The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Erection
HiI am Nil
I Need help.
I m male, 29 yrs, unmarried.
I am experiencing erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation problems.
I started masturbation from 13 yrs age.
For last 2 years I m experiencing ED & PE problems.
In these two years, I tried sex no of times but sometimes I ejaculated just after 5-7 jerks, sometimes before insertion. The erection is also not hard. Erection doesnt stand for more than 1min.
In these two years, I found that, I regularly have erection in sleep (which is not in my control & no need to think about sex for this). Also I have experienced night fall no of Times.
Now I m going to marry soon.
I need help.
Few other things about me:
1. When I m alone my thoughts disturb me a lot.
2. I can not give my 100% to anything.
3. I break my relations after few months of good time.
4. I always expect that everything should go the way I want.
5. I have a back pain at cervical area for last 10 yrs.
6. I like to be alone & I dream as if I am an extraordinary business man (I do all good things & big things in my day dreams)
7. I am always confused in my decisions.
8. I always feel insecure by the thoughts of marriage. I avoid going to meet girls for marriage. I always feel that my partner will not understand me & she might cheat me.
Can anyone suggest me the treatment.
Waiting for earliest reply.
Thanking You
[message edited by swan.nil on Sun, 28 Oct 2012 07:21:12 GMT]
[message edited by swan.nil on Sat, 09 Mar 2013 12:48:54 GMT]
swan.nil on 2012-09-27
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