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Posts about Cold, Hair Loss, Obesity

hair loss1Thyroid and obesity8Sleep Apnea and obesity1Constipation,thyroid,hairloss8Slow developing cold5Warm temperature but i feel cold3Acute sinus headache post fever and cold1Hair loss4Excess grey hair and heavy hair loss11Uterine fibroids and hair loss4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tiredness,Hair Loss, Obesity, Sensitivity to Coldness, Cold feet Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Eve.

the Q is what is called a Mother Tincture- it is what other
potencies of remedies are made from.

So Q is always a liquid.
When Tincture is put in box- next box will show up Q-
on some ordering sites.

Liquids and Pellet form are for the other potencies.
simone717 last decade
So if I react to hornet, wasp stings rapidly.. and last for days as far a large area around bite or bites and hardness and swelling even 4 days later...should I have on hand a mother tincture of Ledum Palustre or a liquid and what strength should I have of it.
evefriday last decade
Hi- after re- reading your thread, I think Nawaz
meant to have Ledum Pal 30c for that particular event.

Not knowing what the stores have in stock near you?
but in California you can get cells salts which are x
potency, 6c's or 30 c's in the store. Nawaz likes to use
liquid in other remedies, however it seems liquid costs
almost double in USA- so if you are filling up your medicine
cabinet? I would get the pellets by Boiron ( more affordable)
simone717 last decade

Yes, you may take Ruta 200C as before for pain.

Please try to get at least, Silicea 200C, Avena Sativa 200C and Arsenicum Album 200C.

Many prayers for you Eve.
nawazkhan last decade

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