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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Silicea 6x Reaction?


I am a 25 year old female who developed a fistula from an abscess quite a while ago. I am still on the wait list to see a gynecologist about it but heard of Silicea 6x online and thought I would try it. I ordered Hyland's #12 Silicea 6x and took one dosage (4 pills) last night.

Soon after taking the pills I began feeling a little strange, I felt anxious and mildly dizzy. Somewhat 'disconnected' I suppose. I had trouble sleeping and woke up in the middle of the night feeling almost drunk, very out of it.

This morning I have a sore throat and diarrhea and still feel anxious and disconnected in waves. I cannot find any listing of adverse effects like this from taking Silicea 6x though I do see that the normal dose is only 2 pills according to most sites.

Is it possible these effects are from the Silicea? How long can this remedy last in my system? Please, any information will help.
  MissRed on 2012-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There are two possibilites here.

One is that you are experiencing side effects of the Silicea. All of our medicines can do this if they are not prescribed strictly according to our guidelines.

Those symptoms are definitely found in the remedy. Anxiety is a very big aspect of Silicea, a well known one. It is also listed for Confusion as if intoxicated.

The second possibility is that the remedy has be perceived by your vital energy as a threat, and it is throwing up defensive symptoms to compensate. These symptoms will be your own, even if you haven't seen them before. Homoeopathic medicines are known to stimulate into life latent symptoms and pathologies. Again this is only if used outside of our guidelines.

Just make sure you stop the medicine and they will most likely wear off after a few days or a week. You should also avoid self-prscribing for chronic complaints, and allow a trained homoeopath to help you instead.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you very much for your reply, over the past few hours my symptoms have begun to improve significantly. I have heard of Silicea being used as a cream, can i crush the pills and apply then directly to the area to avoid the internal effects or should I just cut my losses and wait for my referral?
MissRed last decade
Our remedies should never be applied externally. They should only be used internally.

I think that you are taking a risk continuing to self prescribe. You clearly are sensitive, so you may end up damaging your health.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Okay, thanks again for your help c:
MissRed last decade

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