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Body Odor/Emotional issues

Guidance needed!
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 15:14:05 GMT]
  sonjaxfactor on 2011-11-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sulphur is a mineral remedy. It is 'the King of anti-psoric remedies'.
The main feeling of Sulphur is that of being scorned, suppressed, put down, criticized. The person is made to feel humiliated, his pride is hurt. Embarrassment is one of the main feelings in Sulphur. There is therefore a constant effort, a struggle to come up again... to be someone, to know something, to earn respect. He feels that he is expected to be good in his appearance, his relationships and in his business, and these include his knowledge, talent and capabilities. Failing this, he will have to face scorn and bear embarrassment. The struggle is for ego and honour. Ego is one of the biggest themes in Sulphur and effort one of the main actions. The effort and the feeling are both psoric, in a sense that there is a kind of hopefulness in Sulphur patients. The task is not too high, and they are often quite optimistic.
There exists in Sulphur patients the desire for business, the desire to make money and to be financially sound. There is the feeling of being poor, and consequently an effort to make money so as to overcome the situation of poverty. In the failed state however there is indolence, a lack of effort, hence the symptom: 'Delusion, old rags are as fine as silk'. This is contentment; there is no more action to try and get out of the situation. These symptoms of Sulphur which reflect the indolence are very well known.
Sulphur persons may be very concerned about how they appear to other people. They have the feeling that if they are not perfect in their appearance, they will be scorned. Concerned that they should not appear dirty, they make a lot of effort to appear clean. On the other hand, they may neglect their appearance, they may be indifferent to how they look, they don't give a damn and appear dirty. This indifference to personal appearance is seen less commonly.
They have the need to know things, to be inquisitive. They feel insulted when they do not know something and try to make up for what they do not know by theorizing. They need to feel good about themselves because they have the feeling of being unimportant and of being disgraced. Very sensitive to criticism, scorn and insult. They live each in their own world, where they can feel good about themselves by imagining that they possess great knowledge, a lot of wealth and look good to others. They imagine that they are appreciated by those around them, for what they are and what they possess. It is a struggle for ego satisfaction; and this being one of the commonest traits of human beings, Sulphur tends to be over-prescribed or under-prescribed.
The patients feel that they are expected to be good in their relationships with people, and so they are caring and do a lot for others.
One observation I have made about Sulphur children is that they like to touch everything, as if only what they touch is real. Among the dreams of Sulphur, I have frequently noted the one of being pursued by wild animals. I have also found that some Sulphur patients are attracted by monkeys.
Physical symptoms:
Among the well-known physical symptoms of Sulphur are:
o Intolerance of hunger which is especially marked in the forenoon.
o Desire for sweets and fats.
o Heat in the feet, hands and vertex.
o Offensive odour of discharges.
o An almost mandatory history of skin eruptions which itch voluptuously.
o Intolerance of heat and closed rooms.
o Anxiety for others.
o Hopeful.
o Delusion, body, black, is.
o Delusion, thin, is getting.
o Delusion, disgraced, she is.
o Delusion, want, he will come to.
o Ailments, scorn, being scorned.
o Ailments, embarrassment.
o Fear, poverty, of.
o Business, talks, of.
o Delusion, old rags are as fine as silk.
o Foolish behaviour, happiness and pride.
o Indifference, personal appearance, to.
o Delusion, great person, is a.
o Delusion, wealth, of.
o Touch, does not know if objects are real until she has touched them.
o Vertigo from high places.
o Cataract in the left eye.
o Desires meat.
o Desires fat.
o Desires highly seasoned food.
o Desires raw food.
o Skin, cracks, winter, in.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Psorinum is a man who has tried to climb a mountain but, somewhere along the way, is stuck and can neither go up nor down, both being too risky. He is scared to move. Here an element of tremendous fear is involved. Fear with despair. It is not only that he doubts his capacity but he is scared of the mountain itself. It is rather the feeling of danger from outside than a sense of incapacity inside. This fear comes out of a situation in which he finds himself when he hasn't really assessed the risks involved. For example, while Sulph is very optimistic and thinks he is great, he can do anything, and Tub has a strong desire for travel and adventure, Psor will get into adventures where he reaches a particular point from which it is very difficult to move forward. Sulphur and Tub are complementary to Psor.
I remember an occasion where I had gone to the Himalayas with a friend. We saw a mountain almost unclimbed and we were thirsty for an adventure. So we started climbing. it was a steep mountain without a path. We reached a particular point about half way up where it became almost impossible to climb further.
When we looked back, there was no way, not even traces of our footsteps to go down. That was a near death experience. I was almost hanging, holding on to the branch of a tree, with the support of only one foot. At that particular time in my life, I felt totally hopeless. I had a strong fear that this was the last moment of my life and if that was so, why prolong it! So on one side there was total despair, a feeling that it was better to leave the branch and let go of life - a totally pessimistic approach - and on the other hand, there was a great irresolution, anticipation and foreboding. Although I had a friend with me, I felt totally abandoned. It started raining and my restlessness increased. Finally, I found a way out by trying very hard and moving inch by inch. I think I was in a Psor state at that time. The rubrics are:
Fear of disaster
Fear of misfortune
Ailments from Anticipation
Anxiety, foreboding
Forsaken feeling
Estranged feeling
Restlessness agg. during storm
Anxiety riding downhill.
The idea of Psor is that he has reached a very risky point in life, in health, in business, etc. There is nervous foreboding, despair and the fear of disaster.
The rubric 'Despair of recovery during convalescence' means that there is danger right up to the last step. He has suffered from such a dangerous illness that he cannot afford to have even the slightest hope. So he has despair until he recovers totally.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thanks Brisbane, I have this bad body odor of urine most of my life and both hit my symptoms right on the head. So i could use either or OR both?
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Fri, 25 Nov 2011 06:39:42 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
You see how our remedy pictures are. They are matched to the entire patient. Bad body odour is not how we would choose a remedy. There are literally thousands of remedies for that symptom
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
which remedy would you suggest?

