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Erectile DysfunctionPremature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.,

i am 24 year old unmarriade boy.i have erectile dysfunction problem since 3 year.i mustrabute from 15 year and i do continue anal sex also.and my penis always ready for sex.but last 3years i have no erection.when i watch porn i erected for 2-3 second and ejaculate automaticly without do any sex activity.i going to get marry due to my perents.is any help for me permanent cure erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.i am so worry about is.plz help me.how can i enjoy my wife for whole life...AR
  Lazil on 2014-01-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Staphysagaria 200 one dose for 5days evening .pl change your habits and life style otherwise no one can cure those who donot want to be cured.
akshaymohl last decade
Sir is it cure erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation,is it effective.like my old days..i want cure as soon as..tell me how can i take doses with water or milk.and how many pills or drop.i will take in 1 day for 5 days
[message edited by Lazil on Thu, 16 Jan 2014 08:52:50 GMT]
Lazil last decade
If liquid 4 drops in two table spoon of water daily evening time once for 5days
akshaymohl last decade
I am also taking hamdard but no benefite from that medicine.can i take it together or leave it...
Lazil last decade
No either this or that .
akshaymohl last decade
Any one help me about my serious problem..i am currently suffering ED and PE...my penis not erected as in my 17 age...i leaved musturbution anal sex....now a days my penis not erected and i dont have any sexual activity..i have no desire for sex..never erection not desire...i am going to marriede...plz help me out that my penis get hard erection and getting long time in pu**y of my wife...
Lazil 9 years ago
Plz someone help me...i have no erection and sexual desire....
Lazil 9 years ago
HI young boy....

you just didn't listen the advise given to you by respected mohla sir.. he prescribed a remedy staphysagria which will help you a lots because your errection problem is due to masterbation habbit.. trust me it will work..

instead of searching any others advise u can start staphysagria..

he is only one genuine and highly experienced homeopath in this forum.. so you should obey his advise and as he told u need to choose one treatment way.. homeopathy or ayurveda.. don't be worry.. U will be fine

god bless u
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
I will start it from tomorrow.....thanks for this one.....
Lazil 9 years ago

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