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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

3 Month old - Severe Eczema, Please Help!!! Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is there itching? Does she have more itch when warm in bed or wrapped up? Does she cry after scratching herself?Is she on mother's milk? At what month did it start? Have the parents been prone to skin affliction? If so what type? Where do you live, to give me an idea of the temperature conditions? Can you describe roughness of the skin?
sahai last decade
You should try Graphites 30C in summer months. Hepar 30/200C really helps the dry skin and scalp in the winter. I'm right now dealing with my 6 month old son's eczema. This is what my homeopath has recomended so far. I'm breast feeding my baby. I started solids a month back. I also have noticed that when I give green vegetables, his condition is aggrevated.I'm applying Aquaphore on his face and limbs several times a day. My son also had constipation since he was 3 months old. I gave him Silicea and Thuja (alternately for 3 days each).My doctor told me that all these rashes are caused by the vaccinations he has had. Since I cannot do without vaccinations, my doctor suggested to give thuja or silicea for 3 days immediately after vaccination. This has helped in keeping the rashes under check.
chari last decade
I have a almost 2 year old now and we've been battling the dreaded eczema since he was 3 months as well. Have you had an allergy test done on the baby. I know that with my son a lot of the inflamming came from him being exposed to foods he was allergic to without me knowing he was allergic. We went to a homeopath doctor and he is improving tremendously. He put him on a regimen of very simple things and it has helped. I see it's been a while since you first logged in but if you are still at your wits end and haven't found anything that works for you contact me I'll be more than happy to share my experience. Post back and I'll send you my direct email address
caring mom last decade
Pls refer website askdrshah and start treatment there definetly you will get good result. My son is having eczema since he was 3month old and got know relief. If you need details please contact t
sanjeeva agarawal last decade
Dear New Mom.

QUOTE: 'I was hesitant to give Bacillinum 200 since she is too small and I hadn't posted about her personality yet and I thought that things about her personality/behaviour may have an effect on what remedy is suggested.'

You were right in your hesitation. The miasmatic nosodes, Baccilinum/Tuberculinum, Psorinum, Syphillinum and Medhorrinum are VERY deeply acting remedies indeed, and should be prescribed with extreme caution. They should actually only be prescribed where there is an ACTUAL familial history of one of these diseases, and should NEVER be taken just because they were helpful for a similar condition in another patient.
In fact NO remedy should be prescribed in this way in Homoeopathy. We may have 20 patients with the same condition, and each one may receive a differnt remedy based on the totality of their symptoms, including, as you very rightly point out, their personality. The method of recemmending remedies because they have been helpful to others with the same dianosed medical condition is not Homoeopathy at a all, and is more akin to allopathy.

Skin conditions are a very tricky business in Homoeopathy, as wrong prescriptions can quite easily result in supression of the condition, which will result in an expression of the disease deeper inside the body. I would advise sticking with your 'real life' Homoeopath, or if you are not satisified with them, finding a nw one, but be very cautious of help offered online for this condition, due to the reasons given above.

Best wishes.

Hahnemania last decade
hi i to am the mother of a 3 1/2 month baby girl who's been suffering with eczema since 1 month... it started on the cheeks initially with a red, dry and ithchy patches then progressed to the entire body with this little red hard pimple like rash which went away after a few days with the advice from my GP it was heat rash and to dress her loosely to keep her cool. As the red pimples went away her skin remained dry and dark and since the she gets flare-ups and as gotten worse. I eventually went to a naturapathic doctor who put her on probiotics as well as me and to take fish oil. She is exclusively breastfed though i did supplement with formula a few weeks after she was born but stopped when she refused the bottle one day. when that didn't work the nd put her on sulfur 1 pill 3x a week. she still is very itchy and skin still dry. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated

ps. i suffered from this horrible disorder as well as my now 6 yr old son who did outgrow his with cortisone creams.
jana612 last decade
have you noticed if this ecema is come on after vacinations??
rana1968 last decade
she was vaccinated at 2 months but the eczema started on the cheeks when she was 2 1/2 weeks old not sure whether the vac worsend the eczema i do plan to hold off from vaccinations for now
jana612 last decade
Dear Moms,

My 1.5 year old child was cured of severe body eczema and breathing/congestion problems with Tuberculinum Bovinum.

Not prescribing here, just something you may want to study. Eczema/congestion is like a body/lung (lung is like internal skin) reaction to/ related to cow's milk.

Good luck and God Bless.
Hair Loss last decade
check out similar case at this link:

Hair Loss last decade
correction to my previos note: eczema is not always linked to cow's milk, however, in my child's case it was.
Hair Loss last decade
Hair loss, in your case,

a) did your family have a past history of tuberculosis?
b) Did your child face aggravation ?
c) Did you have to give phosphorus?
aske123 last decade

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