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Erectile DysfunctionPremature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature Ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction and very sensitive penis

Am 26 year old and I used to musterbate from the age of 14 3-4 times a dayday which is now stopped.But over time I have developed both PE and ED which I did not realize before I engaged in sexual activity with my partner.During sex my penis doesn't get erect, after trying for sometime when it erets partially semen comes out within 30-40 seconds.My penis is very sensitive even mild rubbing causes ejaculation. And my penis size used to be more than 5 inch now its hardly 3 when erect. Am in great distress about my situation for many years now. Kindly help.
  Ronthedavil on 2020-10-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Need complete
Your sexual abuse history your sexual life history
Thermals you feel hot more or cold more

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 4 years ago
As I said I used to musterbate very fast 3-4 times a day watching porn.This is what all my sexual life was.
Only once I had a sexual encounter with a girl that which gone very very bad. I could not get an erection for hours and when I got an erection I ejaculated within seconds. Since than never engaged in a sexual relationship with anyone.

Am OK with cold but if it gets too hot sometimes I feel I could go unconscious.

My penis glan and foreskin is very sensitive
[Edited by Ronthedavil on 2020-10-07 06:29:44]
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Hi Few medicines are indicated from your little information regarding your sexual symptoms
Take Argentum Nitricum 1m three doses only at an interval of one hour . If you get in liquid form 10 drops of medicine in 30 ml water is one dose. If you get in pills 5 pills is one dose
Other indicated medicines are Lycopodium, Sulphur , Calc - carb ,Phosphrus, Phos-acid
One should never begin treatment with Lycopodium unless it is very clearly indicated
A.Singh 4 years ago
You need to elaborate more about your self
And your nature
How is your nature how is your confidence??

I need to know your complete life space
Inorder to help.you

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 4 years ago
Most of my family members are the most characterless people's most of them cheat on their partners. I have grown up seeing all this and that used to hurt my feelings when I see them cheating.than I started musterbating and whenwhenever I used to feel sad or lonely I used to musterbate.after musterbating it used to fell more worse. Then my partner cheated on me and insulted me in front of many people as I was not able to satisfy her. Since than till now I never dared to date again. I live in a fear that somebody will cheat on me.I don't trust anybody anymore. I stay and work alone most of the time. I have no friends and cut all relations with those dirty family members. And I see no hope for my future to have a family. And the people around me are just like my cheating family members and I always think that if get married the same will happen to me again.
Most of the time am sad,lonely and hopeless. I can't think positive.most the time am having negative thoughts.I feel am worthless and I can never satisfy a women and have normal life.
Sexual desires are normal.After my breakup am constantly suppressing my emotions and desires.
[Edited by Ronthedavil on 2020-10-07 08:21:20]
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Ok i see clear picture now.


drjitesh 4 years ago
Thank you doctor. I will inform you as soon as possible.
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Hello Doctor its been 15 days since I started taking staphysagria 30 4 drops thrice a day. For the first 3 days after taking the medicine it felt wonderful I was very calm, happy and most importantly I felt peace both inside and outside.Although the negative thinking is decreased and now I look for new hope and opportunity in life.Now outside situations bother me a little less than before. But my thoughts has become violent about those person of my family. Am doing more physical work than before. But my problem of PE is still same. My ejaculation time is still less than 50 seconds. My penis is still sensitivesensitive specially the foreskin.Over sexual thinking is also under control now.
Should I continue taking the medicine?
[Edited by Ronthedavil on 2020-10-20 05:51:11]
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Hello Doctor Jitesh kindly please reply.
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Continue for 2 days more then give me feedback after 2 week

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 4 years ago
OK doctor and thank you for your kind reply
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Hello doctor I took staphysagria 30 4 drops 3 times a day for 17 days as advised by you. But my problem remains the same. My ejaculation time is still less than 1 minute and I still fell extreme sensitivity in my penis foreskin (not the tip of the penis only the skin). Semen came out as soon as I entered vagina.
But some positive improvement is that my thoughts are now less negative, am going out more talking to others and not suppressing my emotion. Now I have the will power to protest if someone is hurting me. But the problem of PE is getting me very tense and upset.
Please guide me. Its been 14 days since I stopped taking the medicine after taking it for 17 days in a row.
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Hello sir please guide me
Ronthedavil 4 years ago



drjitesh 4 years ago
Hello doctor
I took agnus castus as you said but no improvement. And am getting more worried and loosing hope again
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Describe your experience more on your complains
drjitesh 4 years ago
Erection and sexual desire is normal but my ejaculation time is still less than 50 seconds. My penis is still very sensitive especially the foreskin. Now my main problem is premature ejaculation.After taking staphysagria my mental problems like suppressing emotions,sexual desires got OK but the problem of PE remains same.
[Edited by Ronthedavil on 2020-11-23 10:50:56]
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
4 drops thrice a day
For 10 days
Report after 15 days

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 4 years ago
Hello doctor I took Titanium Met 6 4 drops thrice a day for 10 days its been 10 days since I stopped taking the medicine. But no sign of improvement. My ejaculation time is still less than 50 seconds. After getting full erection semen comes out within 2-3 strokes.
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Take SULPHUR 200

drjitesh 4 years ago
Dear Dr. Jitesh,

I have seen many good replies from your side to needful members of this forum. Therefore, I request you to please reply to a question posted by me at https://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php...

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Ria Reseter
Ria.Reseter 4 years ago
Hello doctor I took sulphur 200 once in a week but there is no improvement.
My ejaculation time is still under 50 seconds.after full erection semen comes out within in 2- 3 strokes. The only difference I noticed is my erection has become harder than before.
Now my frustration and agner is getting out of control. And people around me are getting bothered by it. Again I have started staying alone
[Edited by Ronthedavil on 2020-12-26 11:26:01]
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Only one dose
For two weeks

Report after 2 weeks
drjitesh 4 years ago
Hello doctor you have been very kind and generous to me from the very beginning and thank you very much for that.But my problem is not getting any better. I used Lycopodium 1M One dose as said by you but no improvement. My ejaculation time is still less 50 seconds. Semen comes out within 2-3 strokes.
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
Sir please kindly help me
Ronthedavil 4 years ago

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