The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dear Sir,Igot typhoid 2 month back.... i took allopathic medicine and got ok...after 10 days it relapsed again i took allopathic medicine and finished my course as on 1 nov 2011... since then iam ok but pain in joints specially fingers and toe is there,also sometimes alittle burning sensation in liver and upper left portion of abdomen is felt... i met a homeopath he gave me rhus tox 30... shall i take baptisia now. also caught cold and it i sok but my inner throat is red all the time ... i beleive no bacteria now in my body so if i take baptisia wil it have anysideeffects
[message edited by mikee123 on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 18:06:14 GMT]
mikee123 on 2011-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Rhus tox was proper medicine for u at that time. Use 7 days Arsenic 200c and thn a dose of Sulpher 200c and than after 5 days a dose of Tiphoidium 200c. report me after 15 days.
Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
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