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Posts about Eczema, Stress

Constant stress4Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema6Adult picky eater with emotional distress55 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

2,5 year old boy eczema from emotional stress.

1. Each symptom in as much detail as possible. For example, for a headache, describe the type of pain (ie sharp, dull, stabbing, pulsating etc etc)
Male, 2,5 year old, Blonde, blue eyes. At first time sings of eczema appeared at the age of 6 months when solid food started. The eczema was on both legs just below the knees looked like gray small coin size. Doctor recommended LPC In Aqueous cream and symptoms disappeared quickly, at the same time all solids food was stopped giving and breast feed continued. Now the boy started day care with provided meals by the daycare. The new eczema read, dry, slightly itching, 8 sm long and 5sm wide spot appear on the right leg (behind the knee). On the second leg is just starting to appear the spot. Also appeared small red, dry spot on the root of penis. Also a boy has water inside the ear (right), and sometimes discharge appears from the ear stick brown color. Doctor said it happened after the cold (boy had a long 2 weeks cold with lots of running discharge from the nose just finished before we saw doctor).
2. What first started it off (ie walking in a cold wind)
After the first day of going to daycare. Cried a lot when I left him and cried when I returned. This is the 6th week that he goes and last time it was better, cried less and saying Nice after I take him. But the read spots look worse.
3. When it's worse (ie on seeing bright lights, on stepping, before period, etc)
Worse after crying, separation. Worse after walking in a cold weather with strong cold win from ocean with improper clothes (too light for example).Or walking barefoot in a cold weather, he starts to have running nose right away.
4. When it feels better (ie lying down in a dark room, when warm, when cold)
When gets what he wants.
5. Your sleep pattern and details of any recurring dreams.
Slept with mum till 2, 4 year old. Now sleeps along, but asks to lay down close to him till he falls asleep. The back of the head often sweats at night.The blanket kicked off often even the body might be cool. Likes to take off the socks. Sleeps usually well and deep but short hours maximum 9 hours or less at night and 2 hours during the day. Very hard to fall him asleep during the day and I always have to push him in the pram or in let him asleep in a car.
6. What you are sensitive to (ie, heat, cold, touch, criticism, etc)
Sensitive to separation, when other kids take his toys.
7. Your state of mind (fears, anxieties, attitudes, moods, etc)
Sometimes cries at night. Feels shy when not known people look or talk to him. He closes his face and eyes with his hand, but smile.
8. Any desires or aversions for particular foods, and wether certain foods make you feel better or worse.
Likes to eat oats porridge, butter (plain without bread and a great amount), rice, pasta, and yogurt.
9. Details of any major diseases suffered in past.
He was 2 weeks overdue. Born by emergency caesarean section, with dry skin. Born healthy. Had a few colds with running badly nose, sneezing, temperature high or low.
10. Detals of any reactions to other medicines taken.
11. History of homeopathic treatment if any.
I tried to give him Arnica 6, after that redness slightly became more read and after that became a lit of better. Emotionally were more excited and active.
12. All other symptoms you have (ie watering eyes, cold feet, thirst).
He is an active, (always needed less hours to sleep maximum 9 at night), enjoys to discover the world, can run away, during the day never hugs and do not allow to hug him, but loves to be hugged and kissed before sleep. A lit of bit slow in speech development (we are immigrants and speak other language than at the daycare). His teeth started to come through when he was 7 months old. Pretty often ran high temperature with teething and having bad mood.
[message edited by Lana_K on Wed, 02 Nov 2011 11:33:53 GMT]
  Lana_K on 2011-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I will post some standard questions for homoeopathic case-taking. You may have answered some of these already in your first post, so unless the question asks you to expand on it in ways you have not already done, just ignore those and focus on the questions that you have not answered.

1. Describe in detail the main problem - appearance, colour, shape, symptoms, behaviour etc. What happens, when it happens etc.

2. Describe any pains or behaviours associated with the symptoms.

3. Describe anything that makes the problem worse ie. position, temperature, food etc.

4. Describe anything that makes the problem better ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed.

5. Go through each symptom or problem he/she has, doing the same thing (answering questions 1-4), even if the problem does not seem connected to any others.

6. When did each problem start? What happened around that same time?

7. What is his/her character like? What kinds of fears or anxieties does he/she have? What makes him/her irritable? Flesh out his/her personality.

8. What foods does he/she crave or hate? What drinks does he/she crave or hate? Is he/she sensitive to anything he/she eats or drinks?

