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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I've been taking Sulpher for a month now. I have two questions: How long should it take to completely work? Am I still at risk of antidoting the remedy via mint, coffee, etc? (My Homeopath merely warned me about camphor.)
  mpolyglottos on 2004-05-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
homeopathy is very individual (whatever you mean byy "completely work" depends on a person)-and besides sulphur is a long-acting remedy-acts even more than 3 months!

You can antidote a remedy at any time when you are under a homeopathic treatment-however I personally do not think that you can antidote a homeopathic remedy by anything else than homeopathic remedy.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
even if antidoted --will not undo the good remedy has done--only stops further action
best re-evaluate case and proceed from that point
john stanton 2 decades ago
Some remedies need to be used with caution. I have been taught by good homeopaths and have been told to be cautious when using Sulphur. There are cases where it increases skin symptoms and doesn't cure. In other cases it works well. So it's best to take it once and wait about a month before taking it again.
Amma 2 decades ago
MY Doc. moved it up to 1M. Pretty potent stuff. My symptems have certainly aggravated: at times itchy, neurotic, "insane", volatile, depressed, fatalistic, severely self-absorbed. Have any of you had any of this before?
How long will this last? Sometimes I feel normal again. But, especially after caffine, I feel pretty psycho.
mpolyglottos 2 decades ago
avoid all acids --particularrly refined white sugar products and alcoholic beverages--others --coffee,all caffeinated beverages,fruit and juices,...etc

any new symptoms occur (never had before in life)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Will these merely aggravate my symptoms, or is there a possibility of antidoting my remedy?
mpolyglottos 2 decades ago
John Stanton 2 decades ago
mind; thoughts; disagreeable;
mind; thoughts; persistent;
mind; thoughts; persistent; expressions and words heard recur in mind;
mind; thoughts; tormenting;

All these are my greatest nemesis right now. Especially the reoccurring words in my mind. This has often driven me to the brink of insanity. Were it only for a week I could be objective, but since I've been tormented for five months I'm wondering if I can ever come out of my own head!
mpolyglottos 2 decades ago
NO more sulpher---need to settle this...

what drugs use/used? cannabis,cocain,lsd....etc

what medications/herbs (besides sulpur)use/used?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what does "..reocuuring words..." center around? what words in particular? please explain?

what occur prior to this (5 months ago)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what time of day worse?better?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I am a Christian and have not used drugs in over a decade. Even then, the worst I tried was cannabis. Then again I had some bad trips on that stuff. Sort a like a panic attack but much worse. For the most part, I've been very stable since becoming a Christian. In '95 I took some Nature Mur. to take care of some strange impulses of jumping off buildings, as well as punching people (left over from on my life B4 Christ). But they had no basis in how I felt at that present time. Nat Mur took care of it 100%
These new symptoms have only occurred in the past 5 months, ever since my girlfriend and became more intimate--maybe a remnant of my "sinful" past; eg, negative thoughts about girls I was just using for some fun, etc. Any of this make sense? The negative sentence that occurrs over and over in my head is almost always precipitated my stress or alarm. If I don't think about it then it usually doesn't haunt me. But when the circumstances that usually trigger it come to me, I look inside my head to see if those thoughts are there, and alas they are; almost as if I make them come, b/c I know they're gonna come anyway. Very complicated. At other times, they just assail me again and again. I've never verbalized them to my girlfriend, but sometime while alone I need to verbalize them to myself, just to get it out of my system.
I took 1M 3 days in a row, three weeks ago, and haven't taken any since. My homeopath agreed that I should probably seek a pyschologist just to objectify things. My girlfriend would rather I see a psychiatrist b/c she too is a doctor.
I am not on any other medications, except some OPC (detox), and I take some cartalage-strengthener.
mpolyglottos 2 decades ago
what condition of fingernails and around them?

any white spots on/under fingernails?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Sorry for the delay.
Symptoms occurr more when I'm tired or when concentration is difficult. Especially when I am alarmed or stressed. It originally occurred when sexually excited. Even though we're waiting til marriage, we got too "frisky" at times.
The words "hoochie TAB slut" always race through my mind. TAB means a trendy asian bitch. This bares no meaning (as far as I know) on how I feel towards her. It may, however, reflect how I USED to feel before becoming a Christian--when I was promiscuous. I haven't any idea why it may be occurring now--except I have some spiritual considerations.
Nothing like this has happened before. I do remember fighting weird thoughts 10 years ago, but not for so long, and not repeatedly with the same person. There's a lot of other factors playing here: namely, my beleif in God's reuirement of purity (my longing for sexual freedom--marriage), my suppressed rage due to lack of physical outlets, my overly-active mind, insecurities about my first REAL long term relationship, insecurities concerning abandonment--even though my family upbringing was superb.
I see no white spots under my fingernails.
mpolyglottos 2 decades ago

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