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Posts about Hayfever, Rhinitis

Allergic Rhinitis3Allergic rhinitis1Allergy Rhinitis16Springtime allergic rhinitis516yo boy - several years of allergic rhinitis1Allergic rhinitis19Respiratory allergies, Allergic Rhinitis1Dr Kadwa Please advice on Hayfever7Sinus and allergic rhinitis22DNS Right with allergic rhinitis1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hayfever/rhinitis (evocationer) Page 6 of 10

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times a week.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava 11 months ago
DAY 1 to 2: my back become itchy like as if some pimples had developed… same itching that experienced in childhood and adolescence when I used to cough ( bronchitis) I used to feel itching in back well below shoulders and when I used to scratch the itchiness used to transfer towards chest area (skin)… depression increased from 35% to 60 %.
DAY 3: I suddenly developed puss pimples on my buttocks, the same ones that I had in my teenage emerging from deep inside flesh turning into painful puss filled pimples lasting for a month … but this time they did not appeared on outer skin and subsided on 4 th day . Depression decreased to 30 %, a little bit of constipation plus a bit of acidity. Maybe due to less consumption of liquids and fruits.

DAY 4: took dose of calc carb 200, depression decreased to 5% … enjoyed playing video game with brother and whole day was fun … high energy … in this season I usually experience rhinitis but no symptoms yet maybe due to rains and cold

DAY 5&6: depression 10% which is fine , had a tournament match today on 6th day I couldn’t properly sleep due to fear of losing the match just like I didn’t sleep night before exams when I was little… I cannot handle defeat makes me believe that I am good for nothing and that my repute at tennis will forever go down…

DAY 7: rest day after two doses of calc carb … lost that tennis match from very weak player , now can’t tolerate anger and frustration humiliation, if I had won the match I would’ve been so happy as if I am living on praises … now feeling very low but depression remains low at 8% , felt a little pain under bottom of right rib cage like in liver area but it subsided…
allergic69 11 months ago
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
3 days of Nux vom : slight itchiness at the back, mood remained better but due to fasting had very limited sleep so depression set in 30%, thoughts changed during office hours but tiredness persisted … low lights in the room increased depression to 35%. Pollen season started after rains ended so start of hayfever , irritation in eyes, sneezing when outdoors… nasal drip slowly accumulates in chest..
4 th to 7 th day of calc carb : itchiness and pimples developed on back and butts but vanished after an hour, hayfever symptom persisted after exposure to outdoors…. Rain started and hayfever subsided but first rain caused a little bit shortness of breath plus anxiety feeling in car but subsided now… at night with family my mind questioning all the time if I am happy with family and if my conduct is normal affectionate with them …. And when in good mood I miss them a lot , my desires lowered a little and no morning erections anymore , I have to treat my DNS sinuses and polyps through surgery as I’ve heard this strange snoring is sign of sleep apnea which decreases oxygen flow and decreases testosterone
allergic69 11 months ago
I have to treat my DNS sinuses and polyps through surgery.SURGERY IS NO OPTION,THEY WILL GROW AGAIN.

anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Although hayfever and nasal drip had been in control but due to fasting in Ramadan and lack of fluids made my nebulising sessions much frequent… had itching at the back of chest area and neck near tonsils area ( which I used to experience in childhood). My nose remains blocked / stuffed so I don’t feel the essence and taste of food plus I feel like I would be hospitalised soon for breathlessness due to asthma attack , I had to start anti allergies / antihistamine to survive … feel like heavy phlegm is clinging onto the back of my chest , when it loosens a bit small round balls of transparent phlegm is extracted which eases my asthma symptoms. Rubbing Vicks on my chest and nose helps a little too. I am dependant on nebulising and my puffer . Can you recommend medicine that has quick action, homeopathic tonic named Brutux helped allot during previous season which is combination of different homeopathic meds as it cooled my bronchial passage .
allergic69 11 months ago
Ambrosia Artemisiefolia 30 three times.In addition Silicea 6X and Ferrum Phos 6X three times.

Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Symptoms of rhinitis decreased considerably and use of nebulising decreased as well… but as usual I encountered a full blown asthma attack at the commencement of rain… it directly caused sudden constriction in airways with heavy wheezing… went to emergency where I was given solucartef injection with nebulising… I slowly recovered, muscle spasm at the back of lungs slowly eased … I’ve come to an analysis about this phenomenon as far as I remember in 2006 the same episode with first rain in spring brought on same situation with me collapsing on reaching hospital… same scenario throughout my life which I now analysed . I remember I used to be injected with same corticosteroids life saving injection every year in spring before onset of asthma attack .. in 2009 I survived spring rain but when I moved to another city pollen there started with delay and during rain I encountered my first anxiety attack later turned into depression… there are two types of relief… when m stabilised at hospital with injection my depression goes away … other thing that somewhat eases my attacks is when I masterbate … after ejaculation that sneezing / constriction returns to lesser degree …
allergic69 10 months ago


[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-03-31 10:58:02]
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
first use , first time sensation in pelet and throat ( vanished after 15 secs) followed by mood swings high and low but mostly low throughout the night depression 40%. went on walk At night but felt no allergies. Didn’t feel desire consummate with wife but I did and lasted long. during conversation with wife 4 am depression decreased to 20% but on sleeping again depression increased to 40%. Experienced few coughs and spit out thick phlegm as I am on antibiotics… experienced morning erection twice which I didn’t experience from months.
2nd day : allergies remained minimal while depression dropped to 20%.
3rd day: depression in morning decreased to 10 % , during rain I felt no sudden constriction in chest …. However all these days I remained a bit dizzy after 9 pm plus I felt slight heart burn on eating spicy food but it is temporary.
Day 4: heartburn and gases with constipation during early hours and before sleeping at night, mood swings persists . Too much sleepy and brain fog after dinner but it soon goes away when I have black tea. Depression 20%
Day 5: depression 15 %, I don’t feel allergies anymore however I am spitting phlegm that had accumulated during allergy days. Feel sleepy all the time but I try not to sleep with my family around as I fear I will lose previous time ..
Day 6&7: rattling cough and excretion of very thick phlegm and it keeps on coming out , mood swings like depressed at a moment and then totally happy after 2 hours … exercising after having food decreases my acidity and keeps me fresh all day. Not much of allergies but exposure of whole day outside brings about a single sneeze that’s all. Just noticed a slight bump on top area of left testicle , doesn’t hurt but it could be prominent vein going to testicles.
allergic69 10 months ago
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Day 1-3: Experienced a strange phenomenon, the worry about my testicle issue (imaginary or real) deviated my mind from depression. I don’t feel any discomfort in testicles all day till I imagine it or when I am sleeping at night. It’s a sensation of discomfort in testicles which usually starts before UTI, in past I used to experience UTI with extreme pain in testicles once or twice in year but they stopped for years till it may be emerging again. I don’t feel abrupt mood swings anymore, have been taking much interest in family. Pollen allergies are at bay but chest produces rattling sounds and I cough a lot of very thick mucous that is not ending.
Day 4 & 5: woke up with crunching sound in my left ear as if an insect had entered my ear, it stopped after 5th day. heartburn and acidity started again on mild use of chillies coupled with constipation. I try not to get angered thoughts but when alone I imagine fighting with bosses at work and exhaust my adrenalines. Depression at minimum 10% . sexual desire for wife used to lower depression but once act was done depression increased however this time , romance followed the act.
Day 6&7: too much acidity even though there are no abrupt changes in food intake. Sensation in testicles has increased a little during night for which I need to start taking cranberries juice… chest still wheezes with very thick mucous of greenish brown colour however I don’t feel much asthma issues with that.
allergic69 10 months ago
mild use of chillies-While taking medicines , use common sense, in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.



anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Should I discontinue lemna minor and Nat mur ? Or keep taking them to in addition to this new protocol
allergic69 10 months ago
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
My UTI subsided after medicine and cranberry juice … extracting heavy thick phlegm still continues, when I don’t spit it out in time I experience heavy bout of cough , don’t know how much phlegm is stored when allergies at minimum… it only happened in childhood… I experienced terrible ache in butts area stretching to feet which continued for 5 days … my stomach remained upset this whole time, constipation followed by loose stools and urge to pass stool … then one day I felt terrible headache and was hospitalised… after antibiotic and electrolytes drip I was stabalized… today I felt slight discomfort in liver area … played tennis but remained breathless as if my stamina went down drastically… depression has gone down from 25% to 15 % … the worst two weeks
allergic69 9 months ago
You can take Kali Bich 30c + Nux Vomica 30, twice a day for a week, these remedies address,
Thick heavy phlegm and cough
Constipation and loose stools
Stomach upset and discomfort in the liver area
Breathlessness and decreased stamina
Depression and anxiety
Digestive and abdominal pain
drsajid 9 months ago
Took the meds for week, my phlegm got really thick dark green in colour and now it rarely come out, depression remained at 15%, erections remained intact but desire for intercourse remained low.. we are trying to conceive second baby but it’s not happening…. Our only child was conceived after delay of 1 year after marriage and now we have 2 weeks before my wife leaves for canada for 8 months.. a week ago we ate a stale watermelon at someone’s house and my son (10 months old) got food poisoning and was admitted in hospital and we both still have discomfort in our stomach having irregular bowels with nausea and decreased appetite for food, sometimes the area below my right rib cage remains painful, my depression increased to 30% all related to my stomach as it always begins with food poisoning, now have loose motions and very weakness, desire to have sex has secret but errections remain intact , dust storm has bought allergies back , could not continue meds during this awful week as I was put on antibiotics and probiotics
allergic69 9 months ago
Dear there are too many different things happening to u, you pls now share a post with ur complete symptoms, with numbers, as exampled below,
As 1-
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-18 03:15:14]
drsajid 9 months ago
Zingiber Q for water melon issues ten drops three times a day.

In addition Kali Mur 6x five tabs three times a day.

Feedback after 2 days.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
The stomach issue could not get well after use of antibiotics but after using your prescribed remedy for two days it has been resolved, stool is normal again and no more discomfort in stomach , depression is also reduced to less than 10% . Appetite for food is increased. Somehow I feel that my main issues (depression fatigue and mood swings) are related to my stomach… my bad standing/ sitting posture ( my neck and head are tilted forwards and bent downwards) also play contributory role as I feel discomfort under right rib after hours of driving as don’t sit straight…
allergic69 9 months ago
Continue same remedies for a week and give a feedback.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Slight mood swings were experienced but overall Depression remained minimal to 10% , had a bout of loose motions on 4th day of meds but when I quit having 3 eggs with mango milkshakes in morning I became well … however I had to use inhaler on few occasions due to minor episode of breathlessness… had been drinking from unclean water dispenser… no acidity , sex drive is satisfactory… exercise enhances my overall mood ….during driving and being alone I am bombarded with negative violent thoughts of arguing. With bosses plus street rage imagining fights
allergic69 8 months ago
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
My mood remain better the whole week, depression now down to 7% , sex drive has increased, becoming more social, stamina increased a little as I played extra extended tennis however I do feel exhausted and my feet feel heavy after extended play. Slight increase in whiteness of teeth , asthma aggravates only when I sleep in cold room in front of AC flow. Feel better after regular workout at gym and after avoiding social media, feel better when I sleep early however this time when I slept way too late I didn’t feel too depressed. Acidity in at minimum… stomach only gets upset for a day when I consume more than two eggs coupled with mango shake, don’t know if it’s internal heat or allergies. 5 days back I was eating a piece of chicken when it’s sharp bone slightly pierced lower base area of mouth below the tongue… I didn’t treat it timely as a tiny bump / pimple has formed which is hard now … it isn’t that painful anymore but should it be treated
allergic69 8 months ago

While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.

anuj srivastava 8 months ago

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