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Erectile Dysfunction



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Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4erectile dysfunction8Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10erectile dysfunction25Erectile dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5Erectile Dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction and drowsiness

I am suffering from erectile dysfunction and drowsiness for many years now !!! earlier I also suffered from hypothyroidism for around 11 years but then I got rid of it by the grace of Almighty !!! And still do not feel those symptoms anymore but ED comes and goes for me !!! and when I try to cure it by any homeopathic or ayurvedic medicines I start feeling sleepy or drowsy throughout the day !!! What should I do ?
  newindian on 2013-10-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Carboveg 30 twice daily for three days and then one dose daily for three days report
akshaymohl last decade
thank you akshay for your reply, but actually I had forgotten about this post and when I went for the thyroid test in december 2013, then actually it was very bad, however the symptoms were very weak as compared to when it had started in the year 2000 ! ok now my current situation is this -

dear Doctor,

I am suffering from excessive masturbation addiction, impotency, hypothyroidism, excessive sleepiness in daytime, sometimes weakness, sometimes headache ( migraine ). I have tried several homeopathic medicines on my own, because every few days the symptoms change, so I had to change medicines, I have found thyroidinum 30 extremely useful in impotency, but it also increases sexual sensation as if the semen has filled up in its production organ like prostrate gland or seminal vesicles or I don't know exactly where around the urinary bladder area and it forces me to masturbate, and it is only thyroidinum 30 that gives me the maximum sexual power in single dose but it also makes me more sleepy in day which is a negetive effect, and when taken in night, it does not give sleep, very strange, when I tried majority of my symptoms and tried online Remedy Finder it gives the phosphorus as the most suitable remedy, which is good but phosphorus does not seem to provide any sexual power though reduces the sexual excitement to the maximum possible extent, it is good in increasing the heat in body, which I need, also reduces sleep, reduces headache + eye pain ( migraine ) I have tried bufo rana 30, bufo rana 200 and I think it gave me a relapse of a skin disease in which the skin on hands becomes dry and itches and cuts on its own, so I stopped it after the one bufo rana 200 dose a few days back. I have tried ustilago maydis with no effect, fucus Q increases sexual excitement ! now Calcarea Carb 200 when taken 1-2 times a day helps in reducing sleep and providing energy but sometimes it does opposite ( i.e, brings sleep ) I have tried Natrum sulphuricum 3x and it is the strongest medicine to remove sleep, but it also ends up giving me headache sometimes if the stimulus provided by it is more than required at that point of time, and I am also taking the allopathic synthetic thyroid hormone. Please suggest the most accurate medicine which may be able to cover all my symptoms ! I am a male of 39 years and weight 65 kg, height 5 feet, 4 inches.
newindian last decade

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