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20 year old cat with heart murmur Page 5 of 6

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Morning fitness,

Not Molly related, she's still doing well. Just thought I'd let you know I'm on the mend again. Seeing it all written down actually helped me out, along with some time to myself to actually figure it out and yesterday I got the news I was waiting for and it's all good - it was a clerical error. Huge relief all round and no antibiotics either! :-) thanks for taking the time to reply yesterday and I'll be in touch about Molly's progress as and when needed.

Best wishes,

kirsty28 last decade
Great news! Stay well.
fitness last decade
Hi Fitness,

I've given Molly a further dose of Pulsatilla 200c liquid potency.

Yesterday, she was quite clingy, wasn't too interested in her food although she was looking for it and also her stool was a bit hard and I noticed a spot of blood. There's no other changes in her, she's drinking her usual, still plenty energy and strength about her. Today her stool is back to normal, she's a little sleepy but content and she's like this after her remedy for a day or so. She was also calling out through the night which she's only been doing since Lucy passed. The only place she's not allowed is my bedroom - she urinate's in my wardrobe/or gets up to mischief which keeps me wakened. I have contemplated taking her in beside me but I'm trying to persevere with her and hope she settles. The last thing I want to do, is take her in beside me and then have to put her out in her own bed again once she's completely over this. I do, have her with me when she's been really not well in the past but as soon as she's over the worst, it's like party central - playing with the screen saver on the computer - she knows to move the mouse :-) and various other antics through the night. Should I just persevere as I've been doing?

Thanks Fitness,

kirsty28 last decade
You are doing right. When you feel the need, give one dose.
fitness last decade
Thanks Fitness, she's much better tonight and her appetite has returned. I'll post as and when she receive's another dose or any further problems.

Best wishes,

kirsty28 last decade
Hi Fitness,

Merry Christmas, hope you had a good one!

I've given Molly a further dose of Pulsatilla this afternoon. Her stools are back to normal, no vomiting, very healthy appetite, not calling out through the night anymore but very vocal as soon as she hears me waken and trying to climb up my legs. She's doing great considering....

Thanks Fitness and Happy New Year when it comes,

kirsty28 last decade
Happy holidays to you too and thanks for the updates. I am glad things are going well.
fitness last decade
Hi Fitness,

I hope you're well!

I'm thinking Molly needs a further dose of Pulsatilla?

She's doing really well, in fact in some ways she just seems to get better and better and it's hard to believe almost a year ago, she was as ill as she was. Improvements over the last few weeks - more curious, in her younger days she was quite partial to being in the tumble dryer, she's been doing that again, just being nosey. Also, there's been a lot of movement as I'm now in the process of selling my home. I was quite concerned how she would handle this but she's been great, sleeping through most of it and up until last night happy for cuddles at night when I'm sitting after finishing for the day. Appetite is great, no vomiting. She was also under the bath the other day which I found quite funny, I was storing some items under it and she sneaked in. She's been quite clingy again last night and today especially and quite vocal but that's all - no deterioration in physical symptoms at all. should I go ahead?

Best wishes
kirsty28 last decade
Considering the present situation, no harm in giving her one dose.

All the best.
fitness last decade
Thank you

Best wishes,

kirsty28 last decade
Hi Fitness,

I'm wondering if I should give Molly a further dose of pulsatilla - it's still 200c liquid. She's happy enough, no physical concerns but she's still very clingy. She's sitting on my knee climbing up on to my shoulder as I'm typing this. It doesn't bother me except I'm concerned for her. She's not quite as bad as she was after Lucy died, she wouldn't let me put her down even long enough to go to the toilet at the start so ended up just taking her with me. It took more frequent repetition to get her through that.

Thanks Fitness,

kirsty28 last decade
No harm in giving one more dose. You are welcome.
fitness last decade
Thank you!

I'll post an update in a few days,

Best wishes,

kirsty28 last decade
Hi Fitness,

Molly has settled again. I'll post again when there's a relapse.

Best wishes,

kirsty28 last decade
Hi Fitness,

I hope you're well!

Molly was calling out about 4 this morning, looking like she wanted food. She's now having Turkey mince or chicken. She stopped wanting lamb mince (I drained the fat off) a while ago. She was loving the lamb and I had been alternating that with chicken so she wasn't getting too much but also wasn't getting bored. Molly going off one type of food for a while isn't unusual and she still refuses to eat Fish.

She's been doing great but when I got up again she had done a very runny stool outside of her litter box and had brought up the food she had eaten, undigested with clear liquid. I was out on Saturday from about 7 and was home early hours of the morning. Being around pretty much all of the time, she's not here without me for more than a few hours so don't know wether this has triggered it? She's bright enough, wanting fed again but refusing, she's clingy - trying to constantly climb up on to me. She's been very settled over the last while, nuala ate her blanket a while ago so basically I bought a pillow and one of those baby sleeping bags, mainly so it could be easily cleaned but also added comfort. She loves it, was having problems with getting her out the living room at night when going to bed - she can move very quickly when she wants to, but since the new bed, I literally pick it up and she just follows me in to the kitchen. She has also developed a slight swelling in her lower left hind leg. She's in no pain at all and it isn't interfering with her movement, no heat, redness etc - could it be fluid retention? But only on one leg? I have given her a 200c dose of pulsatilla and will see how she goes. I'll keep in touch and welcome any further feedback.

Thanks Fitness,

kirsty28 9 years ago
Hi Fitness,

Quick update, she's eating again and was quite vocal (demanding) about it :-) also, while she was eating I managed to get a more thorough look/feel at her leg. I'm almost certain at the moment that it isn't swollen at all, from comparing her fur/coat on the other legs it seems she has more fur/thicker coat on that leg. I've checked her paw/pads and there's no sign of anything so I've possibly panicked having never noticed this about her before. She seems a good bit better but I will keep u posted as u need until she/her tummy has got better.