9. How does the weather or season affect him/her?

10. How have all his/her milestones gone? Does he/she have any issue with speaking, learning, walking, climbing etc

11. How is he/she with socializing with others?

12. What is his/her bowel habit like? Any problems? Any odours, strange colours or stool shapes?

13. Where does he/she sweat? Does it have a smell or does it stain a particular colour?

14. History of illnesses in his/her life?

15. Has he/she reacted to any vaccines or medical drugs?

16. Problems with sleep? Position he/she sleeps in? Nightmares or any dreams he/she talks about?

17. How is he/she with animals?

18. How is he/she with adults or strangers?

19. What is the family history of illness and disease?

20. What was the pregnancy like? Any odd symptoms or feelings that disappeared once he/she was born?

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
1. Describe in detail the main problem - appearance, colour, shape, symptoms, behaviour etc. What happens, when it happens etc.
The red spots do not influence on behaviour. A child looks happy and healthy and active.

2. Describe any pains or behaviours associated with the symptoms.
I didn’t notice change of behaviour. A boys is active, play nicely, walk a lot at the moment. Just after the first day at daycare he felt anxiety and didn’t let mum or daddy go out and leave him even for a moment. Now he says bye and no problem.

3. Describe anything that makes the problem worse ie. position, temperature, food etc.
I think it gets worse when the child is sitting long time (for example in a car) or sleep with bend knees. As first hot days came I think it was better in cooler days.

4. Describe anything that makes the problem better ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed.
I think cool water or cool dry air helps.

5. Go through each symptom or problem he/she has, doing the same thing (answering questions 1-4), even if the problem does not seem connected to any others.

6. When did each problem start? What happened around that same time?
The problem started after the first day after daycare about 6 weeks ago. Just before that about a month before daycare a boy started to sleep along in his own bed (before that he slept with mum or dad from the birth and didn’t want to sleep along, cried and screamed, got up at night). Just before the first day going to day care had a long cold for 2 weeks with running nose. Also regular toiled training started at that time. He uses a pot to make a poo from 8 months old without a problem, but he refused to do a wee on a toilet or a potty, always did it in pants or next to the pot. Now he uses a pot or toilet without any problem, if he is not wearing underwear can sit on a pot and do a wii. If he is in shorts will not let us that he wants a wee. Now he is not refused and let us help him to use a pot or a toilet without any problems.

7. What is his/her character like? What kinds of fears or anxieties does he/she have? What makes him/her irritable? Flesh out his/her personality.
Active boy, love to run, jump, play, shout sometimes. He is why with foreigners and started to shut his faith with hands recently, but behind the hands I can see that he is looking and smiling. He needs time to adjust to a new environment, it makes easier when mum is near. He is pretty brave, run away from mum. Can sleep and walk in complete dark room when gets up at night to come to mum’s bed. Not sure about the fears. Sometimes he screams or talks at night when sleep, two times I woke him up to say that it was a dream and everything is fine. He get irritable when teething, when too tired, when other kids take his toys, sometimes gets irritable when we say no. But we follow what we are saying and he calms down quickly. He doesn’t like the waves on the ocean, even since he was very small (1 year old), he worried when a daddy or mum went swimming. Now he doesn’t rush into water with waves. He swims only in shallow places where he can see the shore on the other side.
He is usually a happy, active boy, smile a lot. Wakes up quickly and run to the toys to play. Bring the toys to parents to play.

8. What foods does he/she crave or hate? What drinks does he/she crave or hate? Is he/she sensitive to anything he/she eats or drinks?
A boy loves butter, rice, pasta, porridge, watermelon. He drinks a lot of milk, but loves soft drinks which we do not give. I let him to add some cordial to water and he likes it. It seems he is not interested in chocolate.

9. How does the weather or season affect him/her?
We link in Australia near the ocean. In a winter we have strong cold winds and if the boy is wearing not proper clothes and gets cold he will feel not well, he will have running nose or have a cold symptoms. He likes warm weather and warm water.

10. How have all his/her milestones gone? Does he/she have any issue with speaking, learning, walking, climbing etc
He is a great climber, loves going to gymnastics. He is slow with speech, just recently notices that finally he started to repeat the words. He actively pointed on the pictures with a wish to hear the name of the object since he was one. Now he points to the letters and I tell him the letters and the whole word after that, he points the whole word as well. He has fine motor skills and fingures can work with very small objects.

11. How is he/she with socializing with others?
He was born in a village where we didn’t have friends and stayed at home all the time. It was very difficult for him going to playgroup since he was one. He didn’t like it much from the beginning and when felt too anxiety sat on my lap during the whole session. I never refused to give him support physical or emotional. Now we moved to the big city and we met friends and a boy is learning socializing, that is not easy because he doesn’t want me to play with other kids and he show jealosity and he didn’t want to share with toys. Now we go to playgroups, different classes together and one day a daycare where he is by himself. And I can see how much he has changed and now plays with kids and share the toys and does not have anxiety as before. But he still needs time to adjust to the new people.

