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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Is it safe to take sulphur when on chemo?
  sunflower99 on 2013-08-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are on chemo?? you should not be self prescribing remedies for

Some homeopaths will say you cannot have any remedies while on chemo.
Other homeopaths will work with you on a parallel course with chemo.

Google pbhrfindia.org

You can easily work with those expert drs. on remedies for yourself while
on chemo and they are experts on cncr- you can do online for Around $100
a month and these people are working with the largest usa cncr center
MD Anderson in Texas sharing their database.
simone717 last decade
Thank you for your reply, a friend was on chemo and was prescribed sulphur for neuropaty and sleep problems
sunflower99 last decade
he was typical sulphur personality and was not self diagnosis, he just wanted to know if it would react with the chemo, would appreciate a reply please and thank you
sunflower99 last decade
Hopefully he has a homeopath who is qualified and has taken all the information
and has answered that question. That question cannot be answered unless all the
'facts' are on here for a second opinion.
simone717 last decade
Thank you
sunflower99 last decade

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