The ABC Homeopathy Forum
7 years old Acid Reflux
Hello,My daughter is almost 7 years old. She started having very strong nausea in early fall of 2012 at the beginning of the school year. The nausea very often would start on a school bus, but could last for 3-4 hours and accompanied with strong headache and later on with a stomach ache around her belly button. At first the stomach ache was hard to associate with a meal, but with the time nausea, headaches and stomach aches would start even in a morning before breakfast. After almost 10 months of all kind of tests and visits to doctors, she was diagnosed with a reflux. For 2 months she was taking Acidprev and she almost did not have nausea, headaches and stomach aches for 4 last weeks being on the pill. She finished the course and last 2 weeks she does not take the pills any more. It looks like the problem is getting back. On top of the nausea, headaches and stomach aches she has a problem to fall asleep at the bedtime, despite she is tired and had a lot of sport activities during the day. Usually she has stomach ache and nausea at the bed time as well. From time to time she has a feeling of a full chest and like a food comes up. However she never throws up.
She is very bright, energetic, active and happy girl, but the reflux gets her down quite often. Over last year she grew physically a lot. She became taller, her feet grew a lot. She lost 6-7 teeth almost at the same time and the new ones hardly coming up! Its kind of obvious that her body is growing too quick and perhaps there is a calcium deficiency. Im giving her calcium supplement, but Im not sure how much is being absorbed (given that she has the reflux).
I read all great stories about the Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30c. I would like to try that as well, but Im not sure about the dosage for the 7 years old. Can you, please guide me? Also, Im wondering if the Nat Phos 6x heals the reflux forever or it has to be taken for the rest of the life?
She never had a reflux as a baby (never spilled her milk or food), so the diagnose was a surprise to me. Can I hope that she may over grow the reflux?
Thank you in advance.
NPVZ_Cnd_2013_J on 2013-07-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- Since you said you wanted to try the nat phos 6x/
arnica treatment first, please go over to joe's site-
That is a therapy Joe developed and you can write to
him with your question on that site. If in usa,
you can order the Arnica liquid on this site and make
up the bottle. You can get the nat phos Cell salt from
whole foods, or Vitacost online. These look like aspirin
tablets and are very safe to take.
Joe is not on the ABC everyday, so your post was going
to be missed- work with him on his site and if
that does not help her, then come back here for
another look at this.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:29:07 BST]
arnica treatment first, please go over to joe's site-
That is a therapy Joe developed and you can write to
him with your question on that site. If in usa,
you can order the Arnica liquid on this site and make
up the bottle. You can get the nat phos Cell salt from
whole foods, or Vitacost online. These look like aspirin
tablets and are very safe to take.
Joe is not on the ABC everyday, so your post was going
to be missed- work with him on his site and if
that does not help her, then come back here for
another look at this.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:29:07 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
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