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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



i am suffering from sinusitis from quite long time. it was completely stopped during my pregnancy and till 9 month after i gave birth to my first child. it has started again now. i used to suffer from sinusitis and bronchitis 2 years before , i did take several homoeopathy medicine but it was for temporary relief.

i sneeze a lot 8-10 times at once, with pain in both the nostrils and redness in both eyes and with headache. i feel if pressed at between the eyebrows. this makes me very irritative in nature and all the day i have some sort of sensation in both nostrils, i feel rubbing them at all the time.

please suggest the remedy.
  vsneha04 on 2013-09-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
-let modesty not prevent a full statement [please] -
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 13:18:50 BST]
anuj srivastava last decade

i have replied to your mail id. kindly check and suggest me the remedy.
vsneha04 last decade

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