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High Blood Pressure



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Thank you Joe - it is like having a "long distance friend" - it is such a great feeling of warmth.

For your info - I ALWAYS bring the bottle UP and quickly thrust it on the palm of my hand, or on a book (like my kitties homeopath told me to do) which is exactly what you instructed. I even shake - the only bubbles I see are the water which of course, would be the water. I do this about five or six times really hard and then IMMEDIATELY take my remedy - I do not wait.

Also, I know Joe that homeopathy takes time and, anything good, really takes time. I am really a pretty patient person even though I may not sound that way "in writing"... so, even based on all the posts I have read (and have not real them all but will) I have no intention of giving up my ARNICA...

I will report to you and follow your recommendations to the "T".....

Thank you Joe - Be Well..
Mousitsa last decade
By the way Joe, I forgot to mention that I use "wax plugs in my ears" for years now - they help me sleep.

Also, I only drink one large cup of coffee first thing in the morning when I get up.

That is all the coffee I ever have.

Please, also let me know will my supplements (melatonin, magnesium, 5htp, dhea, etc.) interfere with my homeopathics - I don't think so from what I know.

Thanks Joe
Mousitsa last decade
Would you like to try sleeping without the wax plugs ?

Can you try the radio with the "shush" sound ?

Can you stop your coffee and replace with Tea ?

Suggesst you stop all your supplements for some reasonable time and see how you react. I believe that the human body does not require any supplements including vitamins and minerals as long as you have a healthy diet with home cooked meals with a minimum of fat.

I am 76 years old and do not take any vitamins etc and have not taken any drugs since 2002 when I was in surgery and for about 20 years prior to this event. My BP is 120/80 pulse 65. This is indeed a tribute to Homeopathy which I use and practice to help anyone who seeks my assistance free of charge.
Joe De Livera last decade
If I buy one of those cd's with the "sounds" to help you sleep I am always afraid they will keep me awake. And, you must sit there and listen to the entire cd, no?

I have seen tons of them in ads, in many different formats but never tried - is there any special one that you recommend?

As for the coffee, when I was in real estate years ago, in the 80's, I used to drink tons of coffee all day long - very stressful job - but I am not one of those coffee addicts - however, I do need my coffee in the morning when I get up and that is not something I am willing to eliminate at this point in time - perhaps once my health is back on track and I get "a life once again" I will be able to do it.

Thanks Joe - will now go to bed - will take my teaspoon of arnica "brew" and hopefully fall asleep and have wonderful dreams. I have always, all my life, had very vivid dreams every night. I always look forward to them - it is as if I have lived two lives - one while I am awake and nother while I am asleep. I have enjoyed experiences which I will never, ever be able to enjoy in real life. Of course, there have also been the darker dreams. None the less, I enjoy them - sometimes you are sorry you woke up!

Good night - Be Well
Mousitsa last decade
The "White" Noise that I recommended often helps to induce sleep. I use it occasionally myself if I am stressed out and cannot sleep even with the Arnica.

I tune my bedside radio off a channel when it gives off a constant "shush" sound. Mine has a sleep timer which I set to 15 minutes and it is this sound that lulls me to sleep and shuts off automatically in the alloted time.

The coffee seems OK as you take it only in the morning.

I presume that you exercise sufficiently by walking, gym or some other means to lift up your heart rate and hopefully to perspire as this will promote the body's demand for sleep.
Joe De Livera last decade
Unfortunately, I have had a very sedentary life in the last few years, and, that is putting is very, very mildly to be sure. In truth, my life has become "non-existent" - I have been living in a state of total intertia, literally from one day to the next as one year goes into the next. It is like being here physically in body only.

I am desperate, very desperate to get my life back because at the moment I do not have a life. I have worked out at the gym since 79 for many years and I love it - it is immediate transformation - but now I cannot for a number of reasons which I will not bore you with.

I just need sleep - low blood pressure - high energy - mental motivation to return - imperative or it is a slow death.

