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baby sleeping problems - please help! Page 7 of 7

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Night 9: Slept about 3-4 hours initially; then wakeful and frequent waking the remainder of the night.

Eczema is looking pretty noticeable again. Seems more bumpy then normal, and very scaly. It is also on the front of his legs now, where it has never been before.
Sarah3NN last decade
This just seems too haphazard. I would not expect so much back-and-forth. There should be definite upward movement of his health.

I will have to reanalyze it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
In the week since the last post, his sleep pattern seems to have been better. He is consistently sleeping 3-4 hours initially (woohoo!!!), then waking every 1-2 hours the remainder of the night. Generally pretty still and quiet while asleep.

His eczema has also cleared up once again, and is only noticeable if you feel his legs.

It also seems like his feet are a bit less smelly when he is hot and sweaty.

One other big change I've noticed: he is letting his sister hug and kiss him, and is spontaneously giving her affection as well. He has never done this before, and would normally complain any time she tried to give him any love.

So, do you think the nux is the cause of these changes, or is it that the action of all the remedies we've tried so far is moving us in the right direction?

If I see any regression in sleep or eczema, should I do another dose of the nux? Ans am I correct in assuming that if I wait too long before giving a dose (like an extra day after regression starts), that it could cause aggravation all over again?
Sarah3NN last decade
He's reverting back to waking very frequently. Every hour so far tonight. I'm starting to feel desperate (probably because it is the middle of the night and I am so tired but cannot fall asleep, and then when I do he wakes me up again).

What should I do? Nux again? Or something else?
Sarah3NN last decade
I am just concerned that the improvement is not lasting long enough. Either potency is wrong or the remedy is close but not quite right.

Well we need to know what will happen from a repeat so do that. How much water are you using now?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I used 3/4 cup of water last time. Should I use the same this time?

Do you recommend giving Nux in the evening only, or any time of day?

Thank you for your help!!
Sarah3NN last decade
Okay, I gave him the 3rd dose of nux v 200c. Two taps on the bottle, then one drop in 3/4 cup water (and gave him one teaspoon from that).

I'll let you know how things go.
Sarah3NN last decade
Ah no, you needed to increase the amount of water. His aggravation period is too long.

We will need to wait it out now.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Oh, oops. Sometimes the time zones really don't help us work together! I think you are 14 hours ahead of us ( I love Brisbane, by the way; I was there for 3weeks in 2003, and it is such a clean, friendly city!)

Well, now I know for next time! Should I always increase the amount of water when there has been significant aggravation?

Night 1: slept for about 2-3 hours initially, then wakeful for a little while, then slept quietly and still remainder of night while waking every 1-2 hours.

Eczema has looked great for over a week. I'll watch to see if it gets worse after this dose.

Do you expect aggravation every time a dose is given, or does it lessen over time? Does the timing of the following doses effect aggravation, as in, if I wait too long to give a dose, does the aggravation get worse?
Sarah3NN last decade
Night 2: Had a hard time going to sleep (took about an hour). Woke frequently (every 1-2 hours), as usual. Wakeful in the first part of the night. A little bit of moving around and talking while asleep.

Eczema is still looking good.
Sarah3NN last decade
Aggravation can happen every dose until all complaints are cured, and sometimes even after that. However it is usually worse in the beginning of treatment.

Aggravation is more likely to be worse if you give a dose too soon, not too late.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Oh, okay. Thanks for helping me understand how aggravation works. My assumptions sure were wrong!

Night 3: hard time going to sleep again (about an hour). Then slept fairly well, waking about every 2 hours throughout the night. Talked in his sleep once, but otherwise quiet and still.

Eczema is still looking very good.
Sarah3NN last decade
Night 4: He slept for 4 hours straight! Then woke every 2 hours or so. A tiny bit of moving/talking in his sleep.

Eczema still looking good!
Sarah3NN last decade
Night 5: He slept for 3.5 hours initially. Then tossed and turned for a bit. Then woke every 1-2 hours the remainder of the night. Towards morning, he went into his old pattern of flailing around and crying out in his sleep (so maybe we are now seeing a bit of aggravation).

Eczema was a tiny bit worse yesterday. I could see a wee bit of redness (previously, I couldn't see anything, but it felt rough).
Sarah3NN last decade
NIght 6: seemed to be aggravating. He had a hard time going to sleep, it took an hour. He woke frequently, every 1-2 hours throughout the night, with lots of flailing around and talking in his sleep. Hard to believe that is how he used to sleep every night, as it was awful! I'm getting spoiled now by the good nights when he sleeps quietly and still.

Eczema was again a tiny bit worse.

Night 7: Took an hour to get him to sleep again, but then he slept well. Quiet and still while asleep. I *think* he slept for 3-4 hours initially, and then woke every 2 hours or so.
Sarah3NN last decade
Night 8: took over an hour to get him to sleep. Then woke every 1-2 hours, with lots of moving around, flailing, and talking in his sleep.

Eczema a little worse again.

Night 9: went to sleep a bit easier (about 35 minutes). Then woke every 1-2 hours, with lots of moving around, flailing, and talking in his sleep. Very grumpy when he woke up in the morning.

Eczema perhaps a little better today.

So overall, his sleep pattern has been the same as previous to any homeopathy (but worse than before this does of nux). The eczema is about average. The hard-time going to sleep is abnormal. Hopefully things will settle back down now and we'll have at least a few good nights like we did after the last dose.
Sarah3NN last decade
Okay, over the last week his sleep has been pretty much how it was before we started homeopathy. Waking frequently, talking and moving lots. He has had a few nights where he was relatively quiet, and some relatively still. So there is still some wobbling going on, but that could also just be the normal course of events as some nights are just worth than others.

Eczema has gotten worse over the last week. It has now spread to his bottom as well, which is unusual. This could be related to the fact that we are using training pants more than diapers now, but it still seems like the rash on his bottom is worse than it has ever been. And he's complaining that it hurts on his bottom, which is very unusual.

What do you think is the next step?
Sarah3NN last decade
Is it possible that my son aggravates for several weeks after each dose? His sleep was poor for several weeks after the last dose, then got better (still waking somewhat frequently, but quiet and still while asleep). He slept that way for a couple weeks, and now is regressing once again.

Eczema also looks GREAT the last few weeks.
Sarah3NN last decade

I know your son must have grown up by now but I just wantesmto find out how is he sleeping? I Am sure it must have well improved but just wanted to know when and how. I feel like I am
In the same boat. Please reply.

Lee1 8 years ago

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