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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Seizure treatment

Hello. Just found this forum today - what a great website! My question is this: If we start treating our son's seizures with homeopathy, should we wean him off of the Lamictal drug he's on or do both simultaneously? His neurologist won't help us try anything but drugs, he thinks he's God.

Also, how to find a good homeopathic physician in our area, (SW Missouri). Thanks so much for your help!
  brently on 2005-07-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Normally homeopaths will not ask you to wean off drugs immediately as withdrawing them suddenly affects the patient. Once you try homeopathic remedies & you find improvement , then slowly you start reducing drugs, see the effect, & reduce them step by step.
willway last decade
If I were you I would be extremely careful weaning your son off Lamictal. I would suggest you don't do it at all.

What I do suggest is checking with the Epilepsy Foundation to see what medications and remedies they support. :-)


I hope you find a treatment you are comfortable with that controls your son's seizures!

Take care, and I wish you and your son the very best of health! :-)
Orume last decade
For Seizure treatment a professional homeopathy can be consulted because a constant monitering of a patient is required.

You can try Bufo Rana which works on broad spectrum of Seizure problems espacially if patient's head is small.
kuldeep last decade

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