Best wishes,

kirsty28 9 years ago
Thanks for the update.
fitness 9 years ago
Hi Fitness,

Molly is much better today, she hasn't had a bowel movement yet but her tummy is soft, she's very perky this morning, eating lots, drinking her usual and generally looking quite happy and content again. I took a day off from everything yesterday so I could just spend some extra time with her. As you know there's loads going on and it's obviously taking its toll on her too. I'll keep a closer eye on her, especially if I'm out for more than a few hours as that definitely seems to be her stress factor. As soon as I know where she is with her bowels, I'll let u know. So far so good!

Thanks Fitness

kirsty28 9 years ago
Hi Fitness,

Molly had a bowel movement this morning which was solid (normal) but has now went back to diarrhea. She's a little clingy, not as bad as she was but she was much better yesterday/last night. She's been on the 200c pulsatilla for a while now. Would it be worthwhile trying her with a 1M? I don't have it but if you think it's worth trying I'll order it in liquid as I have been.

Any feedback would be most welcome.

She's eating and drinking great just not quite as perky/energetic as she has been.

Thanks Fitness,

kirsty28 9 years ago
I believe 200 is still working on her so we will stick to that. If it stops giving the desired results, we can move up the scale.

Some ups & downs are normal & healthy but if the down continues then a dose is required.
fitness 9 years ago
Thanks Fitness,

The day before yesterday she was using her litter box for both again. She hasn't passed urine outside her box, she always uses that but with the diarrhea - she does it just outside. Can only assume she doesn't want the mess inside it or she's making sure I know it's happening. This morning, she's still the same in herself but she was sick at some point in the bathroom, again this makes me think she's wanting to let me know. The sick was much finer this time and less liquidy. Hasn't stopped her eating and drinking. I'll keep an eye on her for another day and post back tomorrow.

Kindest Regards,

kirsty28 9 years ago
Morning fitness,

I hope you're well!

Molly is still urinating in her box, drinking, appetite has decreased a little. Not particularly concerned about that at the moment unless it continues through the day. She has been on alternate days of either vomiting or diarrhea. Since after her vomiting, which I saw yesterday morning she's had neither of both - no vomiting or bowel movement.

I'm curious about this and wondered what you thought, have any knowledge of - carcinosin in animals? I haven't came across anything but it has been on the back of my mind purely because of the way she loves something - Fish, lamb (strong in carcinosin) and she really loved the lamb and then doesn't anymore. With her needing the pulsatilla ( I'm not doubting anything here - she definitely does) I was giving her extra lean with all the fat drained off and out of all the food she was given ( I Was beginning to worry about what I was going to feed her) she really loved the lamb. Apart from her physical well being, my main concern is stress does make cats ill, can even kill them and I'd hate for something to happen to her because she's struggling to cope with how things are at the moment. Obviously her age plays a major part also and probably doesn't allow her to shake off the stress as easily as a younger cat but there is still plenty life left in her so I'm hopeful she'll get better with the homeopathic support.

Any feedback/ info would be great.

Thanks Fitness, as always I'll report back until she's better.

Best wishes,

kirsty28 9 years ago
Try a dose of Puls 200 and we can decide based on the response. I may need the symptoms again to see if an intercurrent is required.
fitness 9 years ago
I don't see carcinosin picture in her yet.
fitness 9 years ago
Thanks Fitness,

Much appreciated as always. I'll give her another dose just now and post after the weekend or before if need be.

best wishes,

kirsty28 9 years ago
Hi Fitness,

I'm just posting as things happen so I don't forget to mention anything.

This morning, a very small bowel movement, maybe 1/2 a teaspoon. Not completely watery - more mushy and also in her litter box.

There was also more vomiting, a smaller amount and more mushy, not completely undigested and also some hair so she's brought this up, coughing up a fur ball.

She was really quiet last night, this is usually a positive sign (less clingy) but she's different. I bring her bed in to the Living room on the couch during the day, when she sleeps she's usually either completely stretched out and relaxed or sleeping on her side but when she wakes up she stretches out and rubs her face/ears on her bed until she wakens, then usually comes for a cuddle. At the moment she's sleeping either on her side or on all fours with her head tucked slightly under. On waking, there's no rubbing (behaviour showing she's relaxed/content) and she has to be coaxed to come for a cuddle which she is doing, for a brief moment. She sometimes looks like she doesn't really know what she wants. Over to me and back to her bed - quietly unsettled May be the best way to describe this. She's still drinking. Eating is more, little at a time, her appetite has reduced ( I know how quickly this can improve once she's eating properly again so while she's alert and showing no major signs of distress, I'm not too concerned. Also, when she's sitting, she doesn't sit flat on the floor, her rear end is off the floor. This is a new symptom and can only assume by this, there's a level/degree of pain/uncomfortableness in that area.

Also, she hasn't called out through the night for the last few nights. But even this morning, she was different. I literally open my eyes in the morning and she starts calling out. I'm on my own so don't know if I make any noises when I'm sleeping that she can hear or if she can sense I'm awake but she always knows. This morning I got up and went in to the kitchen before she started any kind of communication. She didn't eat much this morning either.

Last night, she jumped out her sleep (she usually sleeps deeply) I was looking at a video clip on my phone and that disturbed her. This wouldn't normally waken her - I can put things off at night and still have to gently waken her so she doesn't get a fright. She is at times a very deep sleeper.

If there's anything noticeable going on/improvements or otherwise, I'll post again tomorrow.

Thanks Fitness, have a nice weekend. Best wishes, Kirsty
kirsty28 9 years ago

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