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Please relax and pray more....
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz Sir,
I have received Alumen 3X in tablets, please advice shall I start it and how many doses? For the last remedy, I have taken Mag Phos 200 one dose each morning for one week. I am feeling quite significant relief in my right back pain. No remedy taken for past 5 days. My other symptoms related to mouth etc. are same. My undigested stools seems to coming back.
believeranurag last decade
Please take Alumen 3x, 4 tablets dissolved in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Also, please keep taking Mag phos 200c as before for 3 days.
nawazkhan last decade
I started taking Alumen 3X since 8th evening and on the same night had noctural emission, followed by great prostration. I took Mag phos 200 next morning and felt some better. I have continued with Alumen 3x and Mag phos200 till today morning.
I found some improvement in my strength but not much relief in body pain. Also my dreams are very restless finds things getting half done and I being trying very hard for that to get them completed. Rest of the symptoms like flatulence, mouth cheek ulcer etc. are still the same. I feel very agitated and anxious for even small work to be done. Kindly advice further.
believeranurag last decade
Please describe your body pain in detail.
nawazkhan last decade
I request you to look in to my posts of 16-07-2012 (page 2), it describes with all history. Please Let me know in case of more details or clarifications required.
believeranurag last decade
Please tell me more about your current pain, its type and your sensations.
nawazkhan last decade
I find stiffness all over my body specially joints like neck, shoulder, knee, toe etc. My knee and legs pain, they are vey restless and its very difficult for me to keep them hanging while sitting on chair. My joints feel sore and they are relieved by rubbing or pressure. My lower back on right side shoots pain from a point which has formed a kind of internal absecess or cyst (like guthali), this can be a reason of my old accident as I mentioned in my post of (16-07), but it hurts me a lot. My earlier course of Mag phos helped me substantially in this pain but this time I had almost no effect. Also I am very chilly, takes cold very easily but if wrapped up and start getting hot, I throw away the cloths. Likes fresh air, crowded place or stuffy room is strictly avoid place for me. Probabily because of pain I always feel gloomy or in anger though I don't like sad movies and always prefer to watch comedy serials or movies.
believeranurag last decade

Let's take Calc Phos 200C, 2 times a day, for 2 days.

Also, get hold of Aconite 1M.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Finished calc phos 200c 4 doses last night, feeling improvement in strength. My stools which started getting undigested have improved again. Though my body stiffness has increased somewhat, but feeling good as overall muscle strength, and nerve stregth looking better, which has reduced somewhat my anxiety and gloom. I feel like giving some time for this medicine to show full effect. Please let me know your opinion.
believeranurag last decade

The remedy reduces stiffness, but you are saying 'Though my body stiffness has increased somewhat,', are you sure?

How about the pain?

Ok, let's take the remedy for 2 more days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Yes! I felt like my stiffness increased or may be its the same. but my knee pain, leg pain and body pain ameliorated. Since yesterday afternoon I started having heavy virtigo and felt lots of sleepy and I developed right shoulder pain in the evening. After sleeping last night I am feeling better now, but my mouth (the cheek) is swelled more than the normal and feeling lots of stiffness, after doing some regular stretching exercise, feeling better in stiffness. I haven't taken any remedy yesterday, i continue calc phos 200 from today.
believeranurag last decade
This kind of swelling is usually due to some food items. Please identify.
nawazkhan last decade
I took calc phos 200 for 2 more days 20 and 21 Oct. I developed pimples on my face which are still present (with less intensity now). I don't know why but I feel lots of Stiffness in my body, though it improves after doing some stretch work, but stiffness in neck and lower legs doesn't improve. No further improvement in body, leg and knee pain though it has not worsened also. My mouth swelling is less and reached to earlier state (cheek ulcer stays as is). I also noted, I bite my inner lips, cheek or tongue while chewing or talking. Sometimes I feel my cheek swelling and ulcer could be because of biting while in sleep also. I also feel lots of eye strain in bright light (only indoor light, no problem in sun light).
believeranurag last decade

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