The floating and rising up in a bubble, is very typical of that remedy. Unique amongst the Cephalopods, subgroup of molluscs, it has a shell it can fully retract into, and carries that shell around with it. So actually it is highly indicated.

If you have the funds, I would suggest getting Cypr-e 200 and 1M, and Nautilus 200 and 1M. That way we can use it as a back up.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David, I was just checking out Hahnemann Labs but have not found them yet. I will but not sure I can get all of them.

It is all fascinating to me, as I have spent my life seeing in metaphor more often than not. Today I found provings of Cypr-e and read through them. I could not put it down! Most gripping reading I've done in a long time and I read all the time. The mental/emotional was incredibly similar but the physical was not. For one example, it seemed to be mostly the left side that was affected and mine is mostly the right side. And the physical ailment tendencies were not really mine. But the simile for most of the molluscs is incredible for me. I tried to find the medica materia for nautilus but could not. I did see a gorgeous, big, expensive book about the sea remedies with pdf chapter previews but the rubrics were not there. You are right on with the mollusc group though. All day I was lighter because I could put a clear image to what I have been experiencing my whole life. It is fascinating!

Are the generalities much different between the two remedies?

If I can only get two 1/2 dramm bottles, which two should I get? Please keep in mind that I'm extremely sensitive.

It's very interesting about what you wrote having to do with feeling 'less' than others. I guess in writing it seems that way but it was more about being different and not understood at all. And it had lots to do with not being able to control and trust my over-sensitivities and emotions. I had little self-confidence and would fall apart too easily but I never wanted to 'be' anyone else. I wanted to feel lighter and happier, and yes, I wanted the perfect teeth and smile of my sisters and others but I did not really feel lesser or that others were better than me. It was/is more about why can't I just lighten up. I actually really respect myself and appreciate my values and how honest and empathetic I am. I always have. But that does not mean I feel less of a good person than them. Actually, in the world the way it is now, I feel like a very good person compared to too many who are now so shallow and disrespectful.

Does that change the specific mollusc?

This is the very first time in my life of health issues, angst and too many awful practitioners of all kinds, that I really trust that this process is right and I'm even hopeful. I also feel very lucky to have found this forum and you, and that you are so skilled and generous in helping me.

Thank you!

[message edited by tahbi on Sun, 30 Oct 2011 01:39:12 BST]
tahbi last decade
You will only need 2 pillules from any bottle you get, so the size doesn't matter, get the smallest. You need to make a dosing bottle to use the Split dosing method, so once that is done the other pillules won't be used.

The sensation in the case is the generalties - and that I have incorporated into my analysis through the whole case taking. Things like 'sidedness' is quite irrelevent to choosing a remedy - that has to do with the specific patient's weaknesses and not the remedy. Every remedy affects both sides of the body.

The state of the patient takes precedence over specific symptoms, which only occur in the provers who have the already-present weakness or vulnerability towards them. The mentals, emotionals, sensations, will appear across the board however. Nautilus is found in Rajan Sankaran's first survival book, The Mollusc. That is an expensive book not available as a pdf.

Those things you mention are all human-specific concerns and will not lead you to the source of your remedy. The 'other voice' speaks in non-human terms (shell, cave, invisible etc) not in human ones (humilate, respect, values etc).

I agree, Mollusc seems clear, very clear.

This is the link to the pharmacy.

brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, I priced the smallest vial. If I can only get two for now, should I get 200c of both remedies or 200c and 1M of either Cypr-e or Nautilus?

Thanks for your patience.
tahbi last decade
Just get Cypr-e then for the moment.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Okay, I ordered the Cypr-e in 200C and 1M. I thought you should know that they have no stronger potency than 1M.

I actually think they are much more expensive than Helios but I should hopefully get it by the end of next week.

I take a sea algae type of calcium because I felt poorly taking the calcium from other sources. And also the Cypraea looks more like a womb than the Nautilus.

Are the two remedies taken from the shell part or the actual animal?

tahbi last decade
I am not sure exactly what part of the animal they used. It shouldn't make any difference to the remedy effect though.

They are indeed way more expensive. I had to get the African Spurred Tortoise from them recently as they are the only pharmacy in the world that makes it, and it cost me double what I would pay at Helios.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
If I order Nautilus from Helios, would it be the small #3 pills or the granules that I should get. And do you happen to know how long it takes orders to get to the US destination from Helios?

Were there other molluscs that you felt strongly about for me other than cypraea and nautilus?
tahbi last decade

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