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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hello which bach remedy please help

hello, my mother died sort of suddenly a few months ago, i have been taking rock rose & star of bethlehem, but since then i have been betrayed by 2 of my best friends and also my brother isnt talking to me because i told him that he can't move in with me and my husband (he has a bad temper and mental issues that he won't deal with) i am feeling very very depressed and super anxious like my world is falling apart. i have a bunch of bach remedies which can i take to help with depression, anxiety and desparation. i have rescue remedy which helps a bit. thank you very much for your help.
  DAS1965 on 2013-07-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Very sorry for your loss of your Mother.You are needing more
than a Bach Flower Remedy for this issue. The main remedy
for grief and loss in homeopathy is Ignatia. The sooner it is
taken after the event, the easier it is on you.

Ignatia helps you release the stored up emotions and then
you feel lighter and more neutral about things. Emotional
issues will come up, stay for an hour and then leave.

I would start with one dose of Ignatia 30c - dissolve 2 pellets
in two tablespoons of water. Do not eat or drink half hour before
or after taking. Do not drink any coffee on the day of or day
after taking this.

You might want to take this at night, and make sure you have
the next day off, so if you are releasing emotions, that you
do not have to deal with work or the public.

If in usa, Ignatia 30c is at the whole foods and health stores,
and you can also order off this site. Try the one dose and
report in a couple days after you take it. Also I have seen your other
posts, please change the purse you are using and put the camphor
and the purse somewhere that you do not go near at all- bc
camphor is an antidote of all remedies.


[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 05:58:56 BST]
simone717 last decade
hello simone, thank you so much for your immediate help i truly appreciate it, i will report back to you.
DAS1965 last decade
Hi- I added something about camphor-
please read that and remove that item
and purse or taking remedies will
be a waste of time for you.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,

I finally bought the Ingnatia 30c and took 2 pellets dissolved in 2 tablespoons of water 3 days ago, I have not felt any change/side effects etc. Please tell me when/if I should take another dose. Thank you again for your help. D.Ann
DAS1965 last decade
Try it 3x with 4 hour gaps. If you have any 'action'
from any of the doses, stop at that dose and let it work.

Let me know what goes on after you do this.


Simone 717
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone, thank you for your quick response! So you mean 2 pellets dissolved in the 2 tablespoons of water 3 times a day 4 hours in between each dose i.e. 8am, 12 noon, 4pm ? D.Ann
DAS1965 last decade
Yes, you have that correct.
simone717 last decade
Hello, I'm back. On the 2nd day of taking the new dosage, I was weepy a little anxious but I sleep about 50% more peacefully, hardly any nightmares anymore and when I wake up, I wake peacefully whereas before I would always wake up with a jolt/scared/nervous. Please advise if I should continue. Thank you.
DAS1965 last decade

Ok it is working so now let it continue its action. Do not take
anymore unless you feel you are going backwards and old
things are coming back.

The dosing goes by each persons individual reactions. You can
take another dose if you feel you are relapsing, when the potency
is right, there should be longer and longer gaps between doses,
until you don't need anymore.

Let me know how it is going.

Take care,

simone717 last decade
Hi Simone, thank you, I will keep you posted. Thank you so very much for all of your help! D.Ann
DAS1965 last decade
Hello again Simone,

As I had previously told you, I am sleeping 50% better and I WAS waking more peacefully, however, for the past 2 mornings, when my husband leans over to kiss me goodbye before work and/or fix the blankets, I am so startled that I JUMP and say no no get away leave me alone and he has to calm me down saying it's me for a good 10-14 seconds. This has never happened before. I have suffered childhood abuse, so could it be that coming out now? My hub said he just won't come near me in the morning because I really freak out. Please advise. Thanks. D.Ann
DAS1965 last decade
Wait a couple more days and then let me know if
that has passed , or if it is less and what is going on.
This remedy can be releasing things for quite awhile.
simone717 last decade
Hi again Simone,

I haven't had the startled/freak out episodes the past 2 mornings, however, I feel like I want to cry so bad but I can't. I haven't taken the ignatia been busy and forgot, should I resume the 3x a day 4 hours apart. Should I watch sad things or sad songs to try to get myself to cry. I feel very depressed and somewhat anxious. Please advise. As always, thank you for your time and help!!!
DAS1965 last decade
Hi- take another dose- only one -
3pills and see how that affects
over the next 8 hours. Let me know.
simone717 last decade
Simone - took the 3 pills when you said. just had a 10 minute cry about my mom's death and missing her terribly, feel heartbroken and like a scared child. please advise if i need to take more or not. thanks so much.
DAS1965 last decade
The remedy is helping you release grief. If it is working and
doing that you don't want to take more. Things will come up
and then leave-emotional things always feel like they are going
to stay, but they don't.

