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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tiredness,Hair Loss, Obesity, Sensitivity to Coldness, Cold feet

I have been experiencing cold feet, mind foggines, sensitivity to cold, insomnia, tiredness, can not lose weight ... even when dieting carefully...are most of the symptoms
I am new to this site and even though I tried the software... did not seem to understand the dosage of what to order.
Your help would be appreciated.
1. ID
2. Age 58
3. Sex female
4. Single/Married single
5. weight 260 pds
6. Height …. 5ft2in
7. country usa
8. climate Florida,hot humid
9. List of your complaints
see above
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
for over 3 years
11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
my desire is mostly proteins such as chicken or cheese..but there are times that I really want something sweet...small piece of cake or chocolate candy bar...with nuts are the best
13. Thirst
not unless I fail to drink at least 4 glasses per day
14. Tongue and Taste
nothing in particular here...
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
126/86 taking no medicine
16. What exactly is happening?
can not do the things of daily living and gardening.., working to have a sense of accomplishment..
There was a time after my mom died that I did not care about the house... now I do and no energy to make it neat, tidy and less 'cluttered'.. officially a pak rat on slow reform to not be a pak rat...very slow process..(I Think I might do this project or that project.. Most of the time it is thoughts only... not finishing is it.. procrastiation
17. How do you feel? always tired, do not sleep well, brain fog, hard to make decisions at times
18. How does this affect you?
unable to complete daily living skills sometimes... then other days able to... not sure why some days are better than others,...just getting restful sleep usually is what I need
19. How does it feel like?
disappointed in me... but know that one day I will be improved, healthier and able to complete
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
My divorce and death of my dad.
22. How did that feel like?
totally abandoned and lonely..it has taken me a long time to not feel this way any longer...
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
???what this means

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past? On 3rd week of LifeEnhancement, ThyroPlex
B Complex, time release by Country Life
400 iu Vit E
1000 time release Country Life Vit C

26. Family Background
I have two sisters that we are in good relationships with and their children and a brother that 'says You are dead to me'... his loss not mine..has many anger issues along with alcohol and drugs... hopefully he will get better.

live with my son as he looks for work... also I am searching for a full time job since the 'inheritance' has run out... full time jobs are hard to find now... but know there is one out there for me

27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
have BS degree in Home Economics...but really do not want a teaching position... but do want to help others learn...but probaly on a more personal level...

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
secretary, rental agent, mostly desk work, substitute teacher for middle school to help meet some bills

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food
I like bread...but whole wheats, grains are the best to me, like cheese, nuts, fruits, salads, proteins such as chicken,fish and beef...
do not like pork or seafood such as crab, shrimp, oysters

30. Name of foods which increase your problem
white potatoes... make be gain weight I have found out this year

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
I do not seem to be affected by the weathr for moods but do not like the cold weather very much...

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
my hair, scalp, mind

35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)

36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
Clear for all
For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?

post menapausal

38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
[message edited by evefriday on Sun, 17 Jun 2012 00:35:41 BST]
[message edited by evefriday on Sun, 17 Jun 2012 00:48:56 BST]
[message edited by evefriday on Sun, 17 Jun 2012 23:13:17 BST]
  evefriday on 2012-06-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
evefriday last decade
'Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
Very important to arrive at a correct remedy.
nawazkhan last decade
I also answered the questions above more fully...hope this helps.

I consider myself to be bashful in larger than one or two people...Although I can public speak if I have to...but do not like to.

pretty able to get angry quickly but do not stay that way long and find it very necessary to forgive and move on

only when not enough sleep and am sick

slow is me

impatient I am slow if that makes any sense...very patient with others except family
different from other persons...
I can be alone and be alright...I do enjoy others company... as a single mom for past 29 years... I am fine with it...My sons have been my life.I took care of a mentally ill mom until she died 3 years ...Youngest son has benn in trouble with law and drugs...seems to have grown up some finally...we will see..although I am a grandmother of three...they live in another state and are self contained with her family... I would want my grandchildren to have both mom and dad rather than a grandmother... so I will stay out of the picture.
[message edited by evefriday on Sun, 17 Jun 2012 23:14:10 BST]
evefriday last decade
When you are angry, what do you do? Keep quite or throw things away, yell, scream or slap?
nawazkhan last decade
I usually yell and scream...sometimes I will clean something...do not slap unless the person and I are face to face and am I really out of control angry... I haven't done that in many many years...
forgiveness is the best thing to do...

forgot to mention... other physical pains..
joints are stiff...very difficult to bend down at the knees ...no longer can I squat...
neck pain....more noticeable at night time...special pillows usually relief the pain... but a lot of awaking at night to readjust pillows...
right hand//middle, ring and pinky fingers will go numb and some coldness... can happen if I am laying on the right side and sometimes on the left side. when this happens I will lie on my back and immediately the coldness and numbness will go away. The coldness sometimes can be felt on the underside of the arm...
[message edited by evefriday on Mon, 18 Jun 2012 03:53:14 BST]
evefriday last decade

Please take Calc Carb 200C, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, One Dose every 4th day, for 2 weeks.

