The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Memory loss
My Grand father whose age is above 80 years has been suffering from memory loss.He doesnot recognize most people around.
Please suggest remedy.
adil_kakar on 2005-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You should give your grand father Baryta Carb. 2oo weekly dose then say after a month.
Dr Kumar last decade
Can young people between 20 to 40 yrs also try taking Baryta Carb 200 one weekly dose if they want to improve their memory in general?
karishma last decade
Karishma ---
Bar Carb is only indicated if the nature of the patient could be classified as
¨¨ childish¨¨!!-.
If it is possible that you have had a dose of gonorrhea then a couple of doses of Medorrhinum 1m may help the memory.
Bar Carb is only indicated if the nature of the patient could be classified as
¨¨ childish¨¨!!-.
If it is possible that you have had a dose of gonorrhea then a couple of doses of Medorrhinum 1m may help the memory.
walkin last decade
Dear Karishma, the young persons between 20-40 years should use Anacardium Orientalis 3o on alternate days for some weeks. This remedy is the most powerful for children and students as well. It is called 'Amrit sudha' to the sudents who forget their lessons cramed well in the examination-hall.
Dr Kumar last decade
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