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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

some serious health problem please advice

my I am 26 yeras old. Male. I am vegetarian . I have been suffering in my condition for more then five years.

My conditions are
I have dull headech all the time. My head feels heavy. When I wolk along the road I feel buzz around my head. Like too many things ig goning around me. I can not catch all the thing.

I have a pale coler skin. My face skin remain pale most of time. But when I exercise or get engage in game it become brighter. Mean less pale.

I have attraction to sex. Sometime when I start I can not stop my self. Like a compilsive behavior. But when I am out of it I feel ok. After ejaculation I feel very week. I have premature egaculation problem.

I have a poor memory scince my childhood. I always forget my daily work. I use to take more time to memoize somethng.

I am always in a hurry. I do everything very fast without consentrating.

My hand and legs are very thin

Please advice me some medicine. I will be really grateful.

  hotasha on 2012-12-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL take
1. Natrum Sulph-200 6 pills twice a day for 15 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thanks Mr P. Tamhankar for your reply. The medicine you have suggested does not match my simotoms to my view. I will be realy greateful if you explain the cause of choosing the medicine.
hotasha last decade
If you feel so, you take a advice from somebody else.

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Mr Hotasha, when u r getting advice from some expert u should follow atleast once and then if u r not satisfied with the advice then go for some other advice and help. Without trying to take remedy in the first instance u r discussing about the symptoms and matcching. My sincere advice is pl. follow the remedy suggested by MR. R P T. Defenitely u will be become allright.
deepan4155 last decade

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