Also, please take Fucus vesiculosus Q, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Many prayers for your good health and happy life.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Eve, you can get this off the
ABC remedies store-
order liquid. Fucus vesiculosus will
only be a liquid bc it is mother tincture
that all potencies are made from.
so on format- you pick Tincture-
and it shows up in next box as Q-
that is what you want to order along
with Cal Carb in liquid also- takes about
4 days to get to you.(btw I help out
Nawaz with things I know people are
going to ask)

Take care, Simone717
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 18 Jun 2012 05:47:25 BST]
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 18 Jun 2012 05:48:31 BST]
simone717 last decade
If I order the liquid... how much to take of each
Fucus Vesiculosus

Cal Carb??????
evefriday last decade
Calcarea Carbonica ... what potency, size etc. to order the liquid in...
I tried multiple and could not seem to locate a combination amount in the liquid ...
Please let me know.
evefriday last decade
Hi, Yes, Calcarea Carbonica 200C is the full name. One dose will be 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, Take One Dose Every 4th Day, for 2 weeks.
The potency of the above remedy is 200C. Get in the smallest size in the liquid form.

Fucus vesiculosus Q, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
The potency of the above remedy is Q. Get in the smallest size, this will come in the liquid form.
nawazkhan last decade
Many Thanks Simone for helping here! More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
I just received the calcarea carbonica 200c and fucus vesiculos Q..
Are they to be taken at same time or take one...complete the days and start the other.

Also morning or evening on the one dose every 4th day for 1 weeks.
evefriday last decade
calcarea carbonica-take on empty stomach when you get up( 30 minutes
before you eat anything) day 1 , day 4
day8 , day 12 , day 16 and day 20.

(4 drops in 1/4 cup of mineral water)

Take the Fucus- an hour after
breakfast, hour after lunch and hour after
dinner. day one, thru day five. ( 4 drops
in 1/4cup of mineral water)-

Report how it is going on day 4, and write in if you need to at anytime.

Take care,
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 23 Jun 2012 01:48:11 BST]
simone717 last decade
A bundle of Thanks Simone! May God bless you.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for the info... started today...
evefriday last decade
Good luck to you.
nawazkhan last decade
Still taking the before mentioned remedies.. On day two...no difference noted yet.

I was wondering if there was anything that helps with carpal tunnel pain... Mostly my right hand. I am right handed. Unfortunately I was was doing some yard work and now my right hand is very irritated. At times of too much use part of hand is...usually the pinky side of hand is cold to the touch and hurts, pain level about 4-6. any suggestions for me. Also it is hard to open jars, doors...strength is lessened more now since the wrist strain a few days ago. The strain pain is now gone but carpal is very irritated...sorry for repeating myself.
Anyway thanks for reading this.
evefriday last decade

How do you mentally feel now? What are the mind symptoms after taking the remedies?

Please also take Ruta graveolens 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, one daily dose, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Today on third day...
report...on first day I was wanting to cry for first half of the day... then was better... was also felt very hot like a hot flash... then that also got better in less of half a day...
Now I am still foggy headed, still tired, and not able to focus or finish tasks without starting another...really the same as I was before..
I have run out of all other over counter vitamins, etc. except for Vitamin C 1000mg and a B-complex yesterday...
I can not buy homeopathic meds in my area as far as I know... The Ruta graveotens will have to be ordered.. if you think I will be needing another remedy...could you let me know before ordering to save on shipping costs...my hours at work have been cut in half and money is very tight.
Thanks for the quick reply
evefriday last decade

Please stop all vitamins and other supplements, if any? Let the remedies work.

I can't think of any other remedy at this time.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
This is day four...
have taken carb (1x) and fucus (2x) so far
my emotions...worry at times about job, money... those type of things... then push them aside...knowing God had a greater plan and to wait on HIM...earlier today just wanted to cry...passed very quickly
Mostly am hurting because of the carpal pain... very hard to write, use hands... I have ordered your suggested Ruta graveolons yesterday...

Could I take ibuprofen or use a sports med. cream to help alleviate some of the pain..?
Well getting off computer now. thanks.
evefriday last decade
Hi, Please be brave and be patient.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Yesterday I received the Ruta graveolens 200C and the previous instructions are listed here:
Ruta graveolens 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, one daily dose, for 3 days.

Since today is day 8 so I have already taken the
calcarea carbonica 200c upon rising 30 min. before eating.

Because wasn't sure how to take I took Ruta Graveolens. yesterday l took 2 hours after lunch

but how to take today...

Thanks for your reply.
evefriday last decade
That is fine, do the same today
and the next day. :-)
simone717 last decade
More prayers for you Simone!
nawazkhan last decade

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