Thanks Joe - I will try the arnica again tonight before bed and if AGAIN my heart starts pumping through my chest as in the previous days, well then I just will not take it for sleep anymore - then, it will prove that it is the culprit.

One more night - Good night for now.
Mousitsa last decade
Please contact me on my email address which you can get by clicking on my name above.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have HBP 165/100 tis a.m. and have just got arnica 7ch - sub-lingual. I have had bad experiences with Ginko-pressure went to 230/110 with one capsule. I am taking cardizem 240 and hydrochlorothiazide, but my B.P. fights on I appreciate comments on my B.P. problem as some of you have cured yours
thank you Ron
ronbond last decade
Dear Dr.Sajjad Akkram,

I have read ur mails on Hypertension because i also suffer from the same.

You prescribed Arnica and Calc flour for hypertension in one of your posts.

But in Materia Medica of Boericke , the dosage for calc flour is given as follows:-
' Dose.--Third to twelfth trituration. A 'chronic' remedy. Needs some time before manifesting its effects. Should not be repeated too frequently.'

After reading this i had some confusion. Can you please throw some light on the condition that why this medicine should not be repeated frequently.
Daniel Iype last decade
Dear Dr.Sajjad Akram,

In continuation of my above post , i have this following doubt also.
As given in Dr.Schussler's
12 Tissue remedies, Calcarea Flourica is described as a medicine to be given when the blood vessels has already lost the elasticity and is to be prescibed to tighten up the blood vessels.
But in your post this medicine is prescribed when the patient is already having Blood pressure due to tightening of the arteries. Would'nt the medicine prove to be counterproductive , if we go by the characterestics of the medicine described in the standard texts?
let me quote the relevant paragragh from the book,

'... In the human body, Calcarea Fluorica, Calc. fluor., or Calcium Fluoride, is found in the surface of the bones and in the enamel of the teeth. It is also a constituent of the elastic fibers of epidermal tissues such as:

Connect Tissue
Vessel Walls

A disturbance in the balance of Calc. fluor. or Calcium Fluoride in any of the body tissues, can cause a chronically relaxed condition of any of the associated tissues. If the elastic fibers of any portion of the vessels of the connective tissues or lymphatic system have arrived at such a state of relaxation, it is thought that the osmotic transfer of body fluid can be interrupted and that fluids will accumulate in these cellular tissues. It is also known that when the elastic fibers of the blood vessels are disturbed by an imbalance of the molecules of Calc. fluor. or Calcium Fluoride, enlargements of blood vessels can take place such as:

Piles, hemorrhoids
Varicose or Enlarged Veins
Hardened Glands
Organ Displacements
Weakened Abdominal Walls
Hemorrhages of Organs or Tissues.....'

I request you to please elaborate on this doubt.

with regards,
Anil Iype.
Daniel Iype last decade
Mr Joe please advise that Can pregnant mothers also take Arnica 30 for the maintenance of blood pressure. Is it safe during pregnancy? An immediate response is requested please.
abid ali last decade
Mr Joe please advise that can pregnant ladies take Arnica remedy for maintenance of blood pressure. is it safe during pregnancy
abid ali last decade
Joe does not reply here anymore. Put your query on homeopathy and more dot com.
VAISHDW2 last decade
To sajjadakram635, I know these posts are like 4 years old but I have been reading your post on high blood pressure and the use of Arnicamontana,cal fl, and veratrum veride. I ordered veratrum veride 30x by mistake instead of the 3x. can i still use it? or is it to much to take? and if I can, how much would I use since it is a different strenght? Can you help me?
ljleonard last decade

