The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Remedies for over masturbation effects
i am 22 year male, i am having masturbation habit for past 8 years,i tried many ways to stop it, but i can't stop till now. due to over masturbation i lost everything includes happiness. the effects aresmaller penis, eye darkening, lazzyness,early ejaculation,shyness,motion problem,not active,being inside home & not interested to go outside,memory problem,not able concentrate on any work,old look,less stamina.these are the problems i am facing due to over masturbation.
i want to get cure from it,because it look like living in a hell.
I will be really thankful to you if u help me regain my previous mental and physical personality.
plz suggest me a suitable medicine to stop masturbation and recover from it's effects...
[message edited by yuvi123 on Wed, 12 Dec 2012 19:48:07 GMT]
[message edited by yuvi123 on Wed, 12 Dec 2012 19:49:27 GMT]
yuvi123 on 2012-12-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Staphysagria and Kali Phosphoricum for relief of symptoms arising from masturbation.
2. Kali PhosPHORICUM 6X
2. Kali PhosPHORICUM 6X
sushilmar last decade
yuvi123 last decade
kali phos 4 times a day or with a 3 hrs gap.
staphysgaria 3 times a day.
both for a week.
take it before meals.
and no coffee.
staphysgaria 3 times a day.
both for a week.
take it before meals.
and no coffee.
sushilmar last decade
unknownindian last decade
hello .i to suffering from same problem due to excess u suggested the medcine SATPHYSAGRIA 30C AND KALI PHOSPHORICUM 6X for how much long period these medcine has to be taken....
krnbsht last decade
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