See where you are at 24 hours after that dose.
simone717 last decade
Simone - don't know how to describe this - I am getting flashes of memories through my mind like someone is changing tv channels quickly but the images of are bad things that have happened to me in the past, this also happens when I am trying to go to sleep, I'm getting images that seem to be 'coming up on the screen of my mind' things I remember happening but wasn't thinking about, it's almost like if you close your eyes and almost see the image come towards you but there isn't long breaks in between and it's sort of scary cause it feels i dont have control of my thoughts, if i keep busy during the day i can distract myself. is this a healing crisis or a bad sign. thanks for your help as always. D.Ann
DAS1965 last decade
I have been with a few people who took this remedy,
and they experienced what you are going thru. Things
come up and then leave, so if you understand what is
going on then you can stay out of fear bc this is normal.

I know it is uncomfortable and unsettling to have all these
different things and emotions show up one after the other,
but it will calm down after a day or so and then be
released and you will feel much calmer overall like a
hidden burden has been lifted off you, bc you have
released pent up grief and trauma. The people I worked
with took time off from work while this was going on-
rested , it is a bit of a roller coaster ride but it will be
worth it.
simone717 last decade
Ok, I don't work outside the home, so that's good. Just scary cause when it's happening, things come up that I thought I forgot about/let go and I see it/think of it/see images in my mind and I get fearful like it just happened a few days ago and I'm like why is this bothering me after like 20 years and it seems so fresh. My biggest fear is losing control/going crazy.
DAS1965 last decade
No, you are not going to go crazy, that is just a false fear.
Just know that it is coming OUT and when it came in
it did not feel too good, and it got repressed.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 08 Sep 2013 07:38:02 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone - the racing thoughts have slowed down about 50% and the false fear is about 50% gone as well. Please advise if I should take more or let it be for now. Thank you.
DAS1965 last decade
no need to take more right now-it is still working.
simone717 last decade
I spoke too soon, all of a sudden I got a very sad/depressed/feeling sorry for myself feeling come over me, like I'm going to burst out crying then I get anxious because I hate this feeling and it scares me, but I am listening to what you said that it is false fear. I guess this is the rollercoaster ride you were talking about. I felt the need to talk to someone about that these memories like it's on the tip of my tongue and I want to blurt it out. I see my therapist thursday. Should I just write what I want to say down. I feel like when you just can't hold a secret/secrets in any longer.
DAS1965 last decade
Yes, you can write it down. I want to explain a couple things about this. One is the body
records everything on mental, emotional, physical levels. A person can think ( mental level)
that they have let, x y and z go and are done with it. However, it can still be stored on
a physical ( muscles and organs) level and emotional level. That is why a person can get
a deep massage, and see images coming up during the massage, and odd emotions bc they
are being released thru touch. Many times these feelings, thoughts are very old and they
do not make sense in present time, so people resist them, think they might be crazy, take
allopathic drugs to suppress the feelings.

When these things come up they overwhelm the person, and this is especially disturbing to
one who has been abused, had a trauma event, bc the usual response to those things is
to be very controlling about NOT having strong emotions come up and avoiding anything
that will trigger this stuff coming up. You have to get into a mindset ( especially with this
remedy,) that you are safe now, you are an adult and can handle the release and the release
is old, old storage coming out that you had no idea was in there.

The right reaction to trauma, abuse at the time, would be crying, screaming. shaking etc
but due to the circumstances, none of this could be done and all of it becomes frozen in
the body and nervous system.

This remedy has a way of doing a fast rewind on stored trauma on all levels. It is different
than going to the therapist and working on releasing one issue bc it starts the unwinding
on all the levels and releasing them , then moves on to the next area. So you can write all
this down, but in a couple hours from now you might feel that is no longer a problem.

You just need reassurance going thru this, that it is ok, it is going to pass- that is why
I said it was the roller coaster. The good thing is it is going to keep moving and releasing,
but it is intense if you have had a lot of suppressed areas.
simone717 last decade
Simone - I cannot thank you enough, seriously, you are an earth angel sent by God. Thank you for being here for me, I appreciate it so much there are no words. Thank you for all that you and the others do to help those of us who are suffering. xo
DAS1965 last decade

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