1. ID sonjaxfactor

2. Age? 43

3. Sex female

4. Single/Married single

5. weight 225lbs

6. Height Â….5'7

7. country America

8. climate cold in missouri

9. List of your complaints? Severe urine body odor, anxiety, dizziness,

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint? since i was a teenager

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic? Non Diabetic

12. Desire sweets/sour/salt? Sweets and salts..yes

13. Thirst? Yes

14. Tongue and Taste? my taste is fine. Tongue is sometimes white.

15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)118 over 83.

16. What exactly is happening? Constant chronic body odor of urine, worse when I am about to get my period and during my period.

17. How do you feel? Depressed, passive/aggressive

18. How does this affect you? I'm very anti social, shy, I am a doormat, no self esteem. Very depressed.

19. How does it feel like? Embarrassed.

20. What comes to your mind? Help me get through this lord.

21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? When I had a job interview, I was very nervous, the room began to smell of urine.

22. How did that feel like? I wanted to try and find a solution that I have not tried yet.

23. What sensation do you experience in that situation? fear, anxiety, helplessness.

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)? I bathe, use deodorant everything not to stink. Nothing has worked

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past? Silicea and Nat Phos, five pellets three times a day. I just started, arrived yesterday.

26. Family Background. Abuse, diabetes, depression
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient? ???

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? I am an X-ray tech. I work around a lot of people, Patients, Doctors

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food? Cheeseburgers, cakes, potato chips, ice cream, mash potatoes and mac and cheese, peanuts.

30. Name of foods which increase your problem? I don't know

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections?
I'm severely shy, i would not dare speak in public. I have been celibate for 15yrs.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)?
I am aggravated all the time, that decreases when I feel I have found hope.

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)Not necessary.

34. Location of the disease? whole Body
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)whole Body odor

36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc? Sometimes my urine is water colored, sometimes yellow

For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date?
Middle of the month

Any monthly cycle issues? Its irregular

Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges? sometimes i don't get my period. that's what i want though. I'm on birth control for that. I am not sexually active though.

38. Are you pregnant? NO! If yes, please give pregnancy start date?

Any current issues? Depression, urine body odor, dizziness, fatigue, low energy
sonjaxfactor last decade
That is a terrible intake form. I can't really use that.


It is important to describe all your problems in as much detail as you are able. One word answers and short sentences are not particularly helpful. Discuss each problem one at a time, providing (as a minimum level of detail) the following information.

1. What exactly happens?
2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
4. What creates some relief for the problem?
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?


You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide. Do not put all your complaints into each of the 7 questions. Discuss one problem at a time. If you have, for example, a headache with nausea, do each component separately too (what makes the head pain worse or better, what makes the nausea worse or better).

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.

Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.

Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.

Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.

If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate
3. What your sleep is like
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to
6. What your general level of energy is like
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like
8. Describe your menstrual cycle

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build
b) Skin colour and texture
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.

Try that one instead. From there I will have more questions to clarify.

Try to make your answers detailed and long.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
OK! thank you, I will do. Thank you for your time and for answering my post Bisbanehomeopath. If there is anything else you need to know after I answer each intake question to the best of my ability please ask.
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 01:56:18 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
1. What exactly happens?

First, I do bathe everyday and
an odor of Urine comes from my body that can fill a room.

2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
I get headaches that feel like migraines on the right side of my head one to two times a year.
I get headaches and nauseous prior to my menses that have me feeling like my head is swelling, pounding. I feel physically weak and begin to sweat.

