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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Enlarged adenoid and tonsils

my kids is 3.5 years old
Enlarged adenoid and tonsils
lots of head Sweating
Hard breathe
Wakes up frequently
Frigthened also
Sinus Infection
Nasal congestion

He is active, going preschool, during color,connecting dots, chess also.
  ruchyee on 2012-09-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL give
1. Calc Carb-30 6 pills 2 times a day (every day)
2. Baryta Carb-30 6 pills 2 times a day (every day)

Pl keep one hour time gap between 1 and 2

Pl give feedback after 15 days of treatment

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade

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