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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Weakness in sex

I m married and have one baby girl . the problem with me i face the Premature Ejaculation and not get full erection often I have also lack of sex desire . is there any medicin which can
1. give delay time for ejaculation
2. give me full erection
3. tendency of sex
Please Advise the suitable effective medicine for me
[message edited by pace63 on Thu, 10 Jan 2013 09:08:06 GMT]
  pace63 on 2013-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I m married and have one baby girl . the problem with me i face the Premature Ejaculation and not get full erection often I have also lack of sex desire . is there any medicin which can
1. give delay time for ejaculation
2. give me full erection
3. tendency of sex
plz reply
pace63 last decade
Please take Avena Stiva (10 drops direct on tongue morn. and even. for a week) and report.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Sir
I have used this medicine according to ur advise But i have seen it has not given me major response. still I m facing premature ejaculation and weak erection . plz kindly suggest me some better medicine
pace63 last decade

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