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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal cyst

Reading through other posts, i have come to understand that each remedy depends on the individual. So here is some information, thanks in advance for the help!

I suffered through a pilondal cyst once about a year ago,had it lanced, and it went away immediately. About a month ago it came back, had it lanced, it almost dissapeared, then came back. very painful, its been draining on and off for the past 3-4 weeks. While searching for alternative treatments since the lancing obviously failed, i took a remedy of hepar sulph mixed with belladonna, and the stage two of the remedy being Hepar Sulph being alternated with amixture of arsenicum album and hypericum perf. this seemed to help immediately, causing increased draining, but it seems to have hit a plateau and is actually getting larger, stopped draining and morepainful.

I am 20 yr old male. married for 9 months.

6'0' 175 lbs fairly fit
  thillu on 2013-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I guess my question is what should i do? what remedies should i take?
thillu last decade
Myristica 200 ,4 to 5 pills once a day and Calc.sulph 6x ,5 tabs three times a day .feed backs every 4 days.
anuj srivastava last decade
Thank you.

I could not find any myristica in my local area so I had to order online. I will keep posting as treatment begins.
thillu last decade
Thank you.

I could not find any myristica in my local area so I had to order online. I will keep posting as treatment begins.
thillu last decade
I ended up finding myristica, and have been taking it per the instructions. the cyst seems to have moved out wards, closer to the soon and more pronounced, but otherwise no change.

continue taking the same remedies?

One other question that may or may not be related...ive had an eyelid twitch for about a week and a half, would this be related?

Thanks, Todd
thillu last decade
what about calc sulph?

same remedy be continued 4 .f0ur more days.start having calc also.

should not be related.
anuj srivastava last decade
Yes, I have been taking both.
thillu last decade
Yes, I have been taking both.
thillu last decade
The cyst has Become very dark red and painful, and very tender. It hadn't drained any, and is about the size of a golf ball.
Is this the course it should be taking?
Is there anything I can take for pain, or should I just bear it?

Thanks, todd
thillu last decade
Another question..reading other posts, it seems that myristica is typically prescribed as a one dose every few days remedy.
Is there a reason I am to take it everyday? Not questioning your knowledge, just curious.

Thanks, todd
thillu last decade
i prefer to give it ones every day till the cyst ripens and starts draining .stop ones it happens.but continue cs.

i know it must be very painful,but if it is intolerable ,since the cyst has matured you can get it drained off in the hospital.
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Wed, 04 Dec 2013 05:30:54 GMT]
anuj srivastava last decade
I have know been taking the combination of myristica and calc sulph for 8 days and this is what is happening.
The cyst has become even larger, very dark red in color with some purplish color as well. It its extremely tender, it hurts when walking sitting, or lying so its a loose loose.

CanI take belladonna for pain? Or is it optimal to not take anything else while letting this take place?

Thanks, Todd.
thillu last decade
belladona 30 can be taken.
anuj srivastava last decade
About how long does it usually take before it bursts? I would imagine its different for everyone but what are some signs that it might be close?
i'm leaning towards going to get it lanced, so that I can at least walk normal.

Thanks, Todd.
thillu last decade
i think in your case it should be a matter of a week or so.
anuj srivastava last decade
Over the last day or two, the skin on and around the cyst had become very dry, scaly, and peeling.
This evening I noticed the cyst started draining, and has been seeping since.

Do I stop taking myristica?

What directions do you have now?

Thanks again for all your help,
thillu last decade
have one dose and stop.continue calc.
anuj srivastava last decade
The cyst has been draining for four days now, and it seems like the volume has increased each day.
It is definitely getting smaller, and less full. And less restricting for my range of motion, which is nice.

Continue taking calc sulph until it is gone?
thillu last decade
continue taking the same medicines pls till it is gone
anuj srivastava last decade
the cyst has drained everyday since it ruptured, but now it is draining less and it is almost all blood. the cyst is much smaller, does not affect movement at all, but is does not seem to get any smaller than what it is now. i would guess it to be at about 30% of what it was,and there almost seems to be some sort of something there still. something firm,but not solid.

Any ideas/guidance?

Thank you
thillu last decade
have a dose of calc sulph 200,for three days.

stop myristica.

feedback day 4.
anuj srivastava last decade
I have not taken myristica since it ruptured.
Only dosages I can find in my area are 30 and 6 for calc sulph. Is that fine or do I need to order some 200
thillu last decade
go in for 30,5 pills three times a day for 3 days
anuj srivastava last decade
I followed your direction, it has continued to drain, sometimes bloody, sometimes clearish/yellowish.

The cyst has definitely gotten smaller, looks better.
thillu last decade
have calc 200 if possible or continue the same till draining stops.
anuj srivastava last decade

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