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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

David... pls help Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes get 1M, that would be prudent.

Why are you hitting the bottle 5 times? That will make a stronger aggravation. 2 times is sufficient, moving up to 3 or 4 if he stops responding to the remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok. Then that explains what is happening now, the tummy ache went awy but now he has that flushed look and eyes are hot and temp behind ears is at 100. Although every else he seems just warm.
karinamom last decade
Yeah it could be a stronger aggravation from the increased succussion of the bottle. It should pass.

It is amazing how much difference a single extra hit makes. I have experienced that myself in treatment and watched it in many patients.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
He is sleeping now and I am back to being so worried. How long generally is an aggravation like this to last? And how can I tell If its just an aggravation or an infection?
karinamom last decade
It is hard for me to tell that from here. If you are concerned about infection you should take him to a doctor. Just be wary of giving him antibiotics.

Why are you worried? Is he worsening?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
See the other problem here, is I have no idea if this was the right time to give him that dose. He might be having an aggravation, or he might be experiencing an acute infection.

The remedies are powerful. They should be used only when needed.

If this is an aggravation it will wear off, and he will be fine. We judge something an aggravation by the worsening of the symptoms it was given for, or by the old symptoms that return from the past. That way we have confidence that we are on the right track and don't need to worry too much about the patient.

Giving a remedy this early means I am not sure what is happening. It could even be a proving of the Sacchrum, new symptoms created by the remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It doesn't seem like anything new. STomach ache was something he suffered since birth until about 2 years old. He was an extremely colicky baby, had a tendency to keep bfing constantly and then spit up even while bfing. ANd then cried out and pulled his legs up- i assumed his tummy hurt. And around 2 years every time he didn't eat on time, or overate, he complained of stomach hurting. Now every time the acute is over, he ends it with 1 loose motion somewhat uncontrollable.

Today, his temperature behind the ears are normal, behaviour is also closer to normal, just appetite is kind of off. He did complain of tummy ache in the night. And hasn't been able to have a bm the last 2 days. He did tell me he's feeling fine, just his tummy hurts when he presses it.
karinamom last decade
Ok well whatever it was it appears to be easing. If the remedy aggravated him then there should follow more improvement, over and above just the acute symptoms disappearing.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
After days of improvement, he's got a cough now (loose) with a blocked nose. Nothing else. And doesn't seem to be too complicated for now.
karinamom last decade

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