The ABC Homeopathy Forum
question about potency
Dr. Andrew Lockie, in his book 'The Family Guide To Homeopathy'says this (paraphrasing) 'the more severe the physical symptom the lower
the potency, the more severe mental symptom, the higher the potency.'
My daughter (age 9) often gets a minor cold, which causes inflammation in
her nasal passages. Her nose is completely blocked. If we can't clear
it quickly, often leads to an ear infection - even temporary loss of
I don't want to keep getting antibiotics from the family Doctor so I'm
looking for some alternatives that work. Haven't had any luck with the
multi-symptom Homeopathic cold remedies such as Boirons 'Cold Calm',
nor indeed any of them. The only time I can say Homeopathy has helped
her is one time she had mucus coming out of her nose
in a long string. In this case Kali Bich at 30C cleared it up very quickly.
But that's a very specific symptom. Usually it's more general,
so that's why I try the multi-symptom remedies. Hylands 'Sinus' formula
has 4 or 5 ingredients all low potency, 3x - 6x. Other brands include
ingredients up to 30C.
I might try them for a few days, but usually no effect. I then
often revert to
Advil (anti-inflammatory) and Sudafed (decongestant). Not as 'pure' as
a homeopathic cure, but probably better than antibiotics.
Any thoughts about the potency for these short lasting but acute cold
symptoms? Or any other general advice?
Dave H.
davehasl on 2013-10-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi google the site of Mary Aspinwall , master homeopath in
California. Look on the right of the website, where it says Free Resources.
Click on the free pdf of her book on homeopathy and go to page
10 where she has a general remedies for different colds.
Another thing you can start when a cold first appears is, Ferrum phos
cell salts. Give 4 tabs 3 or 4 x a day till better. Ferrum Phos is used
in the very first stage of a cold when you feel you are coming down
with something but there are no clear symptoms.
You can also start giving extra Vitamin C. Look up dosing
of Vitamin C for kids when sick. It boosts the immune system very well.
Mary Aspinwall and Lia Bello ( nurse homeopath in NM) are good
resources if you get stuck, they will do phone consults for
acute things like this for $50.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 02:18:54 BST]
California. Look on the right of the website, where it says Free Resources.
Click on the free pdf of her book on homeopathy and go to page
10 where she has a general remedies for different colds.
Another thing you can start when a cold first appears is, Ferrum phos
cell salts. Give 4 tabs 3 or 4 x a day till better. Ferrum Phos is used
in the very first stage of a cold when you feel you are coming down
with something but there are no clear symptoms.
You can also start giving extra Vitamin C. Look up dosing
of Vitamin C for kids when sick. It boosts the immune system very well.
Mary Aspinwall and Lia Bello ( nurse homeopath in NM) are good
resources if you get stuck, they will do phone consults for
acute things like this for $50.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 02:18:54 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks very much for your tips.
I have download Ms. Aspinwall's e-book - nice little
quick reference guide.
I ended up going to the Dr. for my daughter, turned out she
had Strep throat causing the inflamed tonsils, fever, etc.
She has almost finished up the 10-day course of anti-biotics
that she was given; seems to have handled it OK, no ill effects,
and she is much better now.
What I would like, for the future, is to be able to act quickly,
when she starts with her symptoms, and find a homeopathic remedy
that will stop it before it gets too deep.
One of the first things that happens with her is nasal inflammation;
the passages shut tight and she can't breathe. Leaving it this way too long
leads to more unpleasantness as she loses some hearing when the blockages move
into her ears. Not far away is an ear infection.
Kali Bich 30c acted well in the circumstances I described above,
another time I tried Pulsatilla 30c, while she was showing signs of
a blocked sinus and eustachian tube - very close if not already an
ear infection. She certainly had a reaction, woke up in the middle
of the night gagging. This happened twice when I tried Pulsatilla,
about 1 year apart. Perhaps a lower potency? Except for this reaction,
I don't know if it really helped or not.
Another article suggested the tissue salt Silicea for the above
symptoms. Invariably I try these low potency items, they don't help,
so I switch to sudafed/Clariten in desperation to unblock
her head.
I have download Ms. Aspinwall's e-book - nice little
quick reference guide.
I ended up going to the Dr. for my daughter, turned out she
had Strep throat causing the inflamed tonsils, fever, etc.
She has almost finished up the 10-day course of anti-biotics
that she was given; seems to have handled it OK, no ill effects,
and she is much better now.
What I would like, for the future, is to be able to act quickly,
when she starts with her symptoms, and find a homeopathic remedy
that will stop it before it gets too deep.
One of the first things that happens with her is nasal inflammation;
the passages shut tight and she can't breathe. Leaving it this way too long
leads to more unpleasantness as she loses some hearing when the blockages move
into her ears. Not far away is an ear infection.
Kali Bich 30c acted well in the circumstances I described above,
another time I tried Pulsatilla 30c, while she was showing signs of
a blocked sinus and eustachian tube - very close if not already an
ear infection. She certainly had a reaction, woke up in the middle
of the night gagging. This happened twice when I tried Pulsatilla,
about 1 year apart. Perhaps a lower potency? Except for this reaction,
I don't know if it really helped or not.
Another article suggested the tissue salt Silicea for the above
symptoms. Invariably I try these low potency items, they don't help,
so I switch to sudafed/Clariten in desperation to unblock
her head.
davehasl last decade
Hi Dave,
It would be good to start your daughter on probiotics now
after the antibiotics. I am in a large HMO and they tell
everyone to do this now after antibiotics, bc you have to
replace the flora destroyed by the antibiotics. They have
childrens probiotics at whole foods and if one does not
work well with her, try another bc they are all different strains.
Do this, at least one a day for a couple months.
On acute things, a very good book is 'homeopathic self-care'
by Rober Ullman Nd and Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman Nd.
These people are well known homeopathy teachers worldwide.
You might have to order it off their site. It is in depth,
detailed about symptoms and how to make the choices
and when you need to get other help. At some point you
may want to get a kit with 30c remedies to have on hand. Mary
Aspinwall has kits, Washington Homeopathics called Whp-
which is a forum supplier on the remedies shop also has good kits.
You have to call them usually, but they have very low cost refills
which I like.
It would be good to start your daughter on probiotics now
after the antibiotics. I am in a large HMO and they tell
everyone to do this now after antibiotics, bc you have to
replace the flora destroyed by the antibiotics. They have
childrens probiotics at whole foods and if one does not
work well with her, try another bc they are all different strains.
Do this, at least one a day for a couple months.
On acute things, a very good book is 'homeopathic self-care'
by Rober Ullman Nd and Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman Nd.
These people are well known homeopathy teachers worldwide.
You might have to order it off their site. It is in depth,
detailed about symptoms and how to make the choices
and when you need to get other help. At some point you
may want to get a kit with 30c remedies to have on hand. Mary
Aspinwall has kits, Washington Homeopathics called Whp-
which is a forum supplier on the remedies shop also has good kits.
You have to call them usually, but they have very low cost refills
which I like.
♡ simone717 last decade
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