Blood pressure is the force of your blood against the walls of your arteries. It is recorded as two numbers, the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) and the diastolic pressure (when your heart relaxes between the beats). The measurement is written one above or before the other, with the systolic number on top and the diastolic number on the bottom. For example, a blood pressure measurement of 120/80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury, a chemical element having symbol of Hg) is expressed verbally as '120 over 80.' High blood pressure is a silent killer which increases your risk for getting heart disease and/or kidney disease leading to complete failure of your kindneys (Renal Failure) or having a stroke.
It is especially dangerous because it often has no warning signs or symptoms. Regardless of race, age, gender and area, anyone can develop high blood pressure, it is estimated that one in every ten pakistani has high blood pressure, once high blood pressure is developed, it usually lasts a lifetime and it like many other life time diseases opens the door of permanent life time business for pharmaceutical companies and medical practitioners, and unfortunately there is no permanent medicinal cure of this silent killer.
It may be remembered that unlike Allopathy, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and other alternative medicine, the Islamic Medicine is a divine medicine based on revelation and God gifted knowledge of Holy Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (peace be upon him) and his Twelve Successors which does not need any hypothesis, experimentation and observation and thus it is the only true code of healing for all the medical practitioners and an easy and decisive cure for the sick humanity.
Hulyatul Muttaqeen narrates that Imam Moosa Kaazim Alahis Salam, The 7th Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), said 'Prunes (dried plums or aalu bukhara in urdu) cures your blood pressure and relieves your body pains while fresh plums (aalucha) cures your fever and jaundice'.
My goal was to find a quick, easy cheaper and decisive cure for hypertension so i tried an experiment on a female patient and i advised her to take 5 prunes (dried plums or aalu bukhara in urdu), soak them overnight in a glass of water, separate their seeds in the morning and eat all the five seedless prunes before or after breakfast alongwith the water the prunes were soaked in, the blood pressure magically dropped to normal within minutes, it was an amazing result, i continued my experiments for several months on hundreds of patients and they were all shocked to find such a simple, cheaper, easy and miracle cure provided by Imam Moosa Kazim Alahis Salam The 7th Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), which is not only free from all side effects but it is full of side benefits, hypertensive patients reported many side benefits during the treatment and no adverse effects have been reported so far, and thus it was the discovery of true cure of Hypertension,it may be secondary or essential it works wonder.
Although i adopted a different method but consuming five prunes everyday at a time is the simple way to cure your hypertension and you can not get the same results by fresh plums, blackish prunes (dried plums) proved to be more effective than others, not only it normalizes your blood pressure it lowers your elevated sugar level, minimizes general body pains, burns your extra fat, aids and eases your digestion, normalizes your appetite, cures your constipation, relieves your hiccough, nausea, vomiting, and removes your all wrinkles.
Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq Alahis Salam The 6th Successors to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has suggested two more items to obtain even faster and durable results by using Lettuce and Sattoo (ground powder of roasted cereals like barley, rice, jowar and wheat etc etc, 2/3 table spoon powder is dissolved in a glass of water and consumed alongwith ground jaggery, sugar or honey) besides, a daily use of one table spoon of sesame oil orally or using it as cooking oil will drcreases your LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases your HDL (good cholesterol) protects your arteries from hardening and improves your circulation thus it is an ideal oil for cardiac and hypertensive patients. Stay healthy limiting your amount of salt,quiting the smoking, eating a heart-healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, reducing your extra weight (if you are overweight) avoiding alcohol and a regular walking.
Once you try this miracle cure, quit all the medicines you are already taking or it may lower your blood pressure, taking life time drugs itself creates unnecessary life time harmful side effects, i quote here for you a saying of Imam Ali Alahis Salam The Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) 'Medicine does to the body what soap does to the clothes. It cleans them but wears them out' so avoid unnecessary medication. I have revealed the hidden secret cure for your hyperension which is cheaper, more effective, more permanent and more natural than any other, the taste of prunes may not be pleasant for some but the result is pleasant for all.
you are intived to visit
Dr Syed Zaair Husain Rizvi
Jaffar-e-Tayyar Society Malir City Karachi Pakistan
Dr Zaair Husain last decade

I also have High BP problem. I have started taking arcnica 6c once a day then calc fl 6x twice daily ... question ...when you think i should stop since these remedy not for me ( negative symptom ) ? when should i see positive feedback ( lowering of BP ) ?
Thank you for your help.
bkushwaha last decade
Dr. sajjadakram635
Can you reply my previous post ? Does anybody know how to reach Dr.sajjadakram635 ?
bkushwaha last decade

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