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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erectile dysfunction resulting from radiation therapy


I am a 57-year-old male who enjoyed healthy sexual response up until receiving allopathic treatment for prostate cancer 2.5 years ago. The treatment was brachytherapy-- the implantation of radioactive iodine seeds into the prostate, which has the effect of literally vaporizing the prostate gland and presumably a portion of the surrounding nerves which affect erection. Men facing the decision to treat prostate cancer call this "the
decision from Hell".

So far, the prostate cancer does not show signs of reappearing. However, my erectile capacity is diminished. I no longer obtain psychogenic erections, and can obtain a partial erection with manual stimulation, but this the type of erection that fades quickly. Also, I now have inhibited sexual desire, owing to the lack of a prostate gland.

Since the radiation treatment, sexuality has improved marginally, but the erectile dysfunction is difficult to accept. I realize that you don't get through hell in a week and that sexuality will probably just never be the same again. However, I have noticed a few posts concerning this problem and wonder if homeopathy might offer benefits. In this important area of life, I will take any help I can get.

Thank you brothers.
  Zorax on 2005-11-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please continue the Cadmium Sulph 30 thrice in a day for a month and after you report to us
deoshlok last decade

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