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Eczema at 6 year old daughter Page 3 of 3

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Colocynthis 30C
Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon
[message edited by Zady101 on Fri, 17 Jan 2014 10:13:45 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
After taking Colocynthis 30 C one dose the abdominal pain were stopped.
Several times she complained that it hurts her vaginal authorities (inside). Now is good. The skin is pretty good so far, except that it appears a little eczema which itching her. But there is one thing which is very pronounced for her. This is a hunger. She is hungry all the time. She eats a lot, at least 5 times a day but she is still hungry half an hour after a large meal. I really understand her because I have the same problems. Otherwise she is healthy without any medication so I'm very satisfied with her condition.
Thank you.
amandy last decade
My daughter has a viral (virosis) and she is coughing so strongly.
It seems like choking and vomiting.
It’sa dry cough. I was giving Hepear Sulphur 30 C to her 2 times per day for 3 days but she is still having a strongly dry cough, so I was continuing to give her Hepar Sulphur 30 C 4 times per day.
Each time when I give the remedy to her, she cough less than would be otherwise.
Now she is taking for 5 days, 4 times per day- 4 pills.
Can I continue with Hepa.Supl. as long as coughing calm down?
Thank you in advance.
amandy last decade
Ipecac 30C

Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 2 hours for a total of 5 times in a day (5 doses). Update me after 1 day.
Zady101 last decade
This moment I do not have this remedy Ipecacuanha at home,it will take a couple of days before I get it.
Once I gave her Pulsatila 30 C and it was much better. But you said that I shouldn’t give her Pulsatila.
What do you think it would be good to give her Pulsatila at this moment.
amandy last decade
Pulsatilla won't work. Do you have phosphorus?
Zady101 last decade
No. I have Magnesium Phosphoricum D12 globuli.
amandy last decade
Do you Hepar sulphur in 200 or 1M potency? What else do you have with you?
Zady101 last decade
Calcarea carbonicum 200 C, Aconite 30, Apis 30, Beladonna 30 C, Pulsatilla 30, Bryonia 30, Cantharis 30,Rhus Thox 30, Chamomilla 30, Galsenium 30,.calcarea carbonicum 200 C, Sulphur 30 C, Silicea 6x, Lycopodium 30, argent.nitricum 200c,arg.nitricum 1M, graphites 30, graphites 200C, calcium phosphoricum D12, harpagothicum D12, calcium floratum D12, staphisagria D4, calc.carb.LM12.
I'll order Ipecac for next, these days I hope she will be better.
amandy last decade
Give Byronia 30
Zady101 last decade
Her skin condition became worse in last month and the coughing condition became worse.
It has appeared a new eczema under his chin to her and it is itching her all the time. It is itching her on fingers on hand and on foot as usual too.
She currently has a cold and she is coughing very strongly. It’s a dry cough.
What do you recommend?
Can I give to her Ipecac 30 for coughing?
You said dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 2 hours for a total of 5 times in a day (5 doses). Can she drinks:
1. all water together or
2. just one spoons or
3. first spoons and wait for 15 minutes, the second spoons and wait another15 minutes, 3 spoons and wait 15 minutes.
Could you explain me please?
Now I give to her Ventolin- a medicament for the extending of the respiratory tract and now it is much better.
Her skin condition is also problematic last month?
The situation is not as good as it was between this time (3 months ago)
What do you recommend?
Thank you in advance.
amandy last decade

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