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Eczema at 6 year old daughter Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What's the status of eczema and asthma? Any difference in energy levels? Personality?
Zady101 last decade
Skin condition is much better than it was before. She hasen't strong eczema. It iches her by the wrists and fingers. She has dry skin with itching at the folds but it's much better as before.
With regard to astma the situation is beautiful. She received »Ventolin« (medication for the extension respiratory tract) once time in 4 months ago. She is free from all medicine.
The biggest change is her resistance to diseases and viral infections. She is healthy. Her biggest problem is her itchy skin on some parts of a body.
I didn't notice the difference in personallity, maybe she is a little more calm and quiet. It is very creative.
We are having a winter now and it increased the number of viroses.
Last week she has strong coughing. I gave her »Pulsatilla 30« 2 tablets. She has immediately stopped coughing.
Can you suggest me what medicine should I give to her in case of severe coughing? I give her »Pulsatilla« first time.
I didn't notice the difference in personallity, maybe she is a little more calm and quiet. It is very creative.
amandy last decade
Can you attach photo of area with eczema.
Zady101 last decade
This finger is the most critical.Elsewhere in the body there is no such eczema. By the folds itches her, but it does not see much. The situation is much better than before.

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amandy last decade
just onother one

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amandy last decade
Do not give Pulsatilla on your own. For cough, always ask me.

What is her sleep pattern like? So you didn't notice any increase in energy?
Zady101 last decade
Her sleep pattern like is always on the back.
I would hard to say about any increased energy. She always had a lot of energy. She is dynamic girl, always for action. She likes to be in the society. She is bored to be alone.
I didn’t noticed any more increased energy.
amandy last decade
Can you advise me what can she take when she has very dry cough. Last week she had an ear infection. She had strong dry cough for two days, then it slowly turns into a wet cough. Then it's better when the cough become wet.
Could you advise me what remedy can I give to her in this moment- only for relieving dry cough?
The winter is here, there are a lot of colds and this will certainly happen again.
Currently she has problems with dry skin, the skin are itching by the folds.
I was sending you a picture in last post.
What do you think?
amandy last decade
Hepar Sulphur 30C

Dissolve 4 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this twice everyday for 3 days.
Zady101 last decade
I understand that I can give the Hepear sul.30 to her only in the case of very dry cough.
But what about her treatment generally? Can I give to her the remedy Cal.Carbonicum LM 2?
When? How many?
Thank you in advance.
amandy last decade
No, we are done with LM2. Which remedies do u have in stock?
Zady101 last decade
At home I have in stok: Calcarea carbonicum 200 C, Aconite 30, Apis 30, Beladonna 30 C, Pulsatilla 30, Bryonia 30, Cantharis 30,Rhus Thox 30, Chamomilla 30, Galsenium 30,.alcarea carbonicum 200 C.many remedies for first aid and others. I’ll buy one remedy for which you’ll advise. It’s not a problem.
Kind regards.
amandy last decade
What is the status of
1) ear ache
2) cough
3) any other issue
Zady101 last decade
Her ears are okay now (she has taken antibiotics), the cough has stopped. I’m very satisfied with her health; she hasn’t received any medication for the relief of respiratory tract. Her health situation has improved significantly. She only has problems with sensitive skin. Skin is a little rough, the folds are itchy sometimes, especially when she eats candy or some food with peanuts. But anyway her skin has never been very smooth.
amandy last decade
The last remedy given was Pulsatilla?
Zady101 last decade
yes.Pulsatila 30 two pills
amandy last decade
Sulphur 30C

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon.

Once only.
Zady101 last decade
I have Sulphur 30 in tablets. They have the size half of the pea.
How many can she take it?
amandy last decade
1 tab in 3 tbls

Use disp cup n spoon
Zady101 last decade
When she took Sulphur 30, she got the red stains after her legs and face, but it didn’t itching her. She often had a stomachache and got a diarrhea.
She was becoming whining, quickly offended but she was quickly calm down.
She is hungry all the time.
Her skin condition is better now. I didn’t notice something else.
Thank you A.
amandy last decade
Yes, thats an encouraging response. Please repeat Sulphur 30 as before and update me after 1 wk. do not apply any cream or oil on skin or rashes.
Zady101 last decade
Dr. Zady
By the way I have one question for you.
On this forum advices Dr.Parakletos for my mum but he didn't answer me for more than 14 days.
Can you take her problem?
Thank you.
amandy last decade
I am afraid of to give her another dose because she has pains in the stomach all day every day.This lasts 7 days.
Should I wait some days, week?
amandy last decade
In that case, you need to give complete details of stomach pain:

--> pain : upper stomach/lower/whole
--> Better by sleeping on stomach or applying pressure?
--> Diarrhea? Kind?
Zady101 last decade
Now, this pain in stomach slowly subsides. The stomach hurts her only 1 or 2 times per day. It hurts her in the lower part of abdomen.
It doesn’t help if you pressure on abdomen . It helps just benting legs to her stomach. She hasn’t having diarrhea yet.
amandy last decade
Colocynthis 30C
Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon
[message edited by Zady101 on Fri, 17 Jan 2014 10:13:45 GMT]
Zady101 last decade

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