3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
My body odor of Urine gets worse prior to my menses. Also, in social surroundings, exerting myself, stress, a confrontation of any kind and when it gets hot.

4. What creates some relief for the problem? Thinking of home time, my next day off, fast foods, sweets. When I am alone mostly.

5. What triggers the problem into occurring?
At first I thought it was Stressful situations, going to work. I'm an outcast at work where I get No RESPECT due to the odor. Of course it got around the business offices, Physicians, patients co workers talking negatively about me EVERYDAY and me not standing up for myself.

Exerting myself, especially at work, causes me to sweat. But there is an odor even when I don't exert myself and not at work.

6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur? All day, everyday. As I have gotten older, the odor has gotten worse.

7. When did the problem start?
When I was in grade school, 4th or 5th grade.

What was happening in your
life at that time?
Well, I wet the bed till I was 8yrs old. My mother was verbally abusive and neglectful. She made me fill worthless, ignored and useless. I have no confidence.

Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?
My mother put me down to her friends and boyfriends often.

I was sexually abused by various men. Once when I was 7 by a neighbor. Again when I was 12 and again by my mothers boyfriend when I was 13. I became more withdrawn and shut down as I got older. I have no friends.
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 06:33:07 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
That is too short a case. Are you just doing it one piece at a time with more to come?
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 03:29:12 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate?
Cheeseburgers, french fries, Pork chops, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, Chicken

2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate?
Orange, Grape, Sweet tea, Coke

3. What your sleep is like?
I have trouble falling asleep without NyQuil. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night.

4. How the weather and the temperature affects you?
The heat makes my body odor worse. It literally fills the area I am in.

5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to? The heat, high humidity, bad energy

6. What your general level of energy is like?
I have very low energy and fatigue easily.

7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like?
My sexual energy is low and Non-existent. I do desire to be touched and made love to but I keep it in my fantasie life.

8. Describe your menstrual cycle?
Its irregular. My body odor increases when I am about to get my menses.

I am trying to decrease my menses by getting on birth control hoping it would decrease the odor. It did not.

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build?

I am 5'7 230LBS

b) Skin colour and texture?

I'm African American. I have very dry, itchy skin. Some dark blotches, some scarring from acne, some are not. Those that are not from scarring I don't know why I have them.

c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on?
My torso, head, back, chest underarms, between legs. My whole body.

d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine?

Sweat-Body smells of Urine, Musk, just an unclean odor from my whole body

Urine-strong urine smell

Stool- smells of stool

e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat?

My sweat is clear, water like

My urine is most times very clear, water like. And then sometimes its yellow.

Stool is most times dark brown, sometimes light brown
when I was taken Chlorella it was green.

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.
I have never had any bad reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 04:33:34 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
1.Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life?

I go within myself. I get really fragile and humiliated and I shut down. I ask myself do you really need to go through this. And suicide crosses my mind and finding menial job where I can work alone or from my home for less than what I can make. I can't afford that.

2.Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease?

How I am treated! I am regulatory whispered about and told to take a bath, that I am funky. Of course I just withdraw and start feeling insecure. I am very fragile and sensitive when it comes to my body odor.

3.Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved?

I am very forgettful and stammer alot when trying to speak. Iether that or I don't say a word.

Also my body odor, money issues.
When I feel I have found the answer to my body odor I feel hopeful and confident about myself just to be disheartened, go out and be told that I stink by people I won't ever see again. So then I know its true.
I would love to get a job to supplement my income. I do try but rarely do I get past HR. And if I get the job I get harassed for however long I stay on the job.
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:38:54 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
Why is Psorinum so scarce to buy?
sonjaxfactor last decade
It's not. It is one of our oldest remedies - shouldn't be hard to buy.

If you are planning on self-prescribing, there is no point in my analyzing your case. Homoeopathy is dangerous and quite difficult to practice, so I would not advise playing around with our medicines.

This case, on looking it over, does not need Sulphur, Psorinum or Colocynthis in my opinion.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
First, thank you for your reply. Please brisbanehomoeopath, I was just comparing my symptoms and those remedies symptoms( perspiration , strong urine smell, unfocused mind). I have no intention of abusing these remedies. I need guidance with remedies. Please help me! I'm very uneducated OBVIOUSLY, Please educate me, don't give up on me.
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 22:05:34 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
Ok please describe more on 'Fragile'.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Fragile? Easily falling apart, feelings of worthlessness. I have had this body odor problem since I was a kid so I have become very sensitive and timid in my surroundings. Thank you for your time brisbanehomoeopath
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 02:42:08 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
Ok not why you are fragile, just the sensation of it, the meaning of it.