12. What is his/her bowel habit like? Any problems? Any odours, strange colours or stool shapes?
I didn’t notice any problems with a poo. He does it about once every second day. Sometimes he has green stool pretty watery (usually it happens with new coming teeth). Smell sometimes is pretty strong. Colors are different, dark brown to light brown (depending what he eat). If he eats not properly and get too much cookies he may have a constipation pretty painful and I usually give him plums, water that helps a lot and try to give fruit everyday and proper food.

13. Where does he/she sweat? Does it have a smell or does it stain a particular colour?
He sweats usually at night (head, back of the head). If he has a cold he sweats a lot and the pillow will be wet.

14. History of illnesses in his/her life?
he had thrush after he was born, because I had it on the nipples. A few colds with high temperature. Water in his right ear after the cold.

15. Has he/she reacted to any vaccines or medical drugs?
He is fully vaccinated, had a bad mood and lit of bit temperature but once only, not after every vaccination.

16. Problems with sleep? Position he/she sleeps in? Nightmares or any dreams he/she talks about?

17. How is he/she with animals?
. He is ok with animals, when to the zoo and he touched a crocodile, snake etc with an interest but not much and didn’t want to take them on his hands. He also fed a kangaroo and touch it and really enjoyed it. When he see a dog or a cat he will make sounds for meow or woof but will not run to them to touch and is not scared when they approach to him.

18. How is he/she with adults or strangers?
Sometimes if he like someone he can start to play with a stranger, bring a toy or say something to the absolutely stranger person (at the playground for example). If we are in a lift he will shut the face with hands, but will say bye when we are living the elevator. He shows shiness when I talk about him to somebody and become mad if I say something that is not very nice about him.

19. What is the family history of illness and disease?
Bulge disc, low back pain, had bad vaginal thrush every month but found homeopathic remedy and do not have these problems as often as before. Had a thrush on the nipples for 5 months after the birth – mother. High pressure - father

20. What was the pregnancy like? Any odd symptoms or feelings that disappeared once he/she was born?
The pregnancy was great. The baby was very quiet never kick painfully. But I had a horrible back pain and couldn’t stand or walk or sleep well because of the pain. Also had a horrible heartburn during the whole pregnancy especially it got worse at the last months and I had to sleep in a sitting position. The labor was long for 2 days, at the end emergency cesarean. A cord was double around baby’s neck. A baby was born healthy, with slightly skin problems (dry skin),because of the overdue 2 weeks). The labor didn’t start in time and I did acupuncture to start the labor that works well.
[message edited by Lana_K on Thu, 03 Nov 2011 04:15:44 GMT]
[message edited by Lana_K on Thu, 03 Nov 2011 04:22:53 GMT]
Lana_K last decade
Ok I am looking over this today.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Oh where in Australia are you? I am in Brisbane (no surprise from my nickname lol).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
How is he with learning generally, compared to other children?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
We are from Sydney.
He is a quick learner. I can show him once only and he's done this and is not interested to do it again as he knows it already. Will repeat only if he likes something. Very smart boy, friends say he has a serious looking and the eyes like he has a great experience already. I think he adapts slow. Just recently daddy sad that the boy is his copy (the character and physical features as well). I applied sudocream yesterday and in the morning there was no rash at all behind the knees, only dry skin on the root of penis. After spending morning at the beach rash appeared but not as bed as before. When he scratch the skin I blow or wash with cool water and it helps to stop scratching. By the way when he is 3 months old and heard us parents speaking on the phone in English he looked at us seriously and gave us a splash with his hand to our mouth. He didn't like us to talk another language. Now is ok. he went to daycare yesterday and cried saying bye bye and started to cry before I came. He is spending there only 3 hours from 9am to 12am. By the way the boy has pale face nearly all the time.
Lana_K last decade
The two remedies that come to mind are Silicea and Baryta-carb.

I am leaning towards Baryta-carb because the shyness, the slowness learning to talk, the desire to be with mother and the slowness to socialize, the separation anxiety, and most prominently the hiding his face behind his hand and peeking through the fingers - these are all qualities of this remedy.

I don't think the state is very intense though, and so my suggestion would be 30c. You can buy this as drops or granules/pillules. However you will need to administer this as follows:


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2 granules or 2 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - start with 1/4 cup. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).

Give him one dose a day, for 3 days only. Then let me know what has happened. Stop if any of his symptoms or behaviour worsens.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you very much for reply and remedies.
The last remedy I took was Silicea (200), it was about 4 years ago. Soon after it I became pregnant with this nice boy :-).He also spends a lot of time to examine his penis.
[message edited by Lana_K on Sat, 05 Nov 2011 04:54:14 GMT]
Lana_K last decade

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