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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Night terrors?

My 18 months old has night terrors. He starts crying inconsolably in the middle of the night. When we pick him up he would still be sleeping but crying out loud with tears. Rocking and shushing don't work. It takes him 15 mins to calm down in our arms and then he goes right back to sleep.
He does not watch aggressive shows on TV, there is no violence in the house, he is pretty calm and happy during the day except for some temper tantrums when he doesnt get what he wants, like any other toddler.
Is there any homeopathic remedy to help him out?
  Mika80 on 2014-05-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is this the same child I am treating currently?
Evocationer last decade
Yes :D
I would wait to give him any remedy for the night terrors till he is done with the other one though.
Mika80 last decade
Has it become worse since the remedy?
Evocationer last decade
Nono, he has been having night terrors for months, it's not related to the vaccine he got.
He is doing better, the mucus is getting a little thicker and light yellow and the cough is now productive, no smell and cant see the color because he doesnt spit out. I gave him only 1 dose of Spongia, should I switch to a different remedy for a wet cough?

Thank you!!
Mika80 last decade
No you should never change remedies when one has helped until it is certain the whole situation has changed.

Spongia is a remedy for night terrors as well, so if we have stumbled upon his constitutional remedy this may also improve.
Evocationer last decade
Great! Will give him another dose then!
Thank you!
Mika80 last decade
You should wait for E to tell you
if you can give another dose. He will
simone717 last decade
Ok, waiting.
Mika80 last decade
Go through the symptoms you gave me in the other post. Write each one out, and next to it write Better/Worse/Same. If better or worse, right a % to tell me how much.
Evocationer last decade
Runny nose, better: 25%
Cough: better 50% coughs in his sleep only 1 or 2 times during nap, wet cough when he wakes up in the morning and some throughout the day, and a little at night too).
Sleep: better 90%
Mucus: better 15% changed color and consistency but still coming out like a faucet, especially if it's cold. Steamy baths help get out more mucus which otherwise is trapped in nose and throat.
[message edited by Mika80 on Mon, 05 May 2014 03:52:31 BST]
[message edited by Mika80 on Tue, 06 May 2014 03:14:16 BST]
Mika80 last decade
Hi, I haven't given and other doses for a few days and there hasn't been any further improvement.
He is still full of mucus in his throat and nose, mucus is clear/light yellow. He coughs randomly during the day and while he sleeps. Yesterday and today he has been drinking less than usual.
Mika80 last decade
Alright it seems like we need to repeat the remedy. Give him a dose exactly as you did before.
Evocationer last decade
Hi, i didnt have a chance to give him another dose because the remedy got lost and didn't have a chance to buy another one (hard to find around here in liquid).
He is doing better though although still has a wet cough.
Last night he coughed in his sleep for 5 minutes then slept ok.
This morning he coughed then sneezed and some mucus came out of his mouth, it was dense light yellow.

Runny nose: 60% improved.
Cough: 70%
Mucus: more dense, less watery.

Would ANTIM TART help to drain the mucus?

Mika80 last decade
Never change a remedy that has worked. That is usually a mistake. You need to get the remedy again and use it until we are sure it has stopped working.

If you get a small bottle with a dropper, and some alcohol, you can use the pillules to make your own oral liquid.
Evocationer last decade
Thanks, will do
Mika80 last decade
If you have to make your own oral liquid, fill the small bottle with 1 part alcohol to 5 parts water. Dissolve 2 pillules into it. This will be the dosing mixture.

For any dose, hit the bottle 5 times against the palm of the hand firmly. Place 3 drops into 100mls of water and stir thoroughly. Give him 2 teaspoons of this.

If there is an emergency of any sort, you can place a single drop directly in the mouth, although you must always hit the bottle first regardless.
Evocationer last decade
Thx for the instructions!

Question, why cant I just dilute a pellet in water?
[message edited by Mika80 on Mon, 12 May 2014 02:16:44 BST]
Mika80 last decade
Ok, I gave him a second dose but by now he had already gotten much better, he barely coughs but still has little phlegm, so I dont know if it did anything.
Also, i forgot to mention that after the first dose, he spit it out, I didnt want to give double doses so I left it and forgot to let you know but then he got better ... So, I dont really know if the remedy helped or his body fought it on his own ...

He still has night terrors though.
Mika80 last decade
He does not need to swallow it. It is absorbed directly into the mouth, and even a single drop can be enough to improve him.

The reason you cannot dilute the pillule into the water directly is that the bottle must be succussed (hit) before each dose, not just stirred. This is an important part of repetition of the dose.

Succussion is a vital part of our healing process - without it our medicines would be much less effective.
Evocationer last decade
He seems to be doing good mow.
Now though he is still left with night terrors, still screaming and crying randomly in the middle of the night.
Mika80 last decade
If the other symptoms resolve, but we are left with the night terrors, we can focus on that part of the case specifically. It may be that the Spongia was only an acute prescription, and the chronic state may still need to be addressed with a different remedy.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Yes, he still has the night terrors, he cries every other night or so ... Spongia didn't work for that unfortunately.
Mika80 9 years ago
So apart from that, what other symptoms remain?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Nothing else, other symptoms seem to be gone.
Mika80 9 years ago
Ok, we need to do a chronic case assessment then.

You might repeat some of what you said before, but I would like it all in one place, and you may actually rephrase the information in a way that is useful to me.


1] What is the effect of main complaint and associated complaints on him/her?

2] What are the thoughts/feeling/reactions associated with it? Describe in detail.
3] Any unusual sensation in their body. (Describe the sensation they experience during all stressful situations like nightmares, fears, before exam, with the incident, which had a deep impact on him/her.)

4] What are his/her fears (existing and/or imaginary)? What are the feelings/thoughts and the reaction associated with it?

5] Any incident which had a deep impact on him/her? Describe in detail. What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it? At that moment of time what were his/her feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?

6] What are the stories/fairytales that he/she likes to read / listen? What character attracts him/her the most and why? Describe about HIS/HER understanding of the stories. What are the feelings/thoughts associated with it?

7] What are his/her imaginations/fantasies? Describe in detail.
8] What are the dreams that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?

9] What are the nightmares that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?

10] What are his/her interests and hobbies?

11] Describe about the specific toys, games/specific TV serials, cartoon characters, movies he/she likes. What are the thoughts, feelings associated with it? What kind of questions does he/she asks related to that?

12] How is he/she at sports and other activities?

13] Describe about the drawing he/she likes to do/sing. What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?

14] Any other activities does he/she like to do? What are they? What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
15] Describe all the qualities of your child, which makes him/her different from other children, which is unique to him/her.
16] What does he/she wants to become when he is grown up and why? What are his/her ambitions?
17] Whom does he/she idealizes and why? What about him that he/she admires the most?

18] How is his/her relationship/behavior with parents, teachers, friends, relatives? What are the qualities he/she admires in them? How is his behavior in school?

19] What kind of questions does he/she asks to his/her parents, relatives, teachers?

20] What are his/her views about the world?

21] What makes the child cry or laugh?

22] What makes your child very angry and irritable?
23] What does the child do when he/she is alone?

24] Is there any particular reaction does he / she throw about a particular person?

25] Have you observed any change in his/her behavior on starting a particular T.V./radio program? If so, what is it? How does he/she react?
Evocationer 9 years ago

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