When a person is Fragile, when a thing is Fragile, what it is like? For something to fall apart, what happens to it, what is it about it that allows that to happen.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
This is another problem of mine. Not being able to express myself properly. I can never find the words to say what I need to say, but I will try.
Its a Bad space. A feeling of not wanting to try anymore. I begin to sweat, like I can't breathe. I become
light headed, weary and lethargic. I start breathing heavily and fast then I become hyperactive. That results in me becoming short with patients and staff. I know very passive/aggressive. Then I start fantasizing about what it would be like if these people were not in my environment anymore. In a car accident or Dead! Of course this is only a fantasy because I am too much of a coward or inarticulate to tell people to stop harassing me.
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 06:19:54 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
None of those things are described by fragile. Why do you use that word specifically? What is fragile, how does it feel? If I were to imagine something that fell apart easily, what would best represent it?

Don't tell me about why you feel that way. I am interested in the actual sensation itself - the 'what' not the 'why'.

If you cannot give me any description of it, I will have to assume it has no relevence to you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
All due respect David, but I thought I did describe the sensation of fragile for me. What it feels like for me to be fragile.

I feel 2 inches tall. A feather can knock me over. I begin to sweat, like I can't breathe. I get hot flashes and become light headed and lethargic. I start breathing heavily and fast then I become hyperactive and chilli.
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 21:24:26 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
Those aren't descriptions of fragile. Let me give you some possible examples of the sorts of things I was looking for.

Fragile like the wing of a butterfly.

Fragile like a pane of glass.

Fragile like the web of a spider.

Fragile like the peace between two enemies.

Fragile like clothes sewn together with too little thread.

And so on.

It's ok. Generally when someone cannot do that, it is because the word has no real meaning for them - it is just a turn of phrase they use out of habit. I pick them out because they suggest directions to go in terms of remedies, but if there is no energy in them then they go nowhere. There are 26 remedies with the odour you complain about. Choosing the specific one often relies on information that seems completely unconnected.

The only thing that matters is getting the truth from you, so don't stress about it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you, David. I misunderstood the question?

Those analogies really suit my feelings most times.

Fragile like clothes sewn together with too little thread really hits it on the head.
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 21:48:56 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
Unfortunately, now that I have given that description, it cannot be used because it came from me.

So your way of dealing with the criticsims, the insults, the harassment about your body odour, is to shut down, close yourself off, withdraw, go inside?

In doing this, how does this help you cope?

How do you feel around people who do not have this odour?

What does it mean for ANY person to have an odour like this? What does it do to the kind of life they can live?

In what situations are you shy and timid?

Just describe a bit more on being worthless, on being helpless, on feeling suicidal.

How does it make you feel to think of the people harassing you being dead? How would they end up dead (in your fantasy)? How would the car accident happen?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
As fragile as a newborn baby or an elderly person naked out in 5 below zero temperature.

1.So your way of dealing with the criticsims, the insults, the harassment about your body odour, is to shut down, close yourself off, withdraw, go inside?


2.In doing this, how does this help you cope?

I believe it gives me a break from dealing with the reality of the pain of my daily situation. Temporary relief.

3.How do you feel around people who do not have this odour?

Envious. Because they're able to get through the day or week anywhere without being a outcast for that particular reason they can't control.

4.What does it mean for ANY person to have an odour like this? What does it do to the kind of life they can live?

Its a very oppressive life. First impressions really are everything. I have learned that people are very intolerant of me due to my body odor and judge me on that.

I get absolutely no respect. I have missed out on a lot of opportunities(jobs, getting to know people, them getting to know me) because of my odor.

5.In what situations are you shy and timid?

Groups, around new people and people I know don't like or RESPECT me.

Being watched. Speaking situations. Trying to hold a conversation with me is like watching paint dry.

6.Just describe a bit more on being worthless, on being helpless, on feeling suicidal.

After not doing things I should not be doing(harassing people, gossiping) I still get bothered.

Even after trying everything, doing everything I should be doing to eliminate this Body odor problem. IE: Vitamins, chlorophyll, certain soaps..etc. I always end up back on square one.

Me being a coward. Not setting boundaries for myself because I don't want to make it any harder on myself, put more attention on myself, upsetting the wrong person, a manager, supervisor..etc. fear of losing my job.

7.How does it make you feel to think of the people harassing you being dead?

Hopeful and pleased. One less person to make my life a living hell.

8. How would they end up dead (in your fantasy)?

Of course it would be painful!
Bothering the wrong person for no reason. Being beaten or stabbed to death.

9.How would the car accident happen?

A road rage incident, these people cut in front of someone and the person that was cut off in traffic rammed into the back of they're car causing them to run into a wall and the car exploding into a million pieces leaving nothing!
[message edited by sonjaxfactor on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 02:38:42 GMT]
sonjaxfactor last decade
I have to ask this question too, what is this about respect? You put the word in capitals all the time - I assume then it must be particuarly important to you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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