The ABC Homeopathy Forum
How to take Thuja 30c for PCOS?
After months of meeting with my homeopathic consultant and answering a series of questions for her, she concluded that Thuja would be the best remedy for my polycystic ovarian syndrome. She encouraged me to do some research on it so that I could learn about thuja before taking it. In our next meeting she was supposed to tell me how to take it; however I have not been able to get in contact with her for almost 2 months now. Does anyone know how to take Thuja 30C as a constitutional remedy. She had mentioned something about dissolving the tablet in water and taking it that way but she was going to give me instructions how to take it in our next meeting. I really would like to take it because after my research I think it is best for me too but I don't know how much, when, or how long? Anyone have any suggestions?Jamya on 2005-07-27
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