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Posts about Migraine

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

migraine conflicting symptoms

I get migraines usually on MY left side, acommpanied by gas (belching), pain in the left eye and neck, sensitivity to sound and the migraines usually go away after sleep. Sanguinaria is recommended for headaches on the right side but with all my other symptoms. Is this something i should consider trying?
  kingpin on 2005-10-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try "phosphorus 30" i dose and then inform about the progress.
dr sajid.
drsajid last decade
1 dose at the onset of symptoms?
kingpin last decade

Nux Vomica 200, 4-5 pills on clean tongue at the onset of symptoms.

Take care...
magicure last decade
thanks for the speedy replies

Can anyone explain the doses or reccomend a site to explain it to me.. most websites i find use 6x 30x 30c, so im not too sure what the nux vomica 200 is...

kingpin last decade
and also where can i purchase these remedies from canada..ABChomeopathy doesnt seem to deliver here
kingpin last decade
magicure last decade
is nux vomica the same as colubrina ???
kingpin last decade
i have classicaly repertorised your case and my suggestion is "phosphorus" , so if you want to try nux vomica, its ok,try it and if the symptoms consists, then think about "phos"
drsajid last decade
cause of migraine is not the gastric and acidity. It is purly mental and hormonal, . We have a homoeo drugs that act on the subject or cell on that you are holding. When you will anger the headache start, when you will in any tension the headache will start for that write your all the detail about mental anxiety and behaviour then you will get cure
deoshlok last decade

Nux vomica is Poison nut, in potentised form (prepared homoeopathically and hence is completely safe to take)

It covers your hypersensitivity to sound. and indigestion/ gas is the accompanying important symptom which also points to this remedy. This remedy also has righht sided headache.
magicure last decade
I am just trying to make an informed decision and learn a little in the process..i have not ordered or bought these products yet as i am having a hard time finding a dealer in my area. so it seems the one i will try first is the one i can FIND first. the people at boiron tell me nux vomica the same as colubrina...and colubrina is what i can get in canada. true?
kingpin last decade
The migraines do not occur with anxiety.They seem mainly to be triggered by the lights at school or when it rains, or less commonly when it is extremly bright or sunny out or sometimes if i work out my neck/shoulders or am wearing a backpack for too long. I can be completly happy/no stress and still get them
kingpin last decade

I am using Nux Vomica 30, since last 7 days. Feeling better now.

Till how long i should take this?

or it should be taken as and when i suffer with headache.

what should be the treatement duration of this headache.

Please suggest.
hyderabad last decade
I know it is difficult to cure migraines
numen008 last decade
Hi- if you are feeling better than
you stop the remedy. If you start
feeling worse again? than you restart
the remedy.

It is good if this is working to get
the nux liquid.- hit the bottle hard
10 times and then put 2 drops of it or
4 into 1.4 cup of water and use that
as your dose. so you keep using the 30
till you feel better - then stop-
if the 30 stops working after 2 tries
then you go up to a 200c- also in water.

However, go along with the 30c
and see how it goes and if you get
stuck then post on here for someone
to supervise your dosing and or
remedy change if needed.

to Numen008-
you go to a homeopath or come on
here if you can't go- and someone will
find something for you- the remedy
is based on your mental and phsyical
set up- What works for you with a
migraine is going to be a totally
different remedy than another person
with the same migraine.

[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 24 May 2012 21:47:28 BST